
Supporting Women Through the Abortion Process

Supporting Women Through the Abortion Process

Abortion is a sensitive and multifaceted issue, but one thing is clear: women who opt for abortion deserve compassionate and respectful care. That is why healthcare providers play a prime role in supporting women through the abortion process, both by providing high-quality medical care and by offering emotional support and counseling. 


In this blog, you will explore and get to know about various ways in which healthcare providers can help women navigate the abortion process with dignity and respect. 


Promising Role of Healthcare Providers in Supporting Women Through the Abortion Process


abortion center


Supportive Counseling and Education

One of the prime roles healthcare providers can play is to offer the right counseling and education to women who are considering an abortion. This includes providing accurate information about the procedure itself as well as discussing the woman’s options and helping her make an informed decision. Healthcare providers should also provide information about contraception and help the woman make a plan for future contraception use. 


Adequate Pre-Abortion Care      

Before a woman undergoes an abortion, she will need to undergo certain medical tests and procedures. Healthcare providers can help ensure that these are conducted in a compassionate and respectful manner and that the woman feels comfortable and supported throughout the process. They can also provide information about pain management and anesthesia options and answer any questions the woman may have about the procedure. 


Care During the Abortion

During the abortion itself, healthcare providers should prioritize the woman’s comfort and well-being. This includes providing pain management and anesthesia as needed and ensuring that the woman is aware of what’s happening throughout the procedure. Providers should also monitor the woman’s vital signs and be prepared to respond quickly if any complications arise.


Comprehensive Post-Abortion Care

After the abortion, healthcare providers should continue to offer support and care to the woman. This may include follow-up appointments to ensure that the woman is healing properly and to address any concerns she may have. Providers should also offer counseling and emotional support to help the woman process her feelings about the procedure.


Respectful and Non-Judgmental Care

Perhaps most importantly, healthcare providers should offer respectful and non-judgmental care throughout the entire abortion process. This means treating the woman with dignity and compassion, regardless of her reasons for seeking an abortion. Providers should avoid making assumptions about the woman’s motivations or beliefs and instead focus on providing high-quality medical care and support.


What Providers Should Avoid When Providing Abortion Care


women's health clinic


It is essential that healthcare professionals prioritize their duty of care to women, girls, and pregnant individuals seeking abortion care and not allow their personal beliefs to disrupt access to these services in countries where abortion is legal.


Although in some countries healthcare professionals are allowed to refuse to perform abortions based on their personal beliefs, it is their responsibility to refer women to suitable healthcare providers to avoid any delays in accessing legal abortion services.  All healthcare providers are responsible for ensuring that women can access these services without any delays.


However, healthcare professionals cannot refuse to provide care in cases of emergency and must always provide post-abortion care to those who require it. Refusals of care based on personal beliefs can cause significant harm to patients and must be avoided at all costs.


Final Thoughts!


Undoubtedly, now that you know that healthcare providers play a critical role in supporting women through the abortion process, By offering crucial support in different ways as well as high-quality medical care, providers can help women navigate this complex and often emotionally charged experience with dignity and respect. 

It is important for healthcare providers to approach the abortion process with compassion and understanding and to prioritize the well-being and comfort of the women in their care. The professionals at Her Smart Choice, a leading Women’s Health Center, ensure that you will feel comfortable, supported, and confident while making a decision. Connect with us to open up your heart about your reproductive health; we understand you!


Can I get pregnant if I forget one Birth Control pill?

Birth control pills are a widely used form of contraception globally, with high efficacy rates when taken correctly. However, missing a pill or taking it at the wrong time can decrease its effectiveness and increase the risk of pregnancy.


Further, it also depends on several factors, such as the type of pill, the number of missed active tablets, and the duration since your last pill intake. For instance, missing an active combination contraceptive pill may slightly increase the risk of pregnancy, but even if you take it at the wrong time, some of the drugs will still be present in your body which is elaborated in the following paragraphs of this blog.


Let’s explore the risks associated with forgetting one birth control pill, how it affects different types of pills, and what you can do to minimize such risks. 


How do Birth Control Pills Work?


birth control pills


Before we delve into the risks of missing a pill, it’s crucial to understand how contraception pills work. These pills contain synthetic hormones, such as estrogen and progestin, which work together to prevent ovulation, or the release of an egg from the ovaries; thicken the cervical mucus, making it challenging for sperm to reach the egg; and thin the lining of the uterus, making it difficult for a fertilized egg to implant and grow.


