abortion clinic

Making Informed Choices: The Importance of Abortion Education

There is no doubt that making abortion choices, especially when considering an abortion clinic in Los Angeles, is crucial but challenging. Let’s explore the importance of abortion education in simple language, emphasizing the need for clear, accessible information to empower individuals in making informed choices about their reproductive health.


Different Aspects of Abortion Procedure

abortion clinicIn the present time, it is essential to have a knowledge of every aspect of abortion clinic whether it is medical or surgical.  The procedure of terminating pregnancy not only includes medication but is surrounded by health concerns, personal situations, and family considerations. Besides, each person carries their own queries and situations, so the decision is also deeply personal and unique. 



Why Do Every Women Need Abortion Education?

Abortion clinicAccess to Information: Access to Information: Abortion education ensures that individuals have access to accurate and unbiased information about the procedure, its methods, and potential risks.

Clear information helps dispel myths and misconceptions, fostering a better understanding of what to expect. 


Understanding Options: Education empowers individuals to understand the different abortion methods available, including medication abortion and in-clinic procedures.

Knowing the options allows individuals to make choices that align with their preferences and circumstances.


Legal Aspects: Abortion laws vary across regions. Education provides clarity on the legal aspects, ensuring individuals are aware of their rights and the available options within the bounds of the law.


Emphasizing Consent: Abortion education emphasizes the importance of informed consent. Individuals should have a clear understanding of the procedure, its implications, and alternatives before making a decision.


Health Considerations: Understanding the potential health risks and benefits associated with abortion is crucial. Education promotes awareness of possible complications and the importance of seeking professional medical care.


Abortion Education in Simple Language

abortion clinic

Explaining the Abortion Procedure: Abortion education breaks down the abortion process in simple terms, explaining how medication abortion involves taking pills, while in-clinic procedures may include a gentle suction method or dilation and curettage.


Describing Medication Abortion: For medication abortion, individuals take pills to end the pregnancy. The first pill is taken at a healthcare provider’s office, and the second is taken at home. Education ensures clarity on what to expect during and after a medication abortion, including potential side effects.


Detailing In-Clinic Procedures: In-clinic procedures involve a healthcare provider performing an abortion in a clinic. Education explains the different methods, such as aspiration or dilation and curettage, in easy-to-understand language.


Highlighting Emotional Well-being: Abortion education addresses the emotional aspects, emphasizing that it’s normal to have a range of feelings before, during, and after the procedure.

Providing information on emotional well-being helps individuals understand that support is available and seeking help is encouraged.


Legal Information: Clarifying the legal aspects, education ensures individuals know their rights and the regulations in their area. This information empowers individuals to make decisions within the legal framework.


Access to Resources: Abortion education directs individuals to reliable resources, including healthcare providers, counseling services, and support networks.

Accessible resources contribute to a supportive environment for those navigating the decision-making process.


Promoting Informed Decision-making: The ultimate goal of abortion education is to promote informed decision-making. Individuals armed with knowledge can make choices that align with their values, beliefs, and circumstances.


Final Thoughts

Abortion education is a vital component of reproductive health, ensuring individuals have the information they need to make informed choices. By breaking down complex information into simple language, we can empower individuals to navigate the decision-making process with confidence and clarity. Accessible education not only demystifies the abortion procedure but also fosters a supportive environment where individuals can seek help, make decisions aligned with their values, and move forward with confidence.

Abortion in California

Exploring Abortion Methods: Pros and Cons for Informed Choices

Pregnancy is a complex topic to debate, especially unplanned ones as it can be more challenging. In this situation, one must be aware of the different abortion methods available, as each has its own set of pros and cons. If you’re navigating abortion in California, understanding these options is crucial for an informed decision that aligns with your unique circumstances. Let’s have a look at the various abortion methods, their advantages and disadvantages, and help you make an informed choice depending on your lifestyle.


The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Abortion Methods 

Abortion in California

I. Medical Abortion


How does a medical abortion work  Medical abortion in california sometimes called the abortion pill, is a non-invasive way to end a pregnancy in the early stages, usually up to ten weeks. It includes taking two medicines: mifepristone and misoprostol. Here are the pros and cons:




  • Non-surgical: No invasive procedures, anesthesia, or surgery are involved.
  • Privacy: You can take the pill in the comfort of your home or a medical facility.
  • Early use: Available in the earliest stages of pregnancy.
  • Natural process: Resembles a miscarriage and allows you to be in a familiar environment. 




