women's health clinic

Abortion and Conscientious Objection: Balancing Rights and Responsibilities?

Abortion stands as a deeply divisive topic, sparking intense debates fueled by strong emotions and entrenched moral viewpoints. Amid the ethical and legal discourse surrounding abortion, the concept of conscientious objection introduces an additional layer of complexity.

Conscientious objection, a term gaining prominence in healthcare discussions, entails the right of medical practitioners to decline involvement in specific procedures, such as abortion, based on their deeply held moral or religious convictions. This introduces a delicate balance, navigating the rights of individuals seeking abortion and the women’s health center who conscientiously object to performing such procedures.



Understand The Basics Of An Abortion

women's health clinicNavigating the intricate landscape of abortion involves understanding the emotional, social, and medical dimensions surrounding this often unplanned aspect of pregnancy. In the heart of this decision lies the choice to pregnancy termination clinic california, a process often carried out in clinics like those in California. Individuals grapple with this decision, considering personal, social, and medical factors that influence their choices.


The legal landscape adds another layer of complexity, with abortion laws varying widely between countries and jurisdictions. Some places allow it under specific circumstances, while others impose strict limitations or outright prohibitions. Amidst these legal nuances, a critical aspect emerges—conscientious objection. Healthcare providers, motivated by moral or religious beliefs, have the right to refuse participation in certain medical procedures, including abortion. This delicate balance between individual choices and conscientious objection underscores the multifaceted nature of the abortion discourse.



Briefing On Conscientious Objection

Conscientious objection, a fundamental right, empowers individuals, especially healthcare providers, to abstain from participating in medical procedures that challenge their profound moral, ethical, or religious principles. This encompasses not only abortion but extends to other ethically sensitive practices such as euthanasia and assisted suicide. The concept of conscientious objection underscores the significance of respecting an individual’s freedom of conscience, allowing them to align their actions with deeply rooted convictions.



Balancing Rights and Responsibilities

women's health clinicThe right to conscientious objection is an important aspect of individual freedom and autonomy. It is essential to respect and protect the rights of healthcare professionals to follow their moral or religious beliefs in the context of their work. However, it is equally important to balance these rights with the rights of individuals seeking abortion.



Access to healthcare:  Ensuring access to safe and legal abortion is crucial for individuals who require or choose the procedure. It is essential to protect their right to access necessary medical care without facing unnecessary barriers or discrimination.


Ethical obligations: Healthcare professionals have ethical obligations to provide appropriate care and respect patients’ autonomy. While conscientious objection is a valid right, it should not impede individuals’ access to timely and appropriate healthcare.


Alternative options: It is important to explore and implement mechanisms that allow healthcare providers to conscientiously object while ensuring that individuals still have access to the care they need. This may involve referral systems or the availability of non-objecting providers in a given healthcare facility.


Public health considerations: Balancing conscientious objection with public health considerations is crucial. Policies and regulations should aim to provide access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare services while respecting the rights of women’s health center.


Training and education: Adequate training and education are essential for healthcare professionals to understand the ethical, legal, and practical aspects of conscientious objection. This can help foster a more inclusive and respectful women’s health clinic los angeles environment and ensure that patients receive appropriate care.



Summing Up

To sum up, the issue of conscientious objection in the context of abortion presents a delicate balance between individual rights and societal responsibilities. While it is important to respect the freedom of conscience and religious beliefs of healthcare professionals, it is equally crucial to ensure that individuals seeking abortion have access to safe and timely women’s health center. Finding a middle ground requires thoughtful consideration and open dialogue, taking into account the rights and well-being of both healthcare providers and patients. Clear guidelines and robust policies can help strike a balance, ensuring that conscientious objection does not compromise the availability and quality of reproductive healthcare.

Abortion clinic

Abortion and Fertility Preservation: What You Need to Know?

Abortion and fertility preservation are two topics that have gained significant attention and sparked debates worldwide. While abortion focuses on terminating a pregnancy, fertility preservation aims to protect a person’s ability to have children in the future. Let’s explore both subjects and provide you with essential information to help you understand these complex issues.



Understanding The Basics Of Abortion

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removing the fetus or embryo from the uterus. There are different types of abortion procedures, including medical abortions (using medication) and surgical abortions clinic  (involving a surgical procedure). The legality and availability of abortion vary across countries and jurisdictions, and laws often regulate the circumstances in which abortions can be performed.


It is important to note that discussions surrounding abortion are highly sensitive and can involve various ethical, religious, and personal beliefs. Individuals have different perspectives on when life begins and what constitutes a person’s rights regarding their own body and potential life. It is crucial to approach this topic with empathy, understanding, and respect for diverse viewpoints.



A Few Crucial Reasons for Abortion

Abortion clinic

Women may consider abortion for various reasons, including:



Unintended pregnancy: Some pregnancies occur despite precautions, such as contraceptive failures or inconsistent use.


Health risks: In certain situations, continuing a pregnancy termination clinic california may pose significant risks to the woman’s physical or mental health.