When taken correctly, birth control pills are highly effective, with a failure rate of less than 1% per year. But missing a pill can reduce its effectiveness and increase the chances of pregnancy.


The Risks of Forgetting One Birth Control Pill


women's health clinic


If you forget to take one pill, the risk of pregnancy is relatively low, but it still exists. The possibility of pregnancy depends on the type of pill you are taking, the number of pills missed, and the timing of the missed pill. 


Missing a combination pill, which contains estrogen and progestin, increases the risk of pregnancy slightly but not significantly. If you miss taking an active combination contraceptive pill (a type of birth control pill that contains both estrogen and progestin), the risk of getting pregnant will slightly increase. The active pills in combination with contraceptive pills are the ones that contain hormones and are responsible for preventing pregnancy.       


However, even if you take the pill at the wrong time (for example, taking it a few hours late), some of the drugs (hormones) from the pill will still be present in your body. This means that there is still some level of contraceptive protection, although it may be slightly reduced as compared to taking the pill consistently and at the correct time.


It’s important to note that missing pills or taking them at the wrong time can decrease the effectiveness of the contraceptive and increase the risk of pregnancy. If you are using combination contraceptive pills, it’s advised to follow the prescribed schedule and take the pills consistently to maximize their effectiveness. 


On the other hand, missing a mini-pill, which only contains progestin, increases your chances of getting pregnant, although the chances are still low. It means that when you miss taking a mini-pill, the absence of progestin in your system can increase the possibility of pregnancy. 


Progestin plays a crucial role in preventing pregnancy by thickening the cervical mucus, thinning the uterine lining, and inhibiting ovulation. Therefore, missing a mini-pill can disrupt these mechanisms and potentially allow for ovulation and fertilization to occur.


However, it’s important to note that even if you miss a mini-pill, the chances of getting pregnant are still relatively low compared to not using any form of contraception. The progestin from previously taken pills may still provide some contraceptive effect, and the overall effectiveness of the mini-pill in preventing pregnancy is relatively high when taken correctly.


Extended-cycle contraceptive pills are also a popular choice among women who want to avoid monthly periods. These pills contain 84 active tablets and seven low-dose estrogen or inactive tablets, which equates to four packs per year.


By taking low-dose estrogens in the last seven tablets, it’s possible to minimize the negative side effects of a hormone-free interval, such as bloating and bleeding. 


The risk of pregnancy also depends on when you forget to take the pill during your cycle. Missing a pill in the first week of the pack increases your chances of pregnancy more than forgetting pills in the middle of the pack. This is because your system is already depleted of hormones after a seven-day absence.


If you miss several pills in a row, your chances of getting pregnant increase significantly, especially in the last half of your pack or at the start of a new pack. In such cases, it’s advisable to use emergency contraception or contact nearby women’s health clinic.


Reducing the Risks of Forgetting One Birth Control Pill


birth control clinic


To reduce the risk of forgetting one pill, you can take several measures, such as:

  1. Setting reminders: You can use an application on your phone, an alarm, or a calendar to remind you to take your pill at the same time every day. You can also keep your pill pack in a visible and accessible place, such as your nightstand or your purse.


  1. Using a backup method: You can use a backup method of contraception, such as condoms or a diaphragm, for the first seven days of taking a new pill pack or if you miss a pill by more than 24 hours.


  1. Taking advantage of the placebo pills: If you are taking a combination pill, you can use the placebo pills, which are inactive pills, as a reminder to take your pill every day. The placebo pills are usually colored differently from the active pills and are taken during the fourth week of the pack.


  1. Consider alternative methods: If you find it challenging to remember to take a daily pill, discuss alternative contraceptive methods with your healthcare provider. There are various options available, such as long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), which provide effective contraception for an extended period without requiring the consumption of daily pills.


Summing Up

To be precise, missing one birth control pill can increase the risk of pregnancy, but the possibility depends on the type of pill, the number of pills missed, and the timing of the missed pill. To reduce the risks of forgetting one pill, you can use reminders, backup methods, placebo pills, and consult your healthcare provider. If you do forget a pill, take it as soon as possible and follow the steps outlined above for each type of pill to minimize the risk of pregnancy. You may also contact an expert at Her Smart Choice to avoid any consequences. 

Category: Birth Control
aspiration surgical abortion

Managing Pain During Aspiration Surgical Abortion: Tips and Techniques

Aspiration surgical abortion, also known as vacuum aspiration or suction abortion, is a surgical procedure that can effectively end a pregnancy. It is a secure way that involves the usage of suction to remove the pregnancy tissue from the uterus. However, it might cause discomfort and pain during and after the procedure. The good thing is that there are several pain management techniques available to reduce pain and uneasiness. 