  • Timeliness: Must be administered within a specific timeframe (usually up to ten weeks).
  • Effectiveness: May not be as effective in the later stages of pregnancy.
  • Follow-up visits: Requires follow-up appointments with a healthcare provider.
  • Heavy bleeding: This can result in heavy bleeding and cramping. 


II. Aspiration Abortion


Aspiration abortion, or suction abortion, is a common surgical method used in the first six to 16 weeks of pregnancy. Here are the pros and cons:




  • Quick procedure: Usually takes only a few minutes to complete.
  • High success rate: Highly effective for early to mid-stage pregnancies.
  • Anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia can be used for comfort.
  • Single visit: Often completed in one appointment.




  • Invasive: Involves a minor surgical procedure.
  • Clinic visit: Requires a visit to a healthcare facility.
  • Limited time frame: This may not be an option for very early or late pregnancies.
  • Recovery: This may involve some cramping and bleeding afterward.

III. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)


D&E is a surgical method typically used for pregnancies beyond 16 weeks. It involves the removal of the pregnancy using suction and medical instruments. Here are the pros and cons:




  • Suitable for later pregnancies: Effective for pregnancies beyond the first trimester.
  • Anesthesia: Available for pain management during the procedure.
  • High success rate: Proven to be effective and safe.




  • Invasive: A surgical procedure that requires a clinic visit.
  • Limited providers: Not all healthcare facilities offer D&E.
  • Later stage: Only an option for pregnancies beyond 16 weeks.
  • Recovery: This may involve more significant cramping and bleeding.


IV. Induction Abortion


Induction abortion in california is used for later pregnancies, typically after 20 weeks. It involves the induction of labor to terminate the pregnancy. Here are the pros and cons:




  • Later-stage option: Suitable for pregnancies beyond 20 weeks.
  • Controlled environment: Takes place in a healthcare facility with medical supervision.




  • Invasive: Involves the induction of labor and is more like giving birth.
  • Limited availability: Not all facilities provide this method.
  • Emotional process: This can be emotionally challenging, similar to a stillbirth.
  • Longer procedure: Typically takes longer compared to other methods.


Summing Up


When facing an unplanned pregnancy, it’s essential to consider your options carefully. Each abortion method has its pros and cons, and the right choice depends on your specific circumstances, including the stage of pregnancy and your physical and emotional needs. Seeking guidance from a healthcare professional and a supportive network can help you make an informed decision. Remember that your choice should align with what you believe is best for your well-being and future.

medical abortion pills in Los Angeles

Is It Safe To Use Abortion Pills For Anemic Women?

Anemia is a condition where a person has a low count of healthy red blood cells. This can make some women worry if they can use abortion pills safely. We’re here to answer your questions and provide information about medical abortion, especially for women in Los Angeles. Let’s discuss if abortion pills are safe for anemic women and explore the option of using Misoprostol alone for terminating a 4-week pregnancy.


Understanding Medical Abortion Pills in Los Angeles

medical abortion pills in Los Angeles

Medical abortion is a secure and efficient method to terminate a pregnancy. It typically involves the use of two medications: Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Mifepristone is usually taken at a clinic, and Misoprostol can be taken at home, 24 to 48 hours later. This combination is successful in terminating a pregnancy in most cases.


In Los Angeles, medical abortion services are available in various clinics, and some organizations may provide free abortion pills to those who meet certain criteria. However, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider to ensure safety and suitability for the procedure. 


Can Anemic Women Use Abortion Pills Safely?

medical abortion pills in Los Angeles

Now, let’s address the concern of anemic women and the safety of using abortion pills. Anemia can make a woman’s body weaker due to the reduced number of red blood cells. It might lead to symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. These concerns can make some women hesitant about using abortion pills. 


The safety of using abortion pills for anemic women depends on the severity of the condition and the individual’s overall health. Here are some factors to consider:


  1. Severity of Anemia: Anemia can vary in severity. Mild cases may not pose a significant risk when using abortion pills, but severe anemia could be a concern. It’s essential for anemic women to consult a healthcare provider who can evaluate their condition and determine the best course of action.


  1. Overall Health: The general health of the woman is a crucial factor. If she is otherwise healthy and her anemia is well-managed, using abortion pills might be safe. However, if there are other health issues present, they should be taken into account. 


  1. Monitoring and Support: Anemic women using abortion pills should be closely monitored by healthcare providers. This includes regular check-ups, blood tests, and access to medical care in case of complications.


Can Misoprostol Alone Terminate a 4-Week Pregnancy?

It’s also worth discussing the possibility of using Misoprostol alone to terminate a 4-week pregnancy. In some cases, this can be a safe and effective option, particularly when access to Mifepristone is limited or restricted. Misoprostol is a medication that can induce uterine contractions and is commonly used in medical abortions.


