
What is STD

What Does STD Mean?

Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents ‘What Does STD Mean?’

What Does STD Mean? – It’s a sexually transmitted disease.
If you have sex, oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse and or genital touching, you can get an STD, also called a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
You’re straight or gay, married or single, and vulnerable to STIs symptoms.
Thinking or hoping your partner doesn’t have an STI is no protection; you need to know.


What are the causes of STDs?
The causes of STDs are viral or bacterial infections. STDs that are caused due to bacterial infections are treated using antibiotics.
There is no cure for STDs caused by viral infections, but you can take measures to treat std symptoms.

What factors increase your risk of contracting an STD?
The below-mentioned factors can increase your risk of contracting an STD:
⚹ Having sex with greater than one partner
⚹ Having a sexual partner who themselves has sex with greater than one partner either currently or in the past
⚹ Having sex with a person who has an STD or STI
⚹ Having a personal history of STDs/STIs
⚹ Using intravenous drugs or if your partner uses intravenous drugs

What are the most commonly occurring STDs?
Some of the commonly occurring STDs are:
⚹ Chlamydia
⚹ Genital herpes
⚹ Gonorrhea
⚹ HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection
⚹ Syphilis
⚹ HPV (human papillomavirus) infection
⚹ Hepatitis B
⚹ Trichomoniasis

How can you prevent STDs?
The following are the top five methods to prevent STDs:

Abstaining from having all types of sexual contact, i.e., vaginal, oral, or anal, is the most efficient and reliable method to avoid contracting an STD. However, most individuals don’t find abstinence a practical way of dealing with the situation.

Getting a vaccine is a safe and effective method recommended to prevent HPV and hepatitis B. The HPV vaccine for both females and males may protect against certain common forms of HPV. It is recommended that you get all three shots (doses) before engaging in sexual activity. However, an HPV vaccine is recommended for all teen girls and females after the age of 26 and all teen boys and males after the age of 21 who were not given the three shots or doses of HPV vaccine before (at a younger age). You must also get a hepatitis B vaccine if you have not received the vaccine before (at a younger age).

Reduce the number of your sex partners
Reducing the number of sex partners can also decrease contracting an STD. It is also essential to know about the sexual history of your partner. The more significant number of partners you have, the greater your risk of getting an STD. The same is also true for your sexual partners, i.e., if they have more partners, it still increases your risk. You and your sexual partner should get tested for STDs. Moreover, both of you should share the results of your tests with each other.

Mutual monogamy
The meaning of mutual monogamy is that you have agreed to have sex with only one individual who has also decided to have sex with you. Having a long-term relationship that is mutually monogamous is among the most effective and reliable methods to prevent STDs.

Use condoms
Using male condoms made of latex correctly and consistently is incredibly effective in reducing the transmission of STDs. You must use a latex condom each time you are involved in vaginal, oral, or anal sex. You can also use a female condom while having vaginal intercourse. You should use dental dams or condoms while having oral sex and gloves during manual penetration.

In case of using a lubricant, be sure to use a water-based lubricant. It is essential to use condoms during the entire sexual act. Though condoms aren’t 100% effective in preventing STDs, they are still highly effective.


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Abortion via telehealth

How is Abortion via Telehealth Done?

In most circumstances, doctors can perform medication abortions through phone for women who are unwilling or unable to visit clinics. Abortion via telehealth consists of three consultations with knowledgeable and qualified health professionals who will analyze your condition, request the required tests, prescribe the relevant medications, advise you through the procedure, and follow you up according to best practice. If it requires testing, an abortion practitioner does a video evaluation, analyzes the results of those tests, and mails the abortion pills to the patient.


Abortion via telehealth is a safe and convenient way to end a pregnancy before nine weeks. Using the Abortion Pill to end a pregnancy at home is a safe and confidential option. You only need to come at least once to one of our abortion clinics to take the blood and ultrasound tests close to your home and our doctors will take care of everything else online.


What can You expect following an abortion via telehealth?