If you are considering aspiration surgical abortion in California, here are some effective tips and techniques that can help you manage pain during the procedure.


What is Aspiration Abortion?

aspiration abortionAspiration abortion is a surgical procedure performed in Women’s Health Clinic. It involves the removal of the pregnancy tissue from the uterus using suction. This procedure is usually performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, up to 14 weeks after the last menstrual period. 


How to Manage Pain During Aspiration Surgical Abortion?


women's health clinic


While aspiration surgical abortion is a relatively safe and straightforward procedure, it can cause distress and pain for some women. The degree of pain experienced during the process can vary from woman to woman, depending on factors such as pain threshold, anxiety, and the type of anesthesia used. Further, you will find that several pain management techniques are available to help with pain management and uneasiness during vacuum surgical abortion.


Tips and Techniques for Managing Pain During Aspiration Surgical Abortion in Abortion Clinic


abortion clinic

  • Pain Relief Medication

Pain relief medication considers the most effective way to manage pain during the procedure. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used to manage mild to moderate pain during the procedure. In some cases, stronger pain medication can be used to manage severe pain. Besides all this, it is important to talk to your doctor about which pain relief medication is best for you. 

  • Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia involves the injection of a numbing agent into the cervix to reduce pain during the procedure. This technique is quick and relatively painless, but the effects of the anesthesia can last for several hours. Local anesthesia can be used in combination with pain relief medication to provide additional pain relief.

  • Conscious Sedation

Conscious sedation is a technique that involves giving medication through an IV to induce a state of relaxation and mild sleepiness. It can help reduce anxiety and pain during the procedure. The patient is usually awake and able to communicate during the procedure, but may not have a clear memory of it afterward.


(Note: Here IV stands for intravenous, which means that the medication is administered directly into a vein through a small tube (catheter) that is inserted into the patient’s arm or hand.)

  • Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and guided imagery can help to reduce anxiety and pain during the procedure. These techniques can be practiced before the procedure and during the procedure to help manage pain and promote relaxation.

  • Heat Therapy

Heat therapy involves the application of heat to the lower abdomen (part of the body below the chest) to help reduce pain and discomfort during aspiration surgical abortion. Heat can be applied through a heating pad, warm compress, or hot water bottle. Heat therapy can help to soothe the muscles and promote relaxation. 

  • Distraction Techniques

Distraction techniques such as listening to music, watching a movie, or focusing on a specific object can help to divert attention away from the pain and discomfort during aspiration surgical abortion. Distraction techniques can be practiced before and during the procedure to help manage pain and obtain comfort.

  • Support System

The support system is essential to have during aspiration surgical abortion as it can help to minimize anxiety and pain. A partner, friend, or family member can provide emotional support and help to distract from the pain and tenderness during the procedure.


The Bottom Line


To put it briefly, managing pain during aspiration surgical abortion is possible with the variety of techniques available. It’s important to have an open discussion with your healthcare provider to determine the best option for you. 

At Her Smart Choice, we strive to provide comprehensive care and support for women undergoing aspiration surgical abortion If you have any questions or concerns about the procedure, don’t hesitate to visit our walk-in abortion clinic. Our doors are always open to assist you.


abortion clinic Los Angeles

Abortion Centers: Types of Procedures and Supportive Services Available


Abortion is a medical intervention that results in the termination of a pregnancy. It is a complex issue that involves many personal and social factors, and it is important for women to have access to safe and supportive abortion services. In California, abortion is a legal procedure, and there are many abortion centers that provide these services.


HER Smart Choice is one of the reputed women’s health clinic in Los Angeles that provides a variety of reproductive healthcare services, including abortion. The abortion clinics offer a range of abortion procedures and supportive services to help women make informed decisions about their reproductive health. Let’s explore the different types of abortion procedures and supportive services available at reliable abortion centers.


Types of Abortion Procedures


At an abortion center, women have access to two primary types of abortion procedures: medication abortion and surgical abortion. The selection of abortion type is influenced by a range of factors, such as the stage of pregnancy, medical history, and personal preferences of the woman seeking the abortion.


Abortion through Medication


medical abortion pills Los Angeles


The abortion pill, or medication abortion, is a safe and non-invasive way to terminate a pregnancy. It requires taking two medications, mifepristone, and misoprostol. Mifepristone is taken at the clinic to block progesterone, while misoprostol is taken at home, typically 24–48 hours later, to induce contractions and expel the pregnancy.


