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Are Partial Birth Abortions Legal

The debate over partial-birth abortions is one that has been raging for years. Proponents of the procedure say that it is a safe and necessary option for women who are faced with difficult pregnancies. 


Opponents argue that the procedure is barbaric and should be banned outright. 


So, where does the law stand on partial-birth abortions? Are they legal in the United States?


Let’s take a look…

What is a partial birth abortion and how is it performed?

partial birth abortion

A partial birth abortion is an extremely controversial procedure performed in the late stages of a pregnancy. Generally considered a form of “induced miscarriage,” this procedure requires the uterus to be dilated so that a doctor can remove the fetus, while keeping their head inside the birth canal. This allows most of the body to be delivered intact, with just scalpel cuts made at the base of the skull to allow for evacuation. 


👉  However, due to moral and ethical issues surrounding this procedure it has been illegal in some countries since 1995 and in the United States since 2003. 


It remains an area of debate however, with both sides weighing up medical risks versus legal rights when it comes to pregnancy termination.

Why do some people believe that partial birth abortions should be legal?

Some people believe that partial birth abortions should be legal because they see it as an important form of reproductive freedom for women, particularly those in difficult situations.


For instance, the procedure could save the life of the mother, if her health and well-being is threatened due to present or complex medical conditions. Additionally, allowing for such a procedure allows for a woman to make choices about her body and her health that she may have been denied in more restrictive countries where all abortions are illegal. 


Giving women autonomy over their health and reproductive choices by allowing partial birth abortions is at the crux of supporting this controversial decision.

What are the arguments against partial birth abortions being legal?

arguments against partial abortions

Partial birth abortions are a highly contentious issue, with passionate opinions on both sides. Some argue against their legality due to the opinion that they are inhumane and cruel, as they involve the partially extracted fetus being terminated during or just prior to delivery. 


In addition, there is disagreement over how late into a pregnancy partial birth abortions should be allowed; opponents argue that any abortion beyond 20 weeks gestation puts a human life at risk, and should thus be illegal. 


Some have pointed out that medical studies have found the risks of an abortion procedure increase the further along a pregnancy is, particularly for women’s health. 


Consequently, those opposed to these types of abortions believe restricting them ensures greater safety for mothers and unborn children alike.

How does the law currently stand on partial birth abortions in the United States ?

Partial birth abortions are a hot button issue in the United States legal system. Currently, the nationwide law concerning partial birth abortions is that they are only permitted if necessary to save a pregnant woman’s life. 


This was determined by the Supreme Court in the 2007 case Gonzales v Carhart. However, President Trump did sign legislation expanding and strengthening existing regulations on this procedure in 2019. So, it is important for those wanting to understand how partial birth abortion law currently stands in the U.S to be aware of this new federal bill. 


Not only does it ban most types of late term abortions but also promotes a strict punishment for anyone who attempts to perform or facilitate these procedures – with few exceptions granted such as to preserve a woman’s health or save her life. 


This debate over abortion rights continues to have an impact on patients and healthcare providers alike, making understanding the current laws essential knowledge.

What are some possible implications if partial birth abortions were to become illegal ?

The implications of partial birth abortions becoming illegal are immense and far-reaching. There would be a sharp decline in the number of safe, legal abortions available to pregnant women, as this procedure is particularly safe for those in their third trimester. 


Women could not turn to the procedure for their own health or to protect the child from severe health defects – rendering them with limited choices and an enormous moral burden. Without access to safe procedures, there is also likely to be an increase in unsafe abortion practices. 


This would put many vulnerable people at risk of potentially fatal injury or illness due to inadequate medical oversight and lack of knowledge about how best to perform the procedure safely.

Contact us to know more about the facts associated with partial abortion.



Abortion pills in college of california

Abortion Pills Will Soon Be Available on All UC and CSU Campuses


California college students are now able to access abortion pills with ease and affordability, following the implementation of a new state law. This legislative move is sparking controversy among antiabortion activists who have declared their intention to fight against it.


Starting Jan. 1, 2023, California is set to make history as the first state in America required by law to provide abortion pills through campus medical centers – ultimately enhancing access for an age group that constitutes a majority of those seeking termination services. According to research from Guttmacher Institute, approximately 60% of all who seek abortions are young adults aged between 20-29 – making this move especially crucial and impactful towards providing wider access across the Golden State.


While only a select handful of colleges outside California are taking steps to make abortion medication accessible, the new law could become an example for other states. A 2018 report from UC San Francisco revealed that over 6,000 University and State College, students get medical abortions each year – but with this groundbreaking legislation in effect, it is hoped those numbers will go up exponentially.


Medical abortion provides a noninvasive option for those looking to end a pregnancy in the first 10 weeks. This method involves taking two separate prescription pills at certain intervals, differing from the morning-after pill which uses synthetic hormones similar to birth control ones that work by preventing an egg’s release.


Antiabortion groups, galvanized by the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe vs. Wade, have vowed to be vigilant in monitoring how Californian students are impacted by newly available services and medications related to abortion. Several organizations expressed already having acquired legal counsel – primed for any opportunity that may arise with which they can challenge the law directly.