A typical period lasts between 9 and 15 days; however, some women have bled for as long as 70 days. Call the clinic if bleeding hasn’t started within 24 hours or if it’s getting worse.


As soon as a week goes by, you’ll get another blood test to ensure you aren’t pregnant. There will be a dramatic decline in pregnancy hormone levels, but it will still be positive. After we receive the results, we’ll get in touch with you to ensure everything is good.


Pregnancy can be ended medically with two medications (mifepristone and misoprostol), similar to a miscarriage at any stage up to nine weeks. Millions of women around the world have taken these medications safely and effectively.


Can Tubal Sterilization be reversed if you change your mind?

Is Tubal Sterilization Irreversible?

Tubal sterilization is an irreversible surgical procedure. Hence, women cannot have children after they have undergone tubal ligation. However, it should be noted that tubal sterilization can be reversed by another surgery. The procedure involves reattachment of the fallopian tubes to allow the passage of sperm and eggs. However, only 50-80% of women are able to get pregnant after the procedure. Hence, this method of contraception is considered suitable only for women who have had children and do not wish to have more children in the future.


How do you get ready for the procedure of Tubal Ligation?


Women should inform the physician about the medicines they are using including herbal supplements. They should also stop taking aspirin and other medications that cause thinning of the blood and prevent clotting in order to reduce the risk of excessive bleeding. 

They should inform the physician if they smoke or have a history of allergy to any anesthetic agent. 

The patients would also receive instructions about how many hours before the procedure they should avoid eating food. Generally, if tubal ligation is to be performed in the morning, the patient is advised to avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight


What happens after Tubal Ligation?


After the procedure, women can resume their normal diet after being discharged from the hospital. It is advisable to avoid lifting heavy weights for a few weeks. Also, they continue to have their periods normally. In rare cases, they may develop a few complications due to the surgery such as bleeding from the incision.


What are the risks of Tubal Ligation?


Tubal ligation is generally safe. In rare cases, women may experience a few complications such as:

  • Side effects of anesthesia
  • Ectopic pregnancy 
  • Infection at the site of the incision

Can I Become Pregnant After I Stop Using Depo-Provera

Getting Pregnant and Infertility After Depo-Provera

Depo-Provera is a birth control method for a woman. It is a type of hormone that is made up similar to progesterone. It is given as an injection by a doctor into the woman’s buttocks or arm. This shot provides protection against pregnancy for up to 14 weeks. It must be received once every 12 weeks to remain fully protected. 

Three to four months after your last Depo-Provera shot, You could become pregnant. However, it may take up to a year or two to conceive for some women after they stop using their Depo shot.

Depo-Provera is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. It does not prevent the spreading of STDs. To help protect yourself from STDs, use a latex male condom each time you and your partner have sex.

Feel free to contact one of our offices to talk to one of our doctors today to determine if Depo-Provera is right for you.


What Are the Advantages of Using Depo-Provera?


There are several advantages to using Depo-Provera:

  • You don’t have to use it before sex, and you don’t have to remember to take it every day.
  • It provides long-term protection as long as you get the shot every three months.
  • It doesn’t interfere with sexual activity.
  • It’s over 99% effective.
  • It’s less expensive than the Pill.


Are There Side Effects Associated With Depo-Provera?


Depo-Provera can cause some side effects, including:

  • Irregular menstrual periods, or no periods at all
  • Nervousness
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Acne
  • Changes in appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Loss of bone mineral density


Can Any Woman Use Depo-Provera?


Most women can use Depo-Provera. However, it is not recommended for women who have:

  • Unexplained vaginal bleeding
  • Liver disease
  • Breast cancer
  • Blood clots


What Are the Disadvantages of Using Depo-Provera?


There are some disadvantages to using Depo-Provera, it can cause unwanted side effects, it does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases, it can cause irregular menstrual periods, if you want to become pregnant, you need to stop taking it Depo-Provera several months ahead of time, and the final disadvantage is you need to do regular doctor visits might be required.

Feel free to contact one of our offices to talk to one of our doctors today to determine if Depo-Provera is right for you.