Medication abortion is most effective when used before 10 weeks of pregnancy, and it has a success rate of approximately 95–98%. It is a safe and effective option for many women, and it allows for greater privacy and autonomy than surgical abortion. However, it can also be more physically and emotionally taxing, as women may experience cramping, bleeding, and other side effects.


Abortion through Surgery


abortion clinic


Surgical abortion is a medical method of ending a pregnancy by removing it from the uterus. The most common surgical abortion procedure is aspiration abortion. Aspiration abortion, also known as vacuum aspiration, It involves using a small tube attached to a suction device to remove the pregnancy from the uterus. The procedure typically takes 5–10 minutes and can be performed under local anesthesia or conscious sedation. Aspiration abortion is most effective when used before 14 weeks of pregnancy.


Services for Support and Assistance In Abortion Centers


free abortion clinics in california


In addition to providing abortion procedures, abortion services also offer a variety of supportive services to help women make informed decisions about their reproductive health. These services include:


Family Planning Services


The local abortion centers offer a range of family planning services, including birth control pills, condoms, Depo-Provera, patches, and IUDs. These services can help women prevent unwanted pregnancies and plan for their future reproductive health.


Women’s Health and Wellness Services


Abortion Clinics provide a variety of gynecological services, including Pap tests, STD testing and treatment, and urogynecology services. These services can help women maintain their reproductive health and detect and treat any potential issues.


Fertility and Reproductive Health Services


Women’s health centers offer infertility services, including fertility testing and treatment. These services can help women and their partners navigate fertility challenges and achieve their reproductive goals.


Support and Care During Abortion 


The abortion center provides a range of abortion support services, including counseling, education, and referrals. These services can help women navigate the emotional and logistical challenges of abortion and access the resources they need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. 


Final thoughts


A women’s health center offers reproductive healthcare services, including medication and surgical abortion. They also provide supportive services to help women make informed decisions. 


If you need reliable reproductive healthcare services, Her Smart Choice is a valuable resource. It is important to have access to safe and supportive abortion services. We are committed to providing quality care to women in California. Besides, we are the most convenient walk-in abortion clinic in Los Angeles. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with all the latest tools and technologies to provide women with our best health services.

Abortion center Los Angeles

Supporting Someone Going Through an Abortion: Tips for Friends and Family


Abortion is generally seen as a taboo in some regions or societies, and it makes it difficult for a woman to make an informed decision about her health. Counselors in abortion clinics provide proper assistance to women who are going through an abortion to stay positive and strong. However, individually, if someone close to you has decided to have an abortion then you can provide support and guidance to them during this. No doubt, it can be challenging for you to support someone going through an abortion. 


Let’s explore some tips and guidance on how to support a friend or family member who is having an abortion. 


Tips for Providing Emotional Support to a Friend or Family Member Having an Abortion


abortion clinic


Be an active listener

If you decide to support someone going through an abortion then you have to become an active listener. Giving suggestions is not always the solution, sometimes listening to women during this situation is what they actually needed the most. 

Let your loved one know that you are there for them, understand their feelings at the moment, and are willing to listen to their concerns without any judgment. Encourage them to share their thoughts and emotions, and be present to listen and offer support.


Respect their decision

The other most important thing that you can do is to respect their decision and keep it on priority. Your support helps them to make an informed decision and keep them away from the depressed situation.

So, it’s important to understand the sensitivity of the situation and support her decision while she is having an abortion. Regardless of your personal beliefs, it’s not your place to judge or pressure them into making a different decision. Be supportive of their choice and let them know that you are there for them, no matter what.


Provide practical support

Practical support can be invaluable to someone going through an abortion. Offer to accompany them to appointments, provide transportation, or help with household chores or childcare. You may get to know that these small and kind acts can make a big difference during a difficult time. 


Educate yourself

Educate yourself on the process of abortion and the range of emotions someone may experience during this time. This can help you better understand what your loved one is going through and offer more meaningful support. You can also research local resources, such as counseling services in local abortion centers or support groups, that may be helpful for your loved one.


Check-in regularly

Check in regularly with your loved one to see how they are doing and if they need any additional support. Your support makes them confident and gives them a feeling of safety. Also, you can take them to an abortion center for regular checkups. However, be mindful not to overwhelm them with constant check-ins or pressure them to talk if they are not ready.


