3 Things to Know Before Getting an Abortion Done
If you are not willing to start a family at the moment, missing your periods can be a scary situation for you. If you think you are pregnant and want to get an abortion, you should first take a deep breath, relax, and then act.
If you do not wish to continue with the pregnancy, abortion is certainly a viable option. But, it is not always the case. There can be situations when you should consider other options. Unlike surgical abortion, medical abortion which includes pills is a much safer alternative.
Nevertheless, if you do not wish to continue with the pregnancy, visit an abortion clinic at the earliest.
However, before you get an abortion done, here are 3 important things that you need to consider:
Is your pregnancy viable?
There can be certain cases when the pregnancy is not viable. In such situations, there are complications in pregnancy that are most likely to result in a natural miscarriage.
Though these situations are rare, you should visit an expert and before directly looking for an abortion, get the proper checkup done.
In case of a pregnancy that is not viable and natural miscarriage is likely to occur, take steps as per the suggestion of the expert.
How many weeks pregnant you are?
The stage of pregnancy plays an important role in deciding the method of removing pregnancy. Your medical care provider will be able to guide you in the best way.
At Her Smart Choice, we make sure we consider how many weeks pregnant you are before suggesting any best option.
At our private abortion clinic in Los Angeles, we carry out proper tests and then make sure that the decision that you make is well guided and based on accurate information.
Get Tested for STD/STI
Even if you do not have any active symptoms of STD/STI, you might be infected. Before you get an abortion, it is wise to get tested for STD/STI.
There have been cases when the abortion procedures became complicated due to underlying STDs or STIs.
This can pose a major risk to your lifelong reproductive and overall health.
At Her Smart Choice, you cannot just get a safe abortion, but also get tested and treated for STD/STI, if the need be.
Her Smart Choice believes that you have all the right to make decisions for your life and those decisions should be based on complete information and proper guidance.
The staff at our abortion clinics is non-judgmental and completely supportive. We understand you, And we make sure you get the treatment and care that is the best suited for your mental, physical, and reproductive health.
If getting an abortion is your choice, we will make sure you are given proper guidance, treatment, aftercare, and all possible help.
Life can get tough sometimes. And in situations like these, Her Smart Choice helps you make the right choice.