Category: Birth Control, STD

IUDs Types

As a woman, it is always wise to discuss your family planning options with your husband or partner. 

Family planning discussion will give you an idea about where you both stand on having kids. 

Moreover, if in this discussion you decide not to have kids for a few years, you can explore your birth control options. 

One of the most popular birth control options that women choose is Intra-Uterine devices (IUDs). This is the most effective birth control option that will last for about 12 years. 

But there is a major myth associated with IUDs. Some women think if they get IUDs, they will be choosing IUD for abortion

But the truth is far from that. IUDs do not prevent pregnancy by causing abortion.  

Instead, they prevent the pregnancy by either killing the sperms that enter the uterus or prevent the egg release from the ovary. This reduces the chances of fertilization to minuscule levels.

So, no fertilization, no pregnancy!

Now that we have got this myth busted, let us tell you about the two categories of IUDs you can choose from.

  • Non-Hormonal IUDs: In this category, a plastic T-shaped structure is wrapped with copper around it, hence copper IUDs.

Sperms hate copper because it changes the way they can swim thus preventing its meet with the egg. No fertilization, no pregnancy! 

  • Hormonal IUDs: In this category, a plastic T-shaped structure releases the hormone progestin in your body. 

Progestin is very much like natural progesterone released in your body. Hormonal IUDs prevent pregnancy in two ways.

These IUDs make the mucus of your cervix thicker making the entry of sperms difficult. Or else, they prevent the release of the egg from the ovary. 

Again, no fertilization, no pregnancy!

To know more about these categories of IUDs and which one is the best for you, contact us at Her Smart Choice.

We at Her Smart Choice are one of the leading affordable abortion clinics where we truly respect a woman’s choice for her body and life. 

We have a team of experienced medical professionals, who will provide you with the best family planning options that suit your needs. 

Not having kids or getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy is a tough decision for any woman. We understand the seriousness of this decision. 

Therefore, we ensure that every woman feels safe and confident with the options, the moment she steps in through our clinic doors. 

At Her Smart Choice, we provide family planning options and consultations such as IUDs, medical abortion tablets, surgical abortion, hormonal birth control, and others. 

You can also visit us for gynecological services such as a PAP smear test, STDs and its testing, pelvic mass, and abnormal bleeding conditions. 

If you have been trying to conceive but have been unsuccessful, you can reach out to use for infertility treatments too. 

At Her Smart Choice, we also treat several gynecological conditions such as urinary tract infections, pelvis, or bladder-related issues, and such. 

So, you can visit us not only when you want an abortion but also for other woman’s reproductive health issues. 

We understand that discussing such sensitive issues demands the utmost confidentiality and privacy. And we strive to provide the same to every patient who visits us. 

You can visit us after booking an appointment via call or email. 

We also welcome walk-in patients all week at all our locations. 

You can find us at six locations in Los Angeles, namely, Burbank, Huntington Park, Van Nuys, East Los Angeles, San Fernando, and Northridge. 

So, take charge of your reproductive health with us at Her Smart Choice! 

prepare for abortion appointment

How to Prepare for Your Abortion Appointment? – A Simple Guide

So, you are pregnant but instead of being happy, you feel stressed. Trust us you are not alone! Moreover, you don’t have to feel guilty for not wanting the pregnancy. 

Always remember it is your body, your choice. 

Once you have decided to abort the pregnancy, it is time to visit a women’s abortion clinic. We will tell you about your options for aborting the unintended pregnancy and how to prepare for your abortion appointment.

Based on the duration of your pregnancy and your health condition, we will suggest a treatment plan. 

You will undergo either a medical abortion or surgical abortion. Now, of course, when you are with one of our experts at the clinic, you will be equipped with all the necessary information about your treatment. 

In addition to that, we also want you to know how you should prepare for your abortion appointment if you choose to go through the procedure. 

Here are a few important points to note. 