Offer emotional support

Most women need emotional support during this time, so it is good if you offer them the same. This can include providing a listening ear, offering words of encouragement, or simply being there to provide a comforting presence. Let them know that they are not alone and that you are there to support them through this difficult time.


Respect their privacy

Respect your loved one’s privacy and only share information about their abortion with their permission. It’s important to protect their confidentiality and avoid sharing any personal details without their consent.


Be patient

Recovery from an abortion can be a long and emotional process. Be patient with your loved ones and understand that they may need time to process their emotions and feelings. Offer support and reassurance, but avoid pressuring them to move on or “get over it” too quickly.


Sum Up


In this blog, you’ll get to know that supporting someone going through an abortion requires patience, empathy, and understanding. By following all these tips, you can help your loved one through this difficult time. Remember to practice self-care and seek support if needed, as supporting someone through an abortion can be emotionally taxing. 

So, if you want to help your loved one through this challenging experience, provide them with support and care. You may also visit our women’s health clinic in Los Angeles to meet with our expert healthcare counselors if you have no one around. We ensure that you will feel safe while making an informed decision. Her Smart Choice is always there to help women for their better health and future!

understanding abortion

Understanding Abortion: Timelines, Fertility, and Pain

Did you know that abortion is a medical procedure that is often shrouded in misconceptions and myths? As a deeply personal and complex decision, women may choose to terminate a pregnancy for various reasons, from health concerns to personal circumstances. In the following passages, you will get to know about the post-abortion fertility timeline, implications, pain management, and how soon you can get pregnant after an abortion. Explore further to learn more about the abortion process. 


Abortion Timelines: When can you get an abortion?

when can you get an abortion

The time frame during which an abortion can perform comes under abortion timelines. The gestational age of pregnancy finds out the type of abortion procedure that can be performed. In many states of the US, abortion is legal for up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. However, there are still some states with enacted laws that restrict access to abortion after a certain time. Further, you may get to know when can you get an abortion.                


Early Abortion


Early abortion refers to ending a pregnancy within the first trimester, which usually encompasses the initial 12 weeks of gestation. The most common type of early abortion is medication abortion. It involves the pills’ consumption to induce a miscarriage. The abortion with medication pills is typically performed up to 10 weeks of pregnancy.


Surgical Abortion 


In surgical abortion, the process involves the removal of the contents of the uterus. It is typically performed under local anesthesia and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete the surgery. This abortion can be performed up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the state. 


Late Abortion 


The termination of a pregnancy in the late abortion is done after 24 weeks of gestation. This abortion is performed rarely in serious cases, such as when the life or health of the mother is at risk. It can also happen when the fetus has a severe medical condition.  


How Soon After an Abortion Can You Get Pregnant

pregnancy after abortionThe timing of when a woman can get pregnant after an abortion depends on several factors, including the type of abortion procedure and the individual’s reproductive health. Here are some general guidelines on how soon after an abortion can you get pregnant:


After a medication abortion: A woman can ovulate (release an egg) as soon as two weeks after taking the medication for a medication abortion. It is possible to get pregnant soon after having a medication abortion, but it is recommended that women wait at least one menstrual cycle before trying to conceive to allow their bodies to fully recover.


After a surgical abortion: A woman can ovulate as soon as two weeks after a surgical abortion, but it is recommended that women wait at least two menstrual cycles before trying to conceive to allow their bodies to fully heal.


After a late abortion: Late abortion (after 24 weeks of gestation) is typically only performed in cases where the mother’s health or life is at risk, or when the fetus has a severe medical condition. In these cases, it may not be possible for a woman to become pregnant again.


Is Abortion Painful?


One of the most common concerns that disturb women before the procedure is: Is abortion painful? The painful experience depends on the individual’s tolerance ability and the type of abortion process you choose or performed by a doctor. 


  • Abortion is a medical procedure that can cause mild to moderate pain.
  • The level of pain experienced can vary based on factors such as the type of procedure and individual pain tolerance.
  • Medication abortion is associated with cramping similar to menstrual cramps, while surgical abortion is typically performed under local anesthesia to minimize pain.
  • Every woman’s pain tolerance is different, and some women may experience more discomfort than others.
  • It is important to seek out accurate information and consult with a qualified healthcare provider to make informed decisions about reproductive health.
  • Pain management techniques may be used during the procedure to minimize discomfort.
  • Women can take over-the-counter pain relievers to manage cramping and discomfort after the procedure.
  • Emotional and psychological support can also be beneficial in helping women cope with any pain or discomfort associated with abortion.