Fetal abnormalities: The diagnosis of severe fetal abnormalities or genetic disorders may lead to difficult decisions regarding the continuation of the pregnancy.


Socioeconomic factors: Financial instability, lack of support, or personal circumstances may influence a woman’s decision regarding pregnancy.



Fertility Preservation: Preserving Future Options

Abortion Clinic

Fertility preservation is the process of protecting a person’s ability to have biological children in the future. It is particularly relevant for individuals who face medical treatments that can potentially affect their fertility, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgeries involving the reproductive organs.



Methods of fertility preservation include:

Egg freezing: This involves retrieving a woman’s eggs and freezing them for later use. These eggs can be thawed, fertilized with sperm, and transferred into the uterus as embryos.


Embryo freezing: In this method, eggs are retrieved, fertilized with sperm, and allowed to develop into embryos before being frozen for future use.


Sperm freezing: It involves collecting and freezing a man’s sperm, which can be used for fertilization at a later time.


Ovarian tissue freezing: A procedure where a small piece of ovarian tissue is removed and frozen. This tissue can be transplanted back into the woman’s body in the future.


Testicular tissue freezing: Similar to ovarian tissue freezing, this procedure involves the removal and freezing of a small piece of testicular tissue for future use.


Fertility preservation provides individuals with options to have biological children later in life, even if they are not ready or able to start a family at present. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who face medical conditions or treatments that may affect their reproductive capabilities.



Considerations and Challenges

Abortion Clinic

While fertility preservation offers hope to individuals who wish to have children in the future, it is essential to be aware of certain considerations and challenges:


Cost: Fertility preservation procedures can be expensive and may not be covered by insurance. It is important to explore options and financial assistance programs.


Success rates: The success of fertility preservation methods can vary, and there are no guarantees of future pregnancy and childbirth.


Emotional impact: Deciding to preserve fertility can be emotionally challenging, as it may involve confronting the possibility of not being able to conceive naturally.


Time constraints: Fertility preservation is most effective when performed before starting treatments that may affect fertility. Therefore, timely decision-making is crucial.


Ethical and religious considerations: Some individuals may have personal or religious beliefs that influence their decisions regarding fertility preservation.



Final Thoughts

Abortion and fertility preservation are two distinct topics that involve complex personal decisions. Abortion clinic  involves the termination of a pregnancy, while fertility preservation aims to protect a person’s reproductive options for the future. Both topics are influenced by a wide range of factors, including legal, ethical, and personal considerations.


It is crucial to approach these topics with empathy, respect, and an understanding of the diverse perspectives surrounding them. By providing accurate information and engaging in open and respectful dialogues, we can contribute to a more informed and compassionate society that supports individuals’ reproductive choices and well-being.

medical abortion california

Abortion and Mental Health Stigma: Breaking the Silence?

Abortion decisions are very crucial for a woman and her family. An individual goes through several impressions that can be emotional and complex. However, the most striking impact is on mental health which remains unspoken but terrible. How can a woman deal with such a depressed situation alone? Let’s explore the stigma surrounding abortion and mental health, aiming to break the silence and foster understanding and compassion medical abortion in california


The Reality of Abortion Decisions

Emotional Landscape: Choosing to have an abortion is a deeply personal decision that can bring about a range of emotions, including relief, sadness, and even a sense of empowerment.


Diverse Experiences: Every individual’s experience with abortion is unique. Factors like personal beliefs, circumstances, and support systems play a crucial role in shaping these experiences.


Stigma and Silence: Despite the prevalence of abortion experiences, there is often a culture of silence and stigma surrounding the emotional impact. Breaking this silence is essential for fostering empathy and support.


Understanding Mental Health Stigma

Societal Expectations: Societal expectations and judgments about reproductive choices can contribute to mental health stigma. These expectations may be rooted in cultural, religious, or social beliefs.


Personal Guilt and Shame: Individuals may internalize societal stigmas, experiencing feelings of guilt and shame about their abortion decisions, even when they are confident in their choice medical abortion in california.


Impact on Well-Being: Mental health stigma can affect emotional well-being, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and isolation. Addressing this stigma is crucial for promoting mental health and overall well-being.


Breaking Down the Stigma

medical abortion california

Open Conversations: Fostering open conversations about abortion experiences and mental health is a key step in breaking down stigma. Creating spaces for individuals to share their stories without judgment helps dispel myths and misconceptions.


Supportive Environments: Creating supportive environments, both within communities and healthcare settings, is vital. Individuals should feel comfortable seeking emotional support without fear of judgment.


Empathy and Understanding: Cultivating empathy and understanding is essential for challenging preconceived notions about abortion and mental health. Recognizing the diversity of experiences encourages a more compassionate approach.


Educating About Mental Health: Promoting education about mental health, including the emotional aspects of abortion, helps dispel myths and provides a more nuanced understanding of the intersection between reproductive choices and mental well-being.


Navigating Emotional Responses

Grief and Loss: Some individuals may experience a sense of grief or loss after an abortion. Understanding and acknowledging these emotions is crucial for emotional healing.


