What to Expect When You Take Abortion Tablets

The abortion pill has been FDA-approved for the last 20 years and has a 98% efficacy rate. And yet, there is so much confusion and misconceptions about its use.
Abortion through tablets is a very popular method and a lot of people use this method.
But, several myths surround its use.
To make sure such myths don’t stop you from getting the right medical care at the right time, here are some myth busters:
What is the abortion pill?
While it is called an ‘abortion pill’, the method of pregnancy termination using tablets, uses 2 pills. The first pill is to prevent the growth of the pregnancy called mifepristone. And the second pill misoprostol is to evict the pregnancy out of your uterus.
What happens after taking the pill?
For most people, the first pill causes no symptoms. A very small number of people also face little vaginal bleeding after they take the pill. However, this is not common.
Taking the second pill (usually within 72 hours of taking the first pill) can cause a lot of symptoms.
While exactly defining the symptoms isn’t possible and the experience varies from person to person, the effect can be best described as somewhat similar to a miscarriage.
What follows includes cramping and bleeding within an hour of taking the pill
It also feels normal to feel chills, nausea, and have diarrhea. Flu-like symptoms and a mild fever may also accompany the bleeding and cramping.
Our medical staff at Her Smart Choice will also provide you pain-relief medication, and others help to make the process easier for you.
While the heaviest bleeding is likely to get over within 3 to 4 hours, it is common to experience slight bleeding till the next period, which is likely to come 4 or 6 weeks after the abortion.
If you feel that your symptoms (cramps, heavy bleeding, and flu-like feeling) don’t subside even after 24 hours and are getting worse, you should contact us.
We will examine your situation and offer the best solution to move forward.
At Her Smart Choice, we take great pride in being a quick abortion clinic. We understand the importance of timely action. We also understand that each passing minute is a burden for you. To ease your stress, tension, and issues, we take all possible steps to give you the fastest and the most effective solution to your problem.
A lot of people also believe that using an abort pregnancy tablet is likely to increase your chances of breast cancer. But that is just a myth. It is not backed by science and is just a misconception.
Also, at Her Smart Choice, we can assure you that you are making the right choice. The abortion options that we offer are 100% safe and have no side effects in the long run. It will not affect your reproductive health and cause no negative impact on any future pregnancies.
No matter what sexual or reproductive health issue you are dealing with, Her Smart Choice stands beside you in helping you find the right solution and making a smart choice.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]