How Do Abortion Pills Work?


how abortion pills work


Medication abortion, also known as the abortion pill, is a safe and effective method of terminating a pregnancy. Abortion pills come in a combination of two pills, that is, mifepristone and misoprostol.


Primarily Mifepristone is taken and it blocks the hormone progesterone, which is essential to continue the pregnancy. After taking mifepristone, misoprostol is taken to cause contractions and expel the contents of the uterus.


The abortion pill is typically taken up to 10 weeks of pregnancy and is a safe and effective method of terminating a pregnancy.


Summing Up


Abortion is a deeply personal and complex decision that women may make for a variety of reasons. Understanding the timelines, fertility, and pain associated with abortion procedures is important for women who are considering their options.  It is important to seek out accurate and reliable information when making healthcare decisions and to consult with a reputed healthcare provider for personalized care and support. At Her Smart Choice, we are committed to providing safe, confidential, and compassionate care to women seeking abortion services.

Category: Abortion
birth control pills

From Painful Periods to Endometriosis: How Birth Control Pills Can Help

Women experience menstrual pain during their monthly cycle, but for some, the pain is not that simple. It can be more than just a symptom of their period; it may be a sign of endometriosis. Millions of women around the globe are affected by endometriosis. But, however, birth control pills can be proven effective for both painful periods and endometriosis. In this blog, you can explore how birth control pills work and how they can help manage these conditions.


What is Endometriosis?




When a woman has endometriosis, the body tissues that lie inside the uterus (also known as the endometrium) grow outside. It includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other organs in the pelvic region. Also, the growth of tissue in your organs can cause pain, inflammation, and sometimes scarring. Not only this, but endometriosis can also lead to fertility problems.


Symptoms of Endometriosis


The most common symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain, which can occur during periods or throughout the menstrual cycle. Other symptoms may include:


  • Pain during intercourse
  • Pain during bowel movements or urination
  • Heavy or irregular periods
  • Fatigue
  • Infertility
  • Diagnosing Endometriosis


Diagnosing endometriosis can be challenging, as it often requires a surgical procedure called a laparoscopy to confirm the presence of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus. However, a doctor may suspect endometriosis based on symptoms and medical history.


How Birth Control Pills Can Help


Birth control pills contain hormones that prevent ovulation, which can help reduce the growth and spread of endometrial tissue. Additionally, birth control pills can help regulate the menstrual cycle, which can reduce pain and other symptoms associated with endometriosis.


Types of Birth Control Pills


types of birth control pills


Birth control pills are divided into two parts: combination pills and progestin-only pills. These pills can be given as per the patient’s condition.


Combination Pills


Combination pills contain both estrogen and progesterone and are the most common type of birth control pill. They work by preventing ovulation, thickening cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the egg, and thinning the lining of the uterus to make it less hospitable to a fertilized egg. Combination pills come in different formulations with varying levels of hormones. Some women may need to try different formulations before finding one that works best for them.


Progestin-Only Pills


Progestin-only pills contain only progestin and are also known as mini-pills. They work primarily by thickening cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the egg, although they may also reduce the thickness of the uterine lining. Progestin-only pills are a good option for women who cannot take estrogen, such as those with a history of blood clots or certain types of cancer.


How Birth Control Pills Are Taken


Both combination pills and progestin-only pills are taken daily, at roughly the same time each day. Combination pills are usually taken for 21 days, followed by a 7-day break during which a woman will have her period. Progestin-only pills are taken continuously, with no break for a period.


Benefits of Birth Control Pills for Endometriosis


Birth Control Pills for Endometriosis


There are several benefits to using birth control pills to manage endometriosis:


Reduced pain: Birth control pills can help reduce the pain associated with endometriosis by regulating the menstrual cycle and reducing the growth and spread of endometrial tissue.

Reduced inflammation: Endometriosis can cause inflammation in the pelvic region, which can lead to pain and other symptoms. However, birth control pills can reduce inflammation.


Regulated periods: Birth control pills can help regulate the menstrual cycle, which can reduce pain and other symptoms associated with endometriosis.


Reduced risk of ovarian cancer: Women with endometriosis are at an increased risk of ovarian cancer. However, using birth control pills can reduce this risk.


Choosing a Birth Control Pill


birth control clinic Los Angeles


Choosing the right birth control pill can be a personal and sometimes difficult decision. It’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences, as well as any health conditions you may have. Some factors to consider when choosing a birth control pill include:


Hormone sensitivity: If you’re sensitive to estrogen or progestin, you may want to choose a low-dose pill or a progestin-only pill.