Relief and Empowerment: On the flip side, many individuals may feel relief and empowerment after making a decision that aligns with their circumstances and personal choices medical abortions.


Seeking Professional Support: For those navigating complex emotions, seeking professional support, such as counseling or therapy, can be immensely beneficial. Trained professionals can provide a safe space for individuals to process their feelings.


Addressing Mental Health Proactively

medical abortion california

Pre-Abortion Counseling: Offering comprehensive pre-abortion counseling that addresses emotional well-being can help individuals navigate the decision-making process more confidently medical abortion in california.


Post-Abortion Support: Implementing post-abortion support services ensures that individuals have access to resources and counseling to address any emotional challenges that may arise after the procedure.


Community Resources: Establishing community resources, such as support groups and helplines, creates networks for individuals to connect, share experiences, and find understanding.


Moving Towards Compassionate Care

Humanizing Experiences: Humanizing the experiences of individuals who have had abortions fosters a more compassionate and empathetic approach. Each person’s story is unique and deserving of understanding.


Promoting Self-Compassion: Encouraging self-compassion is crucial. Individuals should be empowered to acknowledge and validate their feelings without judgment.


Final Thoughts

Breaking the silence surrounding abortion and mental health is a crucial step toward creating a more compassionate and understanding society. By fostering open conversations, challenging stigma, and promoting supportive environments, we can contribute to a world where individuals feel empowered to make choices about their reproductive health without fear of judgment. Let us strive for a culture that recognizes the complexity of emotions surrounding abortion decisions and embraces empathy, compassion, and support for every individual’s unique journey.

The Role of Counseling in the Abortion Decision-Making Process

Deciding whether or not to have an abortion is a very complicated and personal choice. During this decision-making process, counseling, especially in the context of an abortion clinic, plays a crucial role in providing support, information, and a safe space for individuals to explore their feelings and make informed decisions. Let’s delve into the significance of counseling in the abortion decision-making journey, emphasizing simplicity and understanding.


Understand How Do The Abortion Works

Explore the importance of counseling in the abortion decision journey. Our clinic offers support, information, and a safe space for informed choices. Delve into simplicity and understanding with us."You may be aware that abortion offers two options in which medical procedures are one of the finest options to end a pregnancy. Well, you can select different types of abortions that are available, and the choice depends on various factors, such as health, environment, etc.


Emotions and Abortion

The feeling of a mix of emotions inside is normal during the tough hours of making an abortion decision. As it involves numerous queries about health and society. Further, counseling helps individuals understand and process these emotions.


Supportive Environment

Counseling creates a safe and supportive space to express feelings without judgment. You can also discuss emotions with a counselor. It can be a helpful step in the decision-making journey.


The Role of Counseling In Abortion’s Decision

abortion clinicThe counselors at this women’s health clinic in Los Angeles are doing an amazing job helping women make informed decisions about abortion. They provide straightforward info about the procedure, possible risks, and the choices available.

Knowing the facts is key to making the right decision on time. If you’re in Los Angeles and looking for guidance on women’s health, this clinic has your back with the support and info you need.


Exploring Personal Values and Beliefs

Counselors with expertise help individuals reflect their values and beliefs regarding abortion. Besides, making an informed decision about abortion involves an extensive list of key factors that depict personalized values. However, discussing personal values ensures decisions align with individual perspectives.


Informed Decision Making

Counselors guide individuals through a process of informed decision-making while going through abortion thoughts.

They help women explore the pros and cons of each option and allow them to make choices concerned with personal circumstances.


Exploring Alternatives

Counselors discuss various alternatives, such as parenting and adoption, allowing individuals to consider all possibilities. Also, if you and your partner are confused about family planning center Los Angeles, the counselor can help you better in making an informed decision that is good for your future as well


Addressing Fears and Concerns

Counselors help individuals voice and address fears or concerns related to the abortion decision.

Open communication aids in easing anxieties and fostering a sense of control.


Post-Decision Support

After making a decision, counselors provide coping strategies to manage emotions and potential challenges.

Supportive guidance ensures individuals feel equipped to navigate the next steps.


Follow-Up Sessions

Counseling doesn’t end with the decision after testing and exams during abortion, but regular visits and updates are also essential. Follow-up sessions offer ongoing support and address any evolving emotions or concerns. 


The Importance of Confidentiality

Confidentiality is a cornerstone of counseling, creating a safe environment for open communication. Knowing that conversations are private encourages individuals to share openly. This way the decision of abortion gets more clarity before performing the procedure. Also, the more the provider knows about your health and thoughts, the better advice they can offer you. 


Seeking Counseling Support

Our abortion clinics offer counseling services, making them accessible to those in need. So, seeking counseling support is a proactive step in the decision-making process. They can help you understand every little aspect of your current situation.


Summing Up

In the journey of deciding whether to have an abortion clinic, counseling serves as a guiding light, offering support, information, and a non-judgmental space for individuals to explore their emotions and make informed decisions. Choosing to seek counseling is a brave step that empowers individuals to navigate their unique paths with understanding and support. Remember, you’re not alone, and there are resources available to assist you in making the decision that feels right for you.

abortion clinic Los Angeles

Can out-of-state resident get an abortion in California?