Securing abortion access on campus

abortion access

A 2018 report published by UCSF’s Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health revealed that hundreds of California university students are accessing medication abortions each month. The number ranges from 322 to 519, showing the high demand for this type of healthcare on campus.


Many students have to go the extra mile—literally!—in order to get their prescription medications, traveling up to a ½ hour via public transportation just for access. As if this isn’t bad enough, the cost is also an issue; on average university-adjacent clinics charge more than $600 per medication prescribed, and wait times typically range around seven days.


By bringing medical abortion to campus, students can now receive this essential healthcare without going on a potentially lengthy and costly journey. These appointments – whether virtual or in-person – will provide them with the prescribed care for their needs.


The University of California takes care of its students by providing a comprehensive Student Health Insurance Plan, including coverage for medication abortions – ensuring that all have access to the healthcare they need.


Raising awareness


With the adoption of a new law, student health centers are increasingly focusing on making more abortion services available. Advocates emphasize that it is critical to spread knowledge about these resources in order for students to have informed access and choice.


“It’s not well advertised,” said Esmeralda Quintero-Cubillan, president of the UC Student Association. “Most students, if you were to ask them, would not know we offered medicated abortions or that you could pursue reproductive health care services.”


Despite the vocal opposition of groups such as the California Family Council, a requirement mandating public universities to provide medication abortion passed in the Legislature. When asked for comment on this decision, however, these organizations remained silent.


Abortion-rights activists are taking action to help spread awareness about the option of medication abortion on college campuses. Specifically, URGE is working hard to ensure that those in gender studies and health-related fields have access to comprehensive information surrounding this important issue.


UC Merced’s student advisory board is working to support access to abortion for all. Board members are highlighting the safety of abortions via presentations, introducing audiences to new laws on abortion, and providing an insightful overview of reproductive justice movements. To further aid in their mission they conduct anonymous surveys amongst students at UC Merced asking how campus health centers can better provide resources around this issue – with fantastic results!


“We try to push like that, you know, being abortion positive means that there’s no shame, no stigma, and no apologies connected to getting the abortion,” Flores said. “Abortion isn’t a bad word. It’s not a bad decision. It’s a decision that people make for themselves, and it’s totally valid.”


UC students now have access to free abortion pills for those with student health insurance. For Cal State students and UCers without coverage, the price point is $60-80 – but there’s a way to ensure greater affordability of this important care: get student health insurance!


how early can take abortion pill

All You Need To Know About Taking Abortion Pill

If you’re considering abortion, you may have many questions. Some of the common questions are “How early can I take the abortion pill while the other can is it safe to take the abortion pill… and many more?” 

The answer depends on different factors, but in this guide, we will try to cover all the possible questions that you may have about taking the abortion pill.

Abortion pill procedures are usually safe and effective. However, as with any medical procedure, there are certain risks involved. Be sure to talk to your doctor about all of your options and make the best decision for yourself.

Here’s an in-depth guide about abortion pills.

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

  • The abortion pill is a medication that is taken to end a pregnancy.
  • It works by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for a pregnancy to continue.
  • The abortion pill is typically taken within the first nine weeks of pregnancy.
  • It is effective in about 95% of cases.
  • Side effects of the abortion pill include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramping.
  • You should consult with your doctor before taking the abortion pill to make sure it is right for you.

Can Taking an Abortion Pill to be Painful?

How painful the abortion pill can vary from person to person, depending on individual pain tolerance and other factors. Some women find the experience harrowing, while others report only mild or no discomfort. 

Physical symptoms may include cramping and bleeding; emotional distress may also occur in some cases. It is essential to speak with a doctor beforehand to discuss any potential risks and decide which form of abortion is best for you.

What is the Timeline for Taking the Abortion Pill?

For those considering taking the abortion pill, it is important to understand the timeline involved. 

  • It can take 1-2 days or up to several weeks, depending on your unique circumstances. The process starts with a consultation with a healthcare provider. 


  • During this appointment, you will receive information about the abortion pill and have an ultrasound to check how many weeks pregnant you are. 


  • After taking the first pill mifepristone, you will likely experience cramping and bleeding, followed 48 -72 hours later by taking the second pill misoprostol. 


  • While the medical abortion process usually occurs within days after all pills are taken, some women may experience light bleeding, spotting, and other symptoms for up to four weeks.
  • Following completion, it is important to return for a follow-up appointment to be sure that your uterus has returned entirely to its pre-pregnancy size and shape.

 Where & How can the Abortion Pill be Obtained?

  • The abortion pill is available at most Planned Parenthood clinics.
  • It can also be obtained from some family planning clinics and private doctors.
  • The cost of the abortion pill varies but is usually around $350.
  • The abortion pill is a safe and effective way to terminate a pregnancy.
  • It is important to consult with a medical professional before taking the abortion pill to ensure that it is the right decision for you.

Can the Abortion Pill be Mailed Across State Lines?

In recent years, debates have risen over the question of whether or not the abortion pill should be able to be mailed across state lines in the United States. Proponents of this issue argue that it is a woman’s right to have access to safe and affordable abortion services, including abortion pills, regardless of their state of residence or finances. 