  • Plan Your Travel: Yes, this is important. After the medical or surgical abortion, you will not be able to drive yourself back from the clinic. Hence, please make sure to arrange your travel in advance. If you are visiting us from another city, we suggest you stay overnight and travel the next day.
  • Bring a Companion: It is strongly recommended to bring a companion with you. Whether it is a friend or family member, a companion can help take care of your things while you are in the treatment. If you are under 16, an adult (18+) must accompany you. 
  • Essentials to Bring: Make sure to bring your medications, an extra pair of underwear, and sanitary pads (for heavy flow). 

If you have any questions about the same, don’t hesitate to call us at Her Smart Choice where we want to help each woman make an informed choice about her body and life. 

We are based in Los Angeles at six locations with the sole aim of providing the right abortion treatment options to every woman who walks in through our doors.  

Abortion is not an easy choice and we completely understand the gravity of the situation. Without wasting much time, we will put you in touch with one of our experts for your assessment. 

Apart from the points mentioned above, depending on whether you are undergoing surgical abortion or using abortion tablets as a route, we will ensure that you have been notified of all the dietary and drinking restrictions. 

You can visit us by booking an appointment via call or email. 

But if you are in a hurry to get rid of the unwanted pregnancy, we always welcome walk-in patients at all our locations. 

Our clinic not only provides abortion services, but you can also contact us for discussing family planning options such as birth control methods, get a pap test or STD test. 

We also help couples who are experiencing fertility issues. 

We cater to all patients irrespective of their financial background. We are known as one of the low income abortion clinics in Los Angeles. 

At Her Smart Choice, your reproductive and sexual health is our top priority![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Pregnant woman

Types of Birth Control and Their Efficacy in Preventing Pregnancy

With the advancements in medical science, the number of methods available for birth control is on the rise. Some studies suggest that birth control can be used effectively, while others only believe that it can prevent pregnancy and not affect present pregnancies.

Before we clear the air around birth control and its use for abortion, let us first discuss some common forms of birth control and their efficiency in preventing pregnancy.

  1. Continuous abstinence: 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STD/STIs.
  2. Surgical Sterilization: Permanent surgical methods can effectively prevent either a woman’s eggs from reaching the uterus (in tubal litigation) or a man’s sperm from entering a woman (in vasectomy) during intercourse. The failure rate is a mere 1%.
  3. Male condoms: Prevent sperm from reaching the egg. The estimated rate of failure is 11% to 16%.
  4. Female condoms: Prevents the sperm from reaching the egg. Failure in the case of female condoms is around 20%.
  5. Diaphragm: A shallow latex cup that can be fitted by using a visit to the medical care provider. It has a failure rate of 15%.
  6. Cervical cup: A thimble-shaped cup, with a failure rate that can vary from 14% to 29%.
  7. Fertility awareness method: Maintaining abstinence or using other methods depending on the hormone cycle to prevent pregnancy. The method is hard to perfect and thus has a 25% failure rate.

What kind of birth control method you use are a matter of personal choice and your health conditions.

At Her Smart Choice, we can help you select the most appropriate method of birth control depending on your choices and situation.

Birth control methods like the emergency “morning after” pill, hormonal vaginal contraceptive ring, patch, oral contraceptive, Depo-Provera, and intra-uterine devices can also be options worth considering.

Now, it is important that you understand that all forms of birth control cannot act as an option for abortion.

pregnancy termination pill called abortion pill is the safest and sure-shot method of terminating an existing pregnancy.

Before you make use of any method of birth control, contraception, or abortion, it is important to get advice from experts.

Using unsuitable methods can be a risky proposition, and have negative effects on your overall health.

At Her Smart Choice, your sexual and reproductive health and wellness if our primary concerns.

We will make sure you are offered the right solution depending on your condition, health, and need. At Her Smart Choice, you will not just get many choices, but also the proper guidance and information to make a smart choice.

Other than being a preferred choice among low-cost abortion clinics, Her Smart Choice is also a reliable center for gathering information, getting checked for STD/STI, and for discussing fertility and reproductive health issues.