Do you know that recently California has gained recognition for its progressive stance on reproductive rights? There is no doubt that the state has worked excellently to ensure access to safe and legal abortion for its residents. However, many individuals wonder whether out-of-state residents can also access surgical or medical abortion in California. Can an out-of-state resident get an abortion in California? Let’s explore the options available to out-of-state residents seeking abortion services in the Golden State.


Understanding Abortion Options in California


California abortion clinic


Before delving into the eligibility criteria for out-of-state residents, it’s essential to understand the abortion options available in California. One of the most common methods is a medical abortion, which involves taking abortion pills under the supervision of a healthcare provider. These pills are safe and effective in terminating pregnancies during the early stages.


You can also go for another option which is visiting a walk-in abortion clinic. These clinics offer a range of abortion services, including surgical procedures. Both medical abortion and clinic-based abortion services are accessible to eligible individuals within the state.


Eligibility for Out-of-State Residents


free abortion pills


Now, let’s address the critical question: Can an out-of-state resident get an abortion in California? The answer is generally yes, but there are essential considerations to keep in mind:


  • Legal Status: California abortion law does not impose residency requirements for individuals seeking abortion services. This means that out-of-state residents can legally obtain a surgical or medical abortion in California.


  • Abortion Pills: If you are considering a medical abortion, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider, either in person or through telehealth services. Many healthcare professionals can provide guidance and prescribe abortion pills remotely, making it more accessible to out-of-state residents.


  • Walk-In Clinics: Walk-in abortion clinics in California are typically open to all individuals, regardless of their state of residence. However, it’s advisable to contact the clinic beforehand to inquire about their specific policies, as some may have certain limitations or requirements just like Her Smart Choice.


  • Financial Considerations: Depending on your insurance coverage and financial situation, you may encounter varying costs for abortion services in California. Ensure that you have a clear understanding of the potential expenses and payment options.


  • Timing: Abortion laws in California allow for abortions during the early stages of pregnancy. It’s essential to seek abortion services as early as possible to ensure eligibility, as the availability of certain procedures may vary depending on gestational age.


Factors to Consider


While out-of-state residents can access abortion services in California, several factors may impact their experience:


  • Travel: Traveling to California from another state may involve additional costs, such as transportation, accommodation, and time off work. Planning your trip in advance can help alleviate some of these challenges.


  • Laws in Your Home State: Abortion laws and regulations vary by state. It’s essential to be aware of the laws in your home state, as they may affect your decision and access to abortion services.


  • Support System: You can consider your support system in California, such as friends or family, who can assist you during the process and provide emotional support.


  • Privacy: If privacy is a concern, be mindful of sharing personal information with healthcare providers in your home state, as it may affect your confidentiality.




In California, out-of-state residents generally have the option to access abortion services, whether through medical abortion or at walk-in clinics. However, individual circumstances may vary, so it’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals and clinics to ensure a smooth and informed process.


While legal barriers are not typically a concern, practical considerations like travel and financial aspects should be carefully planned. California’s commitment to reproductive rights extends to residents and visitors alike, emphasizing the importance of accessible and safe abortion services for all.


If you have any doubts or looking for health advice, feel free to reach out to Her Smart Choice, the trusted abortion clinic.

OBGYN los angeles

Role Of Gynecologists In Providing Medical Abortion Pills

One must have knowledge of how to deal with an unplanned pregnancy. Otherwise, it can cause damage to the reproductive life of women. It usually happens when women face unexpected pregnancy and she begins to seek information and explore too many options. However, medication abortion is considered one of the safest options, which is generally known as the abortion pill. 


The main concern is that many women wonder whether their gynecologist provides this service or not. In the following paragraphs, you will explore whether can gynecologists give you abortion pills. You can also learn alternative ways to access abortion medication. 


Understanding Medical Abortion

medical abortion

Before understanding medical abortion, it is essential to get accurate knowledge of laws, regulations, and medical guidelines on abortion access in your region. Medical abortion is a safe and effective method of pregnancy termination at an early stage and it is legal in California. As we discussed in the previous blog, Mifepristone and Misoprostol are the abortion pills to bring out a miscarriage.  


The medication procedure is entirely different from surgical abortion, which requires a professional team and a healthcare setting. Most of the time, women who want to keep the process private and desire to undergo the process in their homes must be in the gestational stage of pregnancy. 


Role Of Gynecologist In Providing Medical Pills 


Gynecologists, women’s reproductive health professionals, serve their patients with a wide range of services. These services consist of contraceptive counseling, routine check-ups, prenatal care, and managing other GYN-related conditions. Besides, the availability of abortion services through gynecologists can vary from region to region. 


Gynecologists prescribe and manage meditation pills for several conditions, such as menstrual irregularities, contraception, hormone imbalances, and more. It is a good idea to understand their expertise and be involved in medication that empowers women to make informed decisions. 


