Worried about Unplanned Pregnancy?
Safe Convenient confidential Affordable
Abortion Pills

Abortion Pills
We understand unwanted pregnancy can put a lot of stress on the physical and mental health of a woman. In such situations, Termination of Pregnancy (TOP) or abortion can be a blessing for her. The termination can be safely performed until the end of the second trimester as per state law. There are two types of procedures are available for Termination of Pregnancy.
● Medical Abortion:
Use of medicines for termination of pregnancy up to 10 weeks or 70 days.
● Surgical Abortion:
Use of surgical methods for termination of pregnancy.
Considering Abortion?
When to choose medication abortion/abortion pill?
● If a woman prefers medications over a surgical procedure
● Up to 70 days of pregnancy, it is considered more effective than surgical abortion.
Abortion via Telehealth
In most circumstances, doctors can perform medication abortion through telehealth (phone) for women who are unwilling or unable to visit clinics. Telehealth consists of three consultations with knowledgeable and qualified health professionals who will analyze your condition, request the required tests, prescribe the relevant medications, advise you through the procedure, and follow you up according to best practice. If it requires testing, an abortion practitioner does a video evaluation, analyzes the results of those tests, and mails the abortion pills to the patient.

Birth control prevents unwanted pregnancy. At Her Smart Choice we have the experience and knowledge to assist you in finding the right options to suit your lifestyle and fit your needs.

STDs are common and symptoms are usually mild. We offer a full range of testing and treatment options to maintain your reproductive health and well-being.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a long-lasting and reversible form of contraception. IUDs are placed in the uterus and prevent pregnancy for 3-10 years, depending on the device.