No matter what your concerns are, we, with our experts are always ready to help you find the most viable options and make a smart choice.






Abortion via telehealth

What to Expect When You Take Abortion Tablets

The abortion pill has been FDA-approved for the last 20 years and has a 98% efficacy rate. And yet, there is so much confusion and misconceptions about its use.

Abortion through tablets is a very popular method and a lot of people use this method.

But, several myths surround its use.

To make sure such myths don’t stop you from getting the right medical care at the right time, here are some myth busters:

What is the abortion pill?

While it is called an ‘abortion pill’, the method of pregnancy termination using tablets, uses 2 pills. The first pill is to prevent the growth of the pregnancy called mifepristone. And the second pill misoprostol is to evict the pregnancy out of your uterus. 

What happens after taking the pill?

For most people, the first pill causes no symptoms. A very small number of people also face little vaginal bleeding after they take the pill. However, this is not common.

Taking the second pill (usually within 72 hours of taking the first pill) can cause a lot of symptoms.

While exactly defining the symptoms isn’t possible and the experience varies from person to person, the effect can be best described as somewhat similar to a miscarriage.

What follows includes cramping and bleeding within an hour of taking the pill

It also feels normal to feel chills, nausea, and have diarrhea. Flu-like symptoms and a mild fever may also accompany the bleeding and cramping.

Our medical staff at Her Smart Choice will also provide you pain-relief medication, and others help to make the process easier for you.

While the heaviest bleeding is likely to get over within 3 to 4 hours, it is common to experience slight bleeding till the next period, which is likely to come 4 or 6 weeks after the abortion.

If you feel that your symptoms (cramps, heavy bleeding, and flu-like feeling) don’t subside even after 24 hours and are getting worse, you should contact us.

We will examine your situation and offer the best solution to move forward.

At Her Smart Choice, we take great pride in being a quick abortion clinic. We understand the importance of timely action. We also understand that each passing minute is a burden for you. To ease your stress, tension, and issues, we take all possible steps to give you the fastest and the most effective solution to your problem.

A lot of people also believe that using an abort pregnancy tablet is likely to increase your chances of breast cancer. But that is just a myth. It is not backed by science and is just a misconception.

Also, at Her Smart Choice, we can assure you that you are making the right choice. The abortion options that we offer are 100% safe and have no side effects in the long run. It will not affect your reproductive health and cause no negative impact on any future pregnancies.

No matter what sexual or reproductive health issue you are dealing with, Her Smart Choice stands beside you in helping you find the right solution and making a smart choice.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


free abortion pill clinic

Methods of Birth Control – Consider Your Options before Making a Call

There is no one-size-fits-all type of birth control method. There are several options available that are affordable, safe, and effective. And all these options fit different lifestyles, budgets, and situations. 

Before you make a rash decision and consider the medical abortion pill as the only option, you should know what choices you have. When you are aware of the options that you have, you are more likely to make an informed choice.

Before we present to you the options, it is better to clarify the terms of birth control and abortion.

Birth control, in any form, natural, hormonal, or non-hormonal prevent concept. These contraceptive methods are used before you conceive, to prevent that from happening.

Abortion, on the other hand, is a method used to terminate a pregnancy after conception. A lot of women consider abortion as primary birth control but that is not exactly true.

Birth control is a method to prevent conception and abortion is the method to terminate a conception.

Here are some methods of birth control for your consideration:

  1. Hormonal methods like pills, patches, vagina rings. There are progesterone-only pills and injections also.
  2. IUD or intrauterine devices (copper and hormonal) can also be inserted to offer protection from pregnancy for quite many years. In a lot of cases, there is a use of IUD for abortion as well. 
  3. Barrier methods like condoms, diaphragms, spermicides, cervical caps are also known to be effective methods of birth control.
  4. Sterilization methods like tubal litigation and vasectomy are also used by couples who do not wish to have children anytime in the future.  
  5. Some natural methods of birth control are also practiced that include abstinence, the fertility awareness method (FAM), withdrawal, and also the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM).