Comprehensive Counseling – Gynecologists are experts in handling several women’s reproductive health conditions. In the matter of abortion pills, professional GYN prescribes medical pills. Their main role begins with comprehensive and accurate counseling. During a consultation, gynecologists assess every aspect of women, such as their medical history, lifestyle, and other specific health issues to find the accurate abortion pills that meet their health concerns. 


Moreover, gynecologists address concerns and clarify your doubts related to reproductive health. Even they explain the whole details in simple language so that you can understand how to take the medication for effective results. Even the counseling helps the patients to make informed decisions regarding their reproductive health.  


Contraceptive Pills – Another primary role of gynecologists is to prescribe contraception medical pills. Contraceptive pills are basically used for birth control, which further offers women the ability, time, and space to plan their pregnancies later. Gynecologists guide you in selecting the most suitable option using their extensive knowledge of various types of contraceptive pills. They will provide you with an adequate option based on your requirements, lifestyle, and medical concerns. 


Gynecologists assess several factors of women’s health, such as medical history, any drug interaction, medicine or alcohol consumption, and preferences while prescribing contraceptive pills. They also monitor the patient’s response in concern with raising the course of dosage or not. 


Management of Menstrual Irregularities – The irregularities in the menstrual period impact the quality of life of women. The heavy periods and painful situations make women uncomfortable. Gynecologists play an important role to identify the cause of this irregularity and provide you with proper medication treatment for effective results and comfort. 


They may prescribe you hormonal medication pills to regulate your normal menstrual cycle and reduce pain. They also identify the associated symptoms if any and ensure medication effectiveness through ongoing monitoring. 


Hormone Imbalances and Disorders – Some of the imbalances and disorders, such as PCOS and hormonal acne require specialized management. Taking the assistance of Gynecologists is good, because of their expertise in diagnosing and treating these conditions via medication or surgical methods. Mostly, they prefer medication methods as per patients’ comfort.


To address hormonal imbalances and manage the related symptoms, gynecologists make essential testing. Not only this, they also monitor the progress of the patient and provide guidance as per the lifestyle. It doesn’t mean that there are no modifications done according to the medication. Adjustments are also part of the treatment that a professional explains to the patient and helps them in settling into it. 


Postpartum Care – Even after childbirth, a gynecologist plays a vital role in providing medication pills to reduce the pain. These medications are associated with postpartum care. It can help in preventing complications and support healthy recovery. 


Where do you get the abortion pill?

can your gynecologist give you abortion pill

Obtaining abortion pills also requires a safe move as some of the medical centers may also provide you with the less effective and wrong medication. Make sure to choose reliable and legal healthcare providers to receive the right gynecologists’ guidance. 


Here are some common healthcare settings where gynecologists can provide you the abortion pills:


Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center: Her Smart Choice specializes in providing services for women’s reproductive health, including pregnancy-related care and abortion pills. You can obtain free testing and abortion pills from your nearby HSC Women’s Health Center. We are available at the following locations:

Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Los Angeles

Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Huntington Park

Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Van Nuys

Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Long Beach


Women’s Health Clinics: These centers offer a wide range of reproductive healthcare services and abortion services with the assistance of gynecologists.

Planned Parenthood: Parenthood is considered a prominent reproductive healthcare organization that offers comprehensive services, including abortion care. 

Family Planning Clinics: Family planning offers reproductive healthcare services, including contraception, prenatal care, and abortion. 



In the above paragraphs, you may get to know about the role of gynecologists and how your gynecologist can give you the abortion pill. The experience of handling various patients and treating them with the right abortion medication makes them perfect. So, if you have any queries or doubts related to abortion medication, you can get the help of gynecologists by visiting your nearer healthcare center. 


Her Smart Choice is one of the trusted women’s healthcare centers, which will provide you with the best medication treatment. Even here you can get free abortion pills if you come under the low-income section. Meet the expert OB-GYN at the HSC clinic in your own region and get a same-day appointment and treatment.

Urinary Tract Infections During Pregnancy: Risks, Management, and Safety of Treatment

Pregnancy is always a sensitive matter that requires lots of care and attention for significant results. There is a common concern that comes during pregnancy which is Urinary tract infections (UTIs). It affects a significant pregnancy rate of expectant mothers. 


Did you know that UTIs can pose risks to both the developing fetus and mother if not treated on time? 


That is why, it is essential to understand the risks, management, and treatment options for UTIs. Especially, when pregnancy is critical. In the following paragraphs, you will explore the impact of UTIs on pregnancy, effective techniques to manage and approaches to treat that ensure the well-being of both baby and mother. 




Urinary tract infections during pregnancy are common and similar to non-pregnant individuals. The symptoms include frequent urination, burning sensation in the vagina, cloudy or strong-smelling urine, discomfort or pelvic pain, and sometimes, fever, cold, and chills also included. Undoubtedly, regular prenatal care and visits are essential to monitor your good health and avoid potential complications. Besides, You can also obtain assistance on routine healthcare from a telehealth abortion provider over a call.


Risks of UTIs during Pregnancy

The role of UTIs in pregnancy can create various complications that are as follow:


Premature Birth – The infection of UTIs increases the risk of preterm labor and premature birth. This happens when an infection triggers uterine contractions which can be resulted in pre-mature delivery.