Studies have shown that Misoprostol alone can successfully terminate early pregnancies, but its effectiveness may vary. The success rate tends to decrease as the pregnancy progresses. In a 4-week pregnancy, the success rate is generally higher than in later stages.


Using Misoprostol alone for abortion is a medical procedure that should be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider. They can provide the necessary information and support, including dosing instructions and what to expect during the process.


Consulting a Healthcare Provider is Crucial

To be precise, the safety of using abortion pills for anemic women depends on individual health and the severity of anemia. It is essential to consult a healthcare provider who can assess the specific situation and provide guidance on the best course of action. They can help determine whether the full medical abortion regimen or the use of Misoprostol alone is the most appropriate option for a 4-week pregnancy.


Access to medical abortion services in Los Angeles is available, and some organizations, like Her Smart Choice, offer free abortion pills for eligible individuals. Remember that seeking professional medical advice and care is crucial to ensure a safe and successful abortion procedure. Still, if you are perplexed, feel free to reach us!

Abortion pills in college of california

Abortion Pills Will Soon Be Available on All UC and CSU Campuses


California college students are now able to access abortion pills with ease and affordability, following the implementation of a new state law. This legislative move is sparking controversy among antiabortion activists who have declared their intention to fight against it.


Starting Jan. 1, 2023, California is set to make history as the first state in America required by law to provide abortion pills through campus medical centers – ultimately enhancing access for an age group that constitutes a majority of those seeking termination services. According to research from Guttmacher Institute, approximately 60% of all who seek abortions are young adults aged between 20-29 – making this move especially crucial and impactful towards providing wider access across the Golden State.


While only a select handful of colleges outside California are taking steps to make abortion medication accessible, the new law could become an example for other states. A 2018 report from UC San Francisco revealed that over 6,000 University and State College, students get medical abortions each year – but with this groundbreaking legislation in effect, it is hoped those numbers will go up exponentially.


Medical abortion provides a noninvasive option for those looking to end a pregnancy in the first 10 weeks. This method involves taking two separate prescription pills at certain intervals, differing from the morning-after pill which uses synthetic hormones similar to birth control ones that work by preventing an egg’s release.


Antiabortion groups, galvanized by the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe vs. Wade, have vowed to be vigilant in monitoring how Californian students are impacted by newly available services and medications related to abortion. Several organizations expressed already having acquired legal counsel – primed for any opportunity that may arise with which they can challenge the law directly.


Securing abortion access on campus

abortion access

A 2018 report published by UCSF’s Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health revealed that hundreds of California university students are accessing medication abortions each month. The number ranges from 322 to 519, showing the high demand for this type of healthcare on campus.


Many students have to go the extra mile—literally!—in order to get their prescription medications, traveling up to a ½ hour via public transportation just for access. As if this isn’t bad enough, the cost is also an issue; on average university-adjacent clinics charge more than $600 per medication prescribed, and wait times typically range around seven days.


By bringing medical abortion to campus, students can now receive this essential healthcare without going on a potentially lengthy and costly journey. These appointments – whether virtual or in-person – will provide them with the prescribed care for their needs.


The University of California takes care of its students by providing a comprehensive Student Health Insurance Plan, including coverage for medication abortions – ensuring that all have access to the healthcare they need.


Raising awareness


With the adoption of a new law, student health centers are increasingly focusing on making more abortion services available. Advocates emphasize that it is critical to spread knowledge about these resources in order for students to have informed access and choice.


“It’s not well advertised,” said Esmeralda Quintero-Cubillan, president of the UC Student Association. “Most students, if you were to ask them, would not know we offered medicated abortions or that you could pursue reproductive health care services.”


Despite the vocal opposition of groups such as the California Family Council, a requirement mandating public universities to provide medication abortion passed in the Legislature. When asked for comment on this decision, however, these organizations remained silent.


Abortion-rights activists are taking action to help spread awareness about the option of medication abortion on college campuses. Specifically, URGE is working hard to ensure that those in gender studies and health-related fields have access to comprehensive information surrounding this important issue.


UC Merced’s student advisory board is working to support access to abortion for all. Board members are highlighting the safety of abortions via presentations, introducing audiences to new laws on abortion, and providing an insightful overview of reproductive justice movements. To further aid in their mission they conduct anonymous surveys amongst students at UC Merced asking how campus health centers can better provide resources around this issue – with fantastic results!


“We try to push like that, you know, being abortion positive means that there’s no shame, no stigma, and no apologies connected to getting the abortion,” Flores said. “Abortion isn’t a bad word. It’s not a bad decision. It’s a decision that people make for themselves, and it’s totally valid.”


