Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs?

Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents ‘Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs?’ Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs?


More than 65 million Americans have an incurable STD. Each year, 20 million new cases are reported; half of these infections are among people ages 15 to 24 and they can have long-term consequences.


Why You Need To Get Tested For STDs

Why You Need To Get Tested For STDs


The risk of STDs/STIs is particularly high among sexually active adolescents and young adults. As an example, in the United States, the rate of reported cases of chlamydia among women are highest among ages 20 to 24, followed by ages 15 to 19. In 2018, the incidence of chlamydia in these age brackets was 4,064 and 3,306 cases per 100,000 persons, respectively, compared with the total incidence of 540 cases per 100,000 persons.



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#hersmartchoice #hscmc #birthcontrol #yourdecision #stds #stis #chlamydia #gonorrhea #syphilis #trichomoniasis Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs? Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents ‘Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs?’ Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs? More than 65 million Americans have an incurable STD. Each year, 20 million new cases are reported; half of these infections are among people ages 15 to 24 and they can have long-term consequences. The risk of STDs/STIs is particularly high among sexually active adolescents and young adults. As an example, in the United States, the rate of reported cases of chlamydia among women are highest among ages 20 to 24, followed by ages 15 to 19. In 2018, the incidence of chlamydia in these age brackets was 4,064 and 3,306 cases per 100,000 persons, respectively, compared with the total incidence of 540 cases per 100,000 persons. Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs? Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents ‘Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs?’ Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs? More than 65 million Americans have an incurable STD. Each year, 20 million new cases are reported; half of these infections are among people ages 15 to 24 and they can have long-term consequences. The risk of STDs/STIs is particularly high among sexually active adolescents and young adults. As an example, in the United States, the rate of reported cases of chlamydia among women are highest among ages 20 to 24, followed by ages 15 to 19. In 2018, the incidence of chlamydia in these age brackets was 4,064 and 3,306 cases per 100,000 persons, respectively, compared with the total incidence of 540 cases per 100,000 persons. 

The risk of STDs/STIs is particularly high among sexually active adolescents and young adults. As an example, in the United States, the rate of reported cases of chlamydia among women are highest among ages 20 to 24, followed by ages 15 to 19. In 2018, the incidence of chlamydia in these age brackets was 4,064 and 3,306 cases per 100,000 persons, respectively, compared with the total incidence of 540 cases per 100,000 persons.
The risk of STDs/STIs is particularly high among sexually active adolescents and young adults. As an example, in the United States, the rate of reported cases of chlamydia among women are highest among ages 20 to 24, followed by ages 15 to 19. In 2018, the incidence of chlamydia in these age brackets was 4,064 and 3,306 cases per 100,000 persons, respectively, compared with the total incidence of 540 cases per 100,000 persons.


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