Low Birth Weight – Another risk of UTIs is that infants born to untreated mothers are likely to have a low birth weight. It can further create development issues or serious health concerns later in life. 


Kidney Infections – Even if a UTI spreads to the kidneys, it can cause infection in the kidney which is also known as pyelonephritis. The infection can be raised and the condition may become severe which may also require hospitalization and antibiotics. 


Effective Management Strategies 

Management strategies play an essential role during pregnancy, especially in the prevention and management of UTIs. Here are some of the effective strategies mentioned below:


Hydration – Consumption of the right amount of water in routine is very beneficial for pregnant women. It flushes the bacteria out of the urinary tract and lowers the chance of UTIs.


Personal Hygiene – It is essential to maintain proper hygiene for women. It includes wiping front to back after using the restroom and avoiding harsh chemicals soaps, or feminine hygienic products. These measurements can help in preventing UTIs. 


Urination Habits – Make sure to empty or clear the bladder always. This complete cleaning process help in minimizing the chances of bacterial growth. 


Cranberry Products – Some surveys and studies suggest the goodness of cranberry products in the improvement of women’s health. Whether you consume juice or supplements, both help in preventing UTIs. IT prevents bacteria from affecting the urinary tract. 

Safe Treatment Approaches 

During pregnancy when UTIs occur, the treatment becomes essential for the safety of the woman’s health. To consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and consultancy is always a good idea and important too. Some safe and protective approaches related to treatment are as follows:


Antibiotics: Some of the antibiotics are specifically prescribed to treat UTIs during pregnancy. However, the healthcare providers will examine your health and consider the safe antibiotic that will suit you and be effective also. They will keep in mind the potential impact of the dose on the mother and developing fetus.


Urine Culture: The examination related to urine, that is urine culture, is performed to identify the bacteria that is causing infection. This help every individual in getting targeted antibiotic treatment and reducing potential harm. 


Follow-up Testing: After the whole procedure and prescribed course of antibiotics, the follow-up is taken. This follow-up ensures the infection has been treated successfully. 


Pain relief – There are some pain-relief options that are safe and can be helpful. It consists of acetaminophen (medicine to treat pain) that provides relief from the discomfort caused by UTIs. 




The whole information above can help you to understand and manage Urinary tract infections during pregnancy. It requires prompt attention to follow the proper management process. These all terms are to safeguard both mother and the baby. 


By understanding the risks and problems, you may receive effective preventive measures, and obtain safe treatment options. This way expectant mothers can minimize the complications after getting adequate and safe treatment from the nearest clinic. You can obtain all the women’s healthcare services, whether it is related to medical abortion pills or surgical abortion, Her Smart Choice provides all women’s health services. You can also take the assistance of our telehealth abortion provider.


This blog post is just to provide you the UTIs related information. The medical terms can be specified as per an individual’s health condition, so you should consult the doctor or healthcare expert for personalized guidance and effective treatment.

How Late Can You Have An Abortion In California?

Is it legal to get a medical abortion in California or Is it a crime? All the appreciation goes to the Supreme Court’s landmark decision. They provide the legal right to women to make decisions about their own reproductive lives.

Besides, some states, including abortion clinics in California do place some restrictions on women to terminate a pregnancy. Collecting more details on abortion in California shows that it is legal only in some limited cases that we read about in the following paragraphs. But, there is no objection when it comes to protecting a woman’s life during a complicated pregnancy.


Medical Abortion in California

Abortion is defined as a medical treatment that induces termination of pregnancy or to get rid of serious complications while producing a live birth. The abortion process has been legalized in the state since the second half of the 20th century. California is the very first state in the country that legalized abortion under Therapeutic Abortion Act. Yet, abortion would be allowed only if it seems harmful to a woman’s mental or physical health, otherwise the hospital committee would refuse the request.

As time flies, in the early 1970s, the only restriction on women was to get an abortion done under a doctor’s assistance in a hospital. Not only this but also the state continues to expand safety for abortion-seeking women.  At present, there are very few limitations on the woman’s abortion protection procedure.


Medical and Surgical Abortion

Concisely, abortion pills are consumed in the earliest weeks of pregnancy in medical abortion cases, whereas, surgical abortion is considered the most in California for safe and protective termination of pregnancy. Surgical abortion gives less pain and bleeding during the procedure as compared to medical abortion.

How late you can get an abortion entirely depends on your state’s law. However, in general:

  • You can use abortion pills up to 11 weeks after you miss your period.
  • In surgical or in-clinic abortion, you have a time of 24 weeks (or later in a few cases).

Do I Have An Abortion Right In California?

There is no doubt that pregnant women in California have the fundamental right to choose to have an abortion at the present time. You have no need to give a reason or medical justification. Also, this right of yours is protected under California’s constitution and state law.

After the point of viability, California limits abortions. In this situation, the physician determines on a medical faith judgment that there is no need for extraordinary medical measures. Further, abortions can only be performed if a physician determines that continuing pregnancy can risk the health and life of a pregnant woman.