Menstrual symptoms: If you have heavy bleeding or painful cramps, you may want to choose a pill with a higher dose of hormones or a continuous-dosing regimen.

Convenience: If you have trouble remembering to take a pill every day, you may want to choose a long-acting method, such as an IUD or implant.

Health conditions: If you have certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure or a history of blood clots, you may need to choose a non-hormonal method or a low-dose pill.


Getting Birth Control Pills in Los Angeles


birth control pills Los Angeles


If you’re interested in getting birth control pills in Los Angeles, there are many resources available to you. You can visit a women’s healthcare provider, such as a gynecologist or family planning clinic, to discuss your options and get a prescription. You can also visit a pharmacy to fill your prescription or order birth control pills online and have them delivered to your home.


At Her Smart Choice, we offer personalized care and support to help you find the best birth control option for you. Our team of healthcare professionals has years of experience in family planning and reproductive health, and we’re dedicated to providing compassionate and high-quality care to our patients. We offer a range of birth control options, including birth control pills, and we’ll work with you to find the best fit for your needs and lifestyle.




In conclusion, birth control pills are a safe and effective method of contraception and menstrual management for many women. If you’re considering birth control pills in Los Angeles, it’s important to talk to a healthcare provider and choose the method that’s right for you. At Her Smart Choice Consultancy, we’re here to support you in your reproductive health journey.

Category: Birth Control
Birth control pills

Melatonin and Birth Control: The Unexpected Relationship


Millions of women consume birth control pills to prevent pregnancy, are you one of them? Besides, some people also take melatonin supplements that help them to get a good sleep. If you are also one of them, you may be surprised to learn that there is a solid connection between them. 


In the following passages, you’ll explore the surprising relationship between melatonin and birth control, and what you need to know to stay safe and secure. 


Role of Melatonin


Birth control pills


The pineal gland of human body naturally produces a hormone known as Melatonin in response to darkness. Its role is to regulate the sleep-wake cycle by promoting drowsiness and lowering body temperature. The supplements of melatonin are commonly used to treat insomnia and sleep disorders.



  • It can help improve the quality and duration of sleep, especially for people with sleep disorders, like, insomnia.
  • Its antioxidant properties can help in providing protection against cellular damage and reduce inflammation in the body.
  • It regulates immune system function, which can help improve overall health and lowers the risk of certain diseases. 
  • It may have a protective effect against age-related cognitive decline.  
  • It may also reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety. 


Role of Birth Control pills


birth control pills


Birth control pills are also an effective type of hormonal birth control method that women have taken to prevent pregnancy. Birth control pills consist of synthetic versions of the hormones that are known as estrogen and progesterone. These pills work together to thicken cervical mucus and prevent ovulation to prevent sperm from reaching the egg. 




  • It can help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome along with preventing pregnancy. 
  • It may also lower the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer. 
  • It also improves acne and reduces unwanted hair growth associated with PCOS conditions. 
  • The pills may also reduce the risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can lead to infertility. 
  • It provides a non-hormonal option for managing heavy or painful periods via using pills. 


Connection Between Melatonin and Birth Control Pills


Birth control pills


Generally, it has been seen that the effectiveness of birth control pills may affect melatonin There is a reason behind this, according to which melatonin can increase the activity of an enzyme called CYP43. Melatonin is responsible for breaking down estrogen and progesterone.


Further, estrogen and progesterone break more quickly when CYP3A4 is more active. This can also lead to lower levels of these hormones in the body. As a result, this can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. They depend on hormones to prevent ovulation and thicken cervical mucus. 


Medical researchers found that women who consume melatonin supplements had lower levels of estrogen and progesterone in their blood compared to women who didn’t take melatonin. This could be a sign of the interference of melatonin with the effectiveness of birth control pills. However, some studies found only a small effect of melatonin. 


Things You Need To Know To Stay Safe


women's health clinic


If you’re taking both, melatonin supplements and birth control pills, together then you must talk to your healthcare provider before you have it. They may discuss its potential benefits and risks with you or may recommend an alternative form of contraception. Lastly, the providers of the birth-control clinic may also adjust your dosage of either birth control pills or melatonin, so that they may not affect your routine and health. 


You may also note that other substances can affect the impact of birth control pills, including antibiotics, antifungal medications, and some authorized or herbal supplements. Make sure to verify it from a reputed women’s health clinic, like Her Smart Choice. Here you can meet with expert healthcare providers and obtain the best counseling to make an informed decision.  