UC students now have access to free abortion pills for those with student health insurance. For Cal State students and UCers without coverage, the price point is $60-80 – but there’s a way to ensure greater affordability of this important care: get student health insurance!


how early can take abortion pill

All You Need To Know About Taking Abortion Pill

If you’re considering abortion, you may have many questions. Some of the common questions are “How early can I take the abortion pill while the other can is it safe to take the abortion pill… and many more?” 

The answer depends on different factors, but in this guide, we will try to cover all the possible questions that you may have about taking the abortion pill.

Abortion pill procedures are usually safe and effective. However, as with any medical procedure, there are certain risks involved. Be sure to talk to your doctor about all of your options and make the best decision for yourself.

Here’s an in-depth guide about abortion pills.

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

  • The abortion pill is a medication that is taken to end a pregnancy.
  • It works by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for a pregnancy to continue.
  • The abortion pill is typically taken within the first nine weeks of pregnancy.
  • It is effective in about 95% of cases.
  • Side effects of the abortion pill include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramping.
  • You should consult with your doctor before taking the abortion pill to make sure it is right for you.

Can Taking an Abortion Pill to be Painful?

How painful the abortion pill can vary from person to person, depending on individual pain tolerance and other factors. Some women find the experience harrowing, while others report only mild or no discomfort. 

Physical symptoms may include cramping and bleeding; emotional distress may also occur in some cases. It is essential to speak with a doctor beforehand to discuss any potential risks and decide which form of abortion is best for you.

What is the Timeline for Taking the Abortion Pill?

For those considering taking the abortion pill, it is important to understand the timeline involved. 

  • It can take 1-2 days or up to several weeks, depending on your unique circumstances. The process starts with a consultation with a healthcare provider. 


  • During this appointment, you will receive information about the abortion pill and have an ultrasound to check how many weeks pregnant you are. 


  • After taking the first pill mifepristone, you will likely experience cramping and bleeding, followed 48 -72 hours later by taking the second pill misoprostol. 


  • While the medical abortion process usually occurs within days after all pills are taken, some women may experience light bleeding, spotting, and other symptoms for up to four weeks.
  • Following completion, it is important to return for a follow-up appointment to be sure that your uterus has returned entirely to its pre-pregnancy size and shape.

 Where & How can the Abortion Pill be Obtained?

  • The abortion pill is available at most Planned Parenthood clinics.
  • It can also be obtained from some family planning clinics and private doctors.
  • The cost of the abortion pill varies but is usually around $350.
  • The abortion pill is a safe and effective way to terminate a pregnancy.
  • It is important to consult with a medical professional before taking the abortion pill to ensure that it is the right decision for you.

Can the Abortion Pill be Mailed Across State Lines?

In recent years, debates have risen over the question of whether or not the abortion pill should be able to be mailed across state lines in the United States. Proponents of this issue argue that it is a woman’s right to have access to safe and affordable abortion services, including abortion pills, regardless of their state of residence or finances. 

Opponents are concerned that mail-order abortions are dangerous and non-regulated, and could allow for more complications with unwanted pregnancy terminations. However, both sides of this debate agree that women who choose to seek abortion services should have access to quality care with as few barriers as possible.

  1. Abortion pill by mail is still under attack by conservative lawmakers, despite the FDA ruling that allows abortion pills to be prescribed and sent by mail.
  2. Abortion pills by mail provide a much-needed service for pregnant people who find it difficult or impossible to access care in person. However, since the FDA ruling, conservative lawmakers have introduced 104 proposals attempting to restrict medication abortions.

Why Consult With An Expert Abortion Services Provider?

Making the decision to end a pregnancy is never easy. There are many factors to consider, and it can be a very emotional time. 

If you’re thinking about abortion, it’s important to consult with an expert provider who can answer all of your questions and help you make the best decision for your situation. 

abortion using pills

Medical Abortion: Understanding Abortion Using Pills

Medical abortion is a procedure used to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. It is the alternative to surgical abortion, especially for women in the early stages of pregnancy.


While it is possible to receive medical abortion pills over the counter or through online portals, it is always best to consult with your healthcare provider before doing so. With abortion still being taboo and the constantly changing laws around abortion, many women often have to resort to procuring abortion pills illegally.


When used correctly medication abortion is safe and effective at terminating an unwanted pregnancy.


What Is A Medical Abortion?


Medical abortion is the use of medication to terminate a pregnancy. The two pills used are mifepristone and misoprostol.