However, the determinations are different person-to-person, their individuality and situation.


When Can Women Get An Abortion Treatment In An Abortion Clinic in California?

In California, women have the right to get an abortion in some cases that are mentioned below:

  • Firstly, she can get an abortion up until the fetus becomes viable.
  • Secondly, the fetus is viable between the 22nd and 24th weeks of gestation.
  • Thirdly, In the case of the threat of pregnancy, post-viability is also performed to save the mother’s life or health.

Is Abortion Legal For Minors In California?

Of course, it is legal for those under 18. Even minors don’t require any permission from their parents or guardian to terminate the pregnancy. However, the restrictions apply to minors who are not emancipated. In this situation, she must have to submit written consent from one of her parents or a court order in her favor.


What If I Am Not A California Resident…

There is no need to worry if you are not a native of California, you can come here to have an abortion. This state allows you to travel and receive an abortion here even if you live elsewhere. On the other hand, there are some states who may impose civil or criminal penalties against people for supporting this. California is always open for people who are seeking abortions even if they belong to a state or country that bans abortions.


Who Performs An Abortion In California?

abortion clinic California

If we see a decade back, women can get an abortion done only in a hospital by a licensed doctor. But, nowadays, things are changed, and abortions are handled legally by any medical professional in an abortion clinic in Los Angeles with specialized training and approval, including:

  • Physicians
  • Surgeons
  • Nurse-midwives
  • Physician Assistants
  • Nurse Practitioners

Can I use telehealth to get a medication abortion?

telehealth abortion provider

Yes, you can, but there may be some restrictions that you may have to follow to access the telehealth medication.

California health centers offer medication abortion for abortion and miscarriage care. You can get through telehealth or in-person.


What Kind of support can I request during an abortion in a disability situation?

People with disabilities have the right to get the support of another person to request reasonable accommodation during an abortion. In addition, individuals with hearing disabilities also have the right to request sign language interpreting or aids and services from abortion providers in California.

Connect With Her Smart Choice If You Need Any Legal Advice

In the above paragraphs, you may already get to know much about the abortion procedure in California. Still, if you have any questions about abortion law in California? Feel free to reach Her Smart Choice for an appropriate and clear consultation with our legal team. We know the sensitivity of this topic and will guide you accordingly about the rights you have and how you can proceed with them. Connect with us for more detailed information on a particular abortion case.

does abortion affect future pregnancies

Does Abortion Affect Future Pregnancies & Cause Infertility?

There is a lot of debate surrounding abortion. One thing that is often brought up in this debate is whether or not abortion can affect future pregnancies and cause infertility.


While some view it as a solution for individuals in difficult circumstances, studies continue to explore the long-term effects of abortion on subsequent pregnancies. 


There are claims that women who have had abortions may experience higher rates of premature birth, pre-eclampsia, and other issues related to fertility and overall health during later pregnancies. Abortion can also lead to psychological distress that can manifest both physically and mentally in later pregnancies again highlighting its importance regarding future pregnancies. 


However, these claims are still vague.


Dr. Jen Gunter in the New York Times says

“There is no link between abortion and future fertility when done safely. Only abortions that are associated with complications could potentially impact future fertility,” 


A report published by Forbes revealed that if you follow a legal abortion procedure in the US, the probability of complications is less that could lead to infertility is 0.23%.


However, further research must be conducted in order to get a better understanding of the potential impact that abortion has on future conceptions.


Having an abortion doesn’t generally affect your ability to get pregnant in the future


It can be a relief for many women to learn that having an abortion does not usually have an impact on their chance of getting pregnant in the future. Medical research has demonstrated that abortions, even multiple ones, do not typically impact a woman’s fertility and stats above are the testimony of it. 


While abortions can cause complications in some cases, it is generally safe to assume that you won’t have issues when attempting to conceive in the future.


However, these  lifestyle factors can also affect fertility:


Age:  It is certain that with age fertility decreases. This is true in the case of women who are older than 35, as per CDCP ( Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Trusted Source.


Medical History: If you have a history of STIs it can probably affect your future pregnancy. This is also true in case you are suffering from any chronic disease such as autoimmune disease, hormonal disorders, and diabetes.


Lifestyle Habits: Daily lifestyle habits such as smoking, and drugs can also affect your fertility. The same is implemented in the case of your partner.


Partner’s Fertility: A sexual partner’s fertility can also affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant. Even if you were pregnant with the same partner in the past, lifestyle habits and aging may affect your fertility.


Women who have had abortions often have deeply personal stories to tell about their experience before, during, and after their procedure. The stigma surrounding abortion can easily turn these intimate stories of fertility into ones of shame. 


However, surprisingly, many women report feeling liberated after a successful abortion and actually encounter improved fertility afterward. Women tell tales of being able to better tune in to their bodies and rhythms as well as being able to make more confident decisions in terms of when they are ready to grow their family after an abortion.


With an increased understanding of the positive effects that abortion can bring for some women, society can begin to shed unfounded judgments and instead become fully supportive and inclusive of those who chose such a path.