Opponents are concerned that mail-order abortions are dangerous and non-regulated, and could allow for more complications with unwanted pregnancy terminations. However, both sides of this debate agree that women who choose to seek abortion services should have access to quality care with as few barriers as possible.

  1. Abortion pill by mail is still under attack by conservative lawmakers, despite the FDA ruling that allows abortion pills to be prescribed and sent by mail.
  2. Abortion pills by mail provide a much-needed service for pregnant people who find it difficult or impossible to access care in person. However, since the FDA ruling, conservative lawmakers have introduced 104 proposals attempting to restrict medication abortions.

Why Consult With An Expert Abortion Services Provider?

Making the decision to end a pregnancy is never easy. There are many factors to consider, and it can be a very emotional time. 

If you’re thinking about abortion, it’s important to consult with an expert provider who can answer all of your questions and help you make the best decision for your situation. 

abortion laws

California Abortion Laws: What You Need to Know Post-Roe v. Wade

California Abortion Laws: What You Need to Know Post-Roe v. Wade

On January 22nd, 1973, the Supreme Court handed down one of the most important decisions in U.S. history: Roe v. Wade. The decision legalized abortion across the country and gave women an unprecedented degree of reproductive autonomy.


What is Roe v Wade?


This landmark decision by the government legalized abortion throughout the nation. The court ruled that a woman holds all rights to abort a baby and this is protected by the Constitution’s Due Process Clause, which also guarantees full privacy of rights.

The Roe v. Wade decision overturned state bans on abortion and made it legal for women to get abortions without having to go through legal proceedings. There were also guidelines about when abortions could be performed during pregnancy.

The Roe v. Wade decision was controversial, and it continues to be one of the most divisive issues in American politics. Pro-choice advocates argue that the decision protects women’s reproductive rights, while pro-life advocates argue that it allows for the killing of unborn children.

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade, a rule from 1973 that had established an abortion right under the Constitution. Although the timeframe of this legislation taking effect varied, it was anticipated that the decision would result in abortion prohibitions in around half of the states.


How Will Roe Affect California Abortion Rights?


Currently Roe v. Wade  is overturned by the government. However, with the recent confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, many are wondering what this means for the future of abortion rights in California.

California has several laws in place that also help women who have low incomes. These laws could also be challenged if Roe v. Wade is overturned, as it is possible that the federal government would no longer provide funding for abortions.

Overall, it is difficult to say exactly how overturning Roe v. Wade would affect abortion rights in California. However, there would be some significant changes, and it is important for Californians to be aware of these potential changes so that they can fight for their rights if necessary.


What are the Current Abortion Laws in California?


The state of California has a long history of protecting reproductive rights, dating back to 1967 when the state became the first in the nation to legalize abortion. 


Currently, California has some of the most protective abortion laws in the country. 

  • Abortion is legal in California up until 24 weeks gestation, and after that point if the woman’s life is in danger or if the fetus is not viable. 
  • There are no mandatory waiting periods or parental consent requirements in California.
  • Medicaid does not cover abortion services in California, except in
  • cases of rape, incest, or when the woman’s life is in danger.
  •  And while Californian state employees do have insurance coverage for abortion services, many private insurance plans do not include abortion coverage.


Despite these restrictions, California still has some of the most progressive abortion laws in the country. And with Kavanaugh now on the Supreme Court, it is more important than ever for Californians to stand up for their reproductive rights.


Pro-Choice Groups in California


Many pro-choice groups in California support a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body. These groups provide resources and information for women who are considering abortion, as well as support for those who have already chosen to have an abortion.

Some of the most prominent pro-choice groups in California include NARAL Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood, and the ACLU. These organizations work to protect and expand access to safe and legal abortion care in the state. They also provide education and advocacy around issues related to reproductive rights.

In addition to these statewide organizations, many local groups provide support for women considering or pursuing abortion care. These groups can offer more personal and individualized support and can be a great resource for women who want more information or assistance navigating the process.


Anti-Abortion Groups in California


Several anti-abortion groups in California work to promote their cause and educate the public on the issue. Some of these groups include Californians for Life, the California Pro-Life Council, and Pro-Life Action League. These organizations work to end abortion through a variety of means, such as political lobbying, protesting, and distributing educational materials.

Many of these groups are opposed to Roe v. Wade. They believe that this ruling was wrongly decided and that it goes against the sanctity of human life. As such, they are working to overturn it and return abortion laws to the states. In California specifically, they are working to pass laws that would ban or restrict abortion.

These groups often face opposition from pro-choice advocates who believe that women have a right to make their own decisions about their bodies and health care. However, the anti-abortion groups continue to fight for their cause, believing that every life is valuable and worthy of protection.



It’s important to stay up-to-date on California abortion laws, especially when Roe v. Wade is overturned by the government. The state has several laws in place to protect women’s reproductive rights, and women must know their options and rights when it comes to abortion. Whether you’re considering medical or surgical abortion or just want to be informed on the topic, we hope this article has been helpful.

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