Comparing Benefit
Her Smart Choice | Planned Parenthood |
Same-day appointments available | Usually have to wait for 2 to 3 weeks for
an appointment |
Physician available 24/7 for questions and phone consult |
Difficult to reach any staff |
Minimal waiting time – under 1 hour | Usually takes up to 3 or 4 hours |
We answer immediately for appointments and other questions |
You need to wait 15-30 minutes to get someone on the phone. |
Low-income eligibility for free abortion pill done within 30 minutes |
Patients have to spend more than 4 hours to determine they are eligible |
Walk-in patients are welcome at all times |
You need an appointment to be seen |
Patient Testimonials
Friendly staff, clean facility, not like other offices where you wait forever after your scheduled appointment. They were very prompt. Staff was great! She helped me out with all my needs. I will be returning in the future.
Nicole S.
My procedure went smooth. The doctors and nurses are very attentive and caring here. The office is well-sanitized as well. Great overall experience! Very friendly, welcoming environment. They have flexibility appointment schedule.
Lily C.
My needs were met, doctor and nurses provide excellent service, they make sure you understand what is happening and going to happen next and overall I trusted them and felt very comfortable. Best abortion clinic in Los Angeles.
Melissa M.
The doctor is the best in what he does and is top OB/GYN professional in Los Angeles. And the team are super caring. Repeat patient here. The office is nice and clean. Highly recommend! I am going back for further services.
Samantha R.
Services Offered
Her Smart Choice Medical Centers Offer a Variety of Services :
English; Spanish; Interpretation by telephone available for other languages.