Comparing Benefit
Her Smart Choice | Planned Parenthood |
Same-day appointments available | Usually have to wait for 2 to 3 weeks for
an appointment |
Physician available 24/7 for questions and phone consult |
Difficult to reach any staff |
Minimal waiting time – under 1 hour | Usually takes up to 3 or 4 hours |
We answer immediately for appointments and other questions |
You need to wait 15-30 minutes to get someone on the phone. |
Low-income eligibility for free abortion pill done within 30 minutes |
Patients have to spend more than 4 hours to determine they are eligible |
Walk-in patients are welcome at all times |
You need an appointment to be seen |
Services Offered
Her Smart Choice Medical Centers Offer a Variety of Services :
According to guidelines by Food and Drug Administration of United States, this regimen is highly effective and should be used for termination of pregnancy of less than 70 days.
The pain associated with medical abortion is varied but one should expect some degree of mild to moderate abdominal pain depending on their pain threshold and the gestational age of the pregnancy.
The price of a medical abortion depends on the center where the abortion is carried out, the type of abortion regimen that is used, and the gestational age of the pregnancy. So, generally the price would vary.
Most insurance companies will cover a medical abortion but it is always important to check with your insurance company just to be sure.
Minors would generally require their parent’s consent, but it is also important to find out about abortion laws relevant to your state of residence.
Women who are rhesus negative would need to receive this anti-D immunoglobulin after a medical abortion to prevent miscarriages in subsequent pregnancies.
After taking the second tablet, you may feel abdominal cramps as you begin passing the products of pregnancy. You may take pain killers to relax you and allow the pill to work.
Consult your doctor on this matter. You may be advised not to take a bath immediately. This is to prevent infection due to water entering the exposed area.
You may choose to do so, but remember that it can take 40-60 days before the pregnancy test becomes negative. If you take a test immediately afterwards, you will still get a positive result.
If you are working with qualified doctors and nurses, they will always maintain patient confidentiality. There is no need of worry about your privacy or information being leaked.
It is said that medical abortion is more effective than surgical abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. For pregnancy of less then 7 weeks old, this method will be 98% effective. After that the effectiveness will decrease, but still remains as high as 95%.
Yes. Mifepristone and methotrexate need some time to work. Only after that, the misoprostol will be effective in expelling all the content. So you need to keep some distance between two pills.
There are alternative regimens available, but less used. Sometimes single pills are also used, but the studies have shown them to be about 70-85% less effective than the combination.
For mild to moderate pain, you can take Tylenol (500-1000 mg). If pain is more severe, you may take ibuprofen (200-600 mg). In extreme cases, codeine may be prescribed.
If you have fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or lower abdominal pain after medical abortion, you can suspect infection. You should immediately contact a doctor as this is a dangerous condition.
If medical abortion fails, it can be followed by repeat medical or surgical abortion. There is not enough evidence available to show that abortion pills can cause anomaly in an embryo except for methotrexate.
Our Happy Customers
Compassionate care! OMG, I went to this clinic recently and they REALLY took care of me. I called to make an appointment in the morning and they saw me that same afternoon. It was totally easier than I thought and the whole thing took about forty-five minutes. The girl at the front desk was super sweet and the doctor was patient with my (million) questions.
I went here. I was late for my appointment, hot from the weather, and angry from the bus. Was a mess when I walked through the door. The lady who gave me my paperwork was so nice and I saw the doctor without waiting. The whole vibe of the place really perked me up, everyone was so understanding. Thank you, guys!
Girls, I went here for a pill abortion and it was actually a great experience. Like, it was my first time and I wasn’t sure what to expect but since I was getting close to the 10-week point I knew I’d have to make it happen. I made an appointment here, I filled out the paperwork, did the ultrasound, spoke with the doctor, and got the medication —suuuuuper simple.
Our Happy Customers
Compassionate care! OMG, I went to this clinic recently and they REALLY took care of me. I called to make an appointment in the morning and they saw me that same afternoon. It was totally easier than I thought and the whole thing took about forty-five minutes. The girl at the front desk was super sweet and the doctor was patient with my (million) questions.
I went here. I was late for my appointment, hot from the weather, and angry from the bus. Was a mess when I walked through the door. The lady who gave me my paperwork was so nice and I saw the doctor without waiting. The whole vibe of the place really perked me up, everyone was so understanding. Thank you, guys!
Girls, I went here for a pill abortion and it was actually a great experience. Like, it was my first time and I wasn’t sure what to expect but since I was getting close to the 10-week point I knew I’d have to make it happen. I made an appointment here, I filled out the paperwork, did the ultrasound, spoke with the doctor, and got the medication —suuuuuper simple.