Advice to women considering abortion, particularly regarding fertility issues

woman and doctor talking


Pregnancy and parenting can be a beautiful journey, but there are times when a woman might find it overwhelming and difficult to continue due to unforeseen circumstances. 


For women considering abortion, understanding fertility issues is essential. It is important to learn about methods of contraception available before indulging in any kind of sexual activity with the potential for pregnancy.


Women should also be aware of limitations like age, medical conditions, etc. that may hinder their chances of conceiving again following an abortion. Additionally, a woman should gather information on safe abortion procedures if her decision is to terminate the pregnancy.


Talking with a trusted women’s health clinic can offer further insights into the options available and make sure they are making an informed decision while taking control of their health.


Final Verdict


At last, we would conclude by saying that the only way to ensure that accurate information is spread is by having honest, respectful conversations whenever the topic arises. Breaking down barriers and actively listening to alternative beliefs can propel us into sharing reliable information and diminishing the social pressure surrounding this topic. 


We must come together to do away with preconceived notions and instead construct an environment where open communication is encouraged; only then can we further advance our understanding of the complexities of abortion.



less painful abortion procedure

Which Abortion Procedure Is Less Painful?


Abortion is a difficult and sensitive topic for many women. If you are considering having an abortion, you may be wondering which abortion procedure is less painful.


Here is a look at the two most common types of abortions: surgical and medical.


The different types of abortion procedures available


Abortion procedures are an important resource for women seeking to end unwanted pregnancies. From surgical abortions to as-needed medications, there is a wide range of options available that allow people in need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.


Surgical abortion typically involves the removal of the pregnancy through suction or dilation and curettage. If it is an early-stage pregnancy, one can opt for the medical abortion (also known as the “abortion pill”), which uses two medications administered separately over two days to terminate the pregnancy.


For late-stage abortions, some doctors or centers for women’s health may recommend dilation and evacuation, where a combination of dilators and forceps are used to remove fetal material before vacuuming out any remaining tissue from the uterus.


No matter what procedure you choose, it’s important to consult with a doctor who can provide you with unbiased information about which abortion procedure is less painful, so you can make an informed decision about your own reproductive health.


The pain levels associated with each type of procedure


Depending on the type of procedure being done, one can expect a different level of pain, ranging from mild to severe. For example, minor surgeries such as injections or the removal of moles generally have minimal to no pain, while major surgeries like an open bypass may be very painful during and after.


While general anesthesia is usually given during major operations to reduce the amount of discomfort experienced by the patient, it is impossible to avoid all pain associated with medical procedures completely.


Pain tolerance varies drastically between individuals, so it is important to remember that someone else’s experience with a particular operation may not match what you will encounter. Even if the pain associated with a procedure is expectedly low, it is always best to speak with your doctor about any potential concerns before undergoing the procedure.


How to choose the best option for you based on your personal preferences



When faced with a variety of options, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. To make the decision-making process easier, take some time to consider what your personal preferences are.


Think about what type of product or service would satisfy your needs and goals. While there may be many appealing choices, focus on the ones that fit your budget and lifestyle.


Once you have narrowed down the list based on these criteria, use research and reviews to further evaluate each option.


Always trust your instincts and choose the option that feels right for you in order to achieve the best possible outcome that meets your expectations.


The pros and cons of each type of abortion procedure


Every medical procedure has its pros and cons, and it’s important to weigh these carefully when making a decision about a course of treatment.


It is possible to research the different types of procedures available to evaluate the risks and expected outcomes so that individuals can make informed decisions that are best suited to their unique circumstances. Some procedures may be far less invasive but less likely to produce desired results, while others may be more aggressive but typically guarantee better outcomes.


With enough research and information, individuals can decide which type of procedure will give them the best quality of care and offer the most effective treatment. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, however; every individual must consider all available options before making an informed choice.


What to expect after the abortion procedure is complete



After the procedure is complete, there are a few key things to expect. First and foremost, healing must be monitored. For recovery to be successful, all instructions from medical personnel regarding rest, self-care, and follow-up appointments must be strictly followed.


Secondly, possible side effects should be taken into account and monitored closely. These can vary based on the different kinds of procedures but tend to include discomfort, soreness, and sometimes drains or stitches. Last but not least, experiencing results may take anywhere from several days to a few weeks depending on the type of procedure, so patience is key in order to get positive outcomes!


While there are many different types of abortion procedures available, it is important to consider your personal preferences and the pain levels associated with each type before making a decision. Each type of procedure has its own set of pros and cons, so be sure to weigh all of your options carefully before coming to a final decision. After the procedure, you can expect to experience some side effects, such as bleeding and cramping. However, these side effects should abate within a few days. If you have any concerns or questions about what to expect after your abortion, be sure to speak with your doctor.


To get more information about abortion or to find out which abortion procedure is less painful, you can contact Her Smart Choice, a reputed women’s health clinic in California.



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2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033 213-344-0267 213-372-0307
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2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033 213-344-0267 213-372-0307