At Her Smart Choice, we can offer you guidance regarding all the aforementioned methods. 

Other than guidance, if you need emergency contraception or abortion services, then too Her Smart Choice can be your first choice.

Surveys have indicated that unintended pregnancies that interfere with a woman’s education, career, or ability to care for dependents remain the top remains the top cause of abortion.

No matter what your reason be, we will make sure that you get complete care, effective treatment, and you face absolutely no stress or judgment.

At Her Smart Choice, our main aim is to offer you the right options and help you make a smart choice. This smart choice is going to be suitable for your mental and physical health, your current situation, and your financial position.

Other than abortion and birth control, we also offer services related to reproductive health.

We offer several infertility treatments that can help you conceive. Our urogynecology services include treatment for bladder emptying disorders, interstitial cystitis, menopause, pelvic or bladder pain disorders, pelvic organ prolapse, sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, detrusor related incontinence, mixed incontinence, or urinary tract infections. We also offer STD tests and treatment.

No matter what your issue is, you can visit us and we will help you make a smart choice.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]




Is it safe to take birth control pills and antidepressants at the same time?

Walk-in Clinic Offering Abortion Pills – We Respect Your Choice

There can be several reasons why you might want to get an abortion done. And no matter what your reason is, we respect your choice.

We understand that you are not prepared for pregnancy. But, before you take any drastic steps, you should have the right information that can guide you and help you make a smart choice.

When you are looking for ways to terminate the pregnancy, it is very important to understand the implications of the method of pregnancy termination that you choose. The best thing that you can do here is to visit a walk-in abortion clinic.

Now, while there are several clinics that can offer guidance, consultation, and required treatment after an appointment, sometimes, you need a quick response. It is not always possible that you wait for an appointment.

Pregnancy, if unwanted, is an emergency for most women. And a walk-in abortion clinic helps get instant help in such situations.

Now, if you are looking for abortion using the abortion pill, you need to act fast. It is best to get an abortion early on in pregnancy for the best results.

Some of the reasons for this include:

  • The success rate of abortion is much higher.
  • The dosage of medication required for pregnancy termination is less.
  • Bleeding and abdominal pain are minimum.
  • Chances of ectopic are low.

Also, if you get an abortion pill early on, you don’t have to face the mental frustration for longer.

Again, it is essential to talk to your medical care provider before you make the final call.

At Her Smart Choice, we are always available for you. No matter what reasons you have for pregnancy termination, you will have our complete support always.

And it will not just be blank support, but guidance and advice as well. We will make sure that the decision that you take is in the best interest of your mental, physical, and sexual well-being.

We have a walk-in facility, and for urgent cases that need immediate attention, we offer quick care.

If you have time, you can schedule an appointment online or via call. But, if not, we will help you whenever you need us.

When you visit our facility, we offer our services in three phases:

Phase 1: The first phase includes getting to know you. We make sure that we understand your physical health conditions, mental condition, and social situation. The options that you will be getting from experts at Her Smart Choice will be in line with your overall needs.

Phase 2: Options for Treatments. We respect your choice and we are always working towards helping you make an informed and smart choice. We try and offer multiple solutions to your problem so that you can choose the one that suits you the best.

Phase 3: Treatment and aftercare. We believe in building long-term relations with our patients. We are not like most clinics that offer abortion pills. We feel our responsibility does not end after we have given you the treatment. We will always be available to help you.

Make smart life choices with Her Smart Choice![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]



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Safe Convenient Affordable Abortion Pills from Her Smart Choice, women's health center abortionabortion provider abortion pillsbirth controlfamily planning servicesGynecological ServicesUrogynecologyInfertilitypap teststd testingIUDSsurgical abortionMedication abortionwomen's health clinicabortion provider Her Smart Choice - Abortion Clinic and Gynecologist in Greater Los Angeles $50 - 1200 Price Range: $$$ 213-344-0267 2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles Her Smart Choice - Abortion Clinic and Gynecologist in Greater Los Angeles
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2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033 213-344-0267 213-372-0307
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