While the connection between melatonin and birth control pills may be surprising, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits. If you are taking both of these substances, talk to your healthcare provider about the best course of action to ensure that you are fully protected from unintended pregnancy and other health risks. From the above information, you may learn how to stay safe while taking both melatonin supplements and birth control pills. 


As always, it is important to carefully follow the instructions for taking any medications or supplements. For that, you can consult Her Smart Choice, a leading healthcare provider, before consuming both supplements and pills; even here you get reliable counseling on choosing the suitable birth control options for women. 

Category: Birth Control
birth control pills

The Sleepy Side of Pills: How Contraceptives Affect Your Energy Levels?


Millions of people use hormonal contraceptives as a popular form of birth control as they consider it the best and easy method to prevent pregnancy. Undoubtedly, these contraceptives are quite effective to provide instant relief to women with less pain. Yet they can also impact many aspects of a person’s health, including energy levels. In this blog post, you’ll explore the potential effects of hormonal contraceptives on sleep and learn some tips to manage any sleep-related side- effects. 


How Hormonal Contraceptives Affect Your Energy Levels?


hormonal contraceptives


The synthetic versions of the hormones, estrogen and progesterone, present in hormonal contraceptives can affect the natural hormone levels of the body. These changes in the hormones can impact energy levels in the following ways:


Disrupting Sleep Patterns


This contraceptive may impact your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. It further leads to difficulty in falling asleep. This disturbance can be caused due to several factors, such as hormone levels and increased anxiety or stress. The more you get poor sleep, the more its quality can lead to the feeling of fatigue and low energy. 


Experience an Increase In Fatigue


Some women also experienced an excess of fatigue and tiredness during or after hormonal contraceptives. The reason behind this fatigue can be changes in hormone levels and poor sleep quality. This sleeplessness affects your daily routine and prevents you from completing daily tasks on time and may also feel less motivated to engage in physical activity. 


Affecting Mood 


The hormonal birth-control method can impact mood which in turn affects energy levels. You can feel increased mood swings, which can mostly create due to depression or anxiety. It can also lead to decreased motivation and a lack of interest in daily activities. 


Changing Appetite 


The hormonal contraceptives can impact appetite which further affects energy levels. In such a situation, you may feel cravings for carbohydrates that can further lead to feelings of fatigue. The change in appetite can lead to the intake of poor nutrients that may have a negative impact on your energy levels. 


Tips For Managing Sleep-Related Side Effects Of Hormonal Contraceptives


hormonal birth control side effects


You can do several things to manage sleep-related side effects from hormonal contraceptives. You have no need to stress yourself, just need to follow the below-given tips:


Stick To a Consistent Sleep Schedule


If you want to make a proper routine, you have to follow a sleep routine. You can try to make a punctual routine of going to bed every day and waking up at the same time, even on weekends. This effort can help you to regulate your body’s natural sleeping cycle and improve quality sleep. 


Create a Sleep-Conducive Environment 


The environment of your surroundings also matters to make your sleep comfortable and relaxing. If you keep your bedroom cool, quiet, and dark. You can avoid the use of electronics like blue light, in the bedroom as it disrupts sleep. If you consider black-out curtains then it can create a more restful environment. 


Practice Relaxation Techniques 


You may also try some basic techniques that can provide you relaxation and a comfortable sleep for a long, It includes meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to improve sleep quality and reduce stress. It is good to consider these techniques and add them to your daily routine to manage sleep-related side effects. 


Regular Exercise Routine


You can make a routine of regular exercise that can help you to get quality sleep and reduce feelings of fatigue. If you aim for only 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise in your initial days, then also you may be able to improve your sleeping. Choose any exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, that can provide you with relaxation. 


Talk To Your Healthcare Provider


Even if you’re experiencing sleep-related side effects due to hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider. Expert healthcare providers may recommend or suggest alternative birth control methods and other ways to manage your symptoms. Even the professional can help you to identify any other health issue that may be contributing to your sleep-related symptoms. 




The above passages clearly conclude about the popularity of hormonal contraceptives and their impact on sleep routines. These birth control methods are very effective but they decrease the level of energy and sleep which causes discomfort to women. However, you can still be able to recover from such a situation, for that, you only need to keep in mind the above-mentioned tips. These tips help you to turn those hard days into a normal routine again, that are temporary. You can improve your health again with the guidance of a professional healthcare provider. Her Smart Choice women’s health clinic is always available to listen to your queries with its same-day appointments and telehealth solutions.

Category: Birth Control
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