During your clinical visit, your healthcare provider will first instruct you to take mifepristone. This first step usually takes place at the clinic. Mifepristone lowers the levels of progesterone, by preventing its further release. It also limits the activation of the progesterone receptors. The declining levels of progesterone prevent the pregnancy from progressing further. Since the pregnancy is no longer viable, the uterus softens and begins to contract.


Your healthcare provider will then instruct you to take misoprostol within 24 to 48 hours after mifepristone. This step is often done at home. Misoprostol assists with softening your cervix. The softening of the uterus and cervix favors the progression of medical abortion.


Bleeding should begin within 24 hours of taking misoprostol. If it doesn’t it would be advisable to contact your abortion clinic.

The process of abortion usually takes 4 – 6 hours to complete. You will notice heavy bleeding and clots. Lighter bleeding can follow for several days to a week.


Are Abortion Pills Safe?


Medication abortion is safe when conducted in a clinical setting following the consultation of a medical professional.


Some women might experience adverse effects from abortion pills. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, extreme cramping, and intermittent bleeding patterns are the most common side effects recorded. Most of these effects subside in a day or two. Women can notice regular menstrual cycles begin about six to eight weeks following a medical abortion.


Only 2% of abortions face complications. In a significant portion of these cases, the complications are minor such as extended bleeding, pain, and infection.

Severe complications are rare with medical abortions. The primary concern with medical abortions is heavy bleeding lasting for more than two days. Ideally, after the first day, bleeding significantly subsides and stops within a week. If the bleeding is profuse even after 24 hours (soaking more than two maxi pads an hour), it is vital to consult with your doctor.


Another concern related to medical abortions is incomplete abortions. This is why two weeks after your medical abortion, you usually have a follow-up visit to confirm the completion of your abortion. A second dose of misoprostol or surgical intervention is considered for incomplete abortions.


For How Many Weeks of Pregnancy is Medication Abortion Effective?


Medical abortion can be considered for women who wish to terminate their pregnancy up to 12 weeks after their last menstrual period.


However, not all pregnancies falling within this 12-week time frame can resort to medication abortion. Such cases include ectopic pregnancies, use of IUDs, women with bleeding disorders, significant anemia, concurrent use of steroids, or allergies to either medication.


Medical abortions are most effective within the first eight weeks of pregnancy, with almost 98% effectiveness. This slowly declines as the pregnancy progresses. Chances of complications also increase if medical abortions are conducted later in pregnancy.


How Will I Feel After My Medical Abortion?


With the guidance of a healthcare professional, you should feel safe and have all your abortion-related queries attended to. Medical abortions allow women to make the personal choice to end their pregnancy within the safe environment of their homes.


The decision to have an abortion is often difficult. Studies have shown that women rarely regret their decision for having an abortion right after the procedure. This assurance increases as the years following the abortion progress.


Even so, it is always advisable to receive professional counseling before and after your medical abortion. Most of the concerns related to abortions are based on the procedure itself and recovery after. Since medical abortions are also not always freely accessible, legal methods to obtain a medical abortion can also be a concern.



Medication abortion is a safe way to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. In an ideal situation, when you decide that you no longer wish to continue with your pregnancy (when it is less than 12 weeks), you consult with your healthcare provider. They can guide you through the process of abortion using pills. A mifepristone and misoprostol combination is used for medical abortion. Cramping and bleeding are expected for a day or two. When conducted early in pregnancy, medical abortions are 98% effective.

prepare for abortion appointment

How to Prepare for Your Abortion Appointment? – A Simple Guide

So, you are pregnant but instead of being happy, you feel stressed. Trust us you are not alone! Moreover, you don’t have to feel guilty for not wanting the pregnancy. 

Always remember it is your body, your choice. 

Once you have decided to abort the pregnancy, it is time to visit a women’s abortion clinic. We will tell you about your options for aborting the unintended pregnancy and how to prepare for your abortion appointment.

Based on the duration of your pregnancy and your health condition, we will suggest a treatment plan. 

You will undergo either a medical abortion or surgical abortion. Now, of course, when you are with one of our experts at the clinic, you will be equipped with all the necessary information about your treatment. 

In addition to that, we also want you to know how you should prepare for your abortion appointment if you choose to go through the procedure. 

Here are a few important points to note. 

  • Plan Your Travel: Yes, this is important. After the medical or surgical abortion, you will not be able to drive yourself back from the clinic. Hence, please make sure to arrange your travel in advance. If you are visiting us from another city, we suggest you stay overnight and travel the next day.
  • Bring a Companion: It is strongly recommended to bring a companion with you. Whether it is a friend or family member, a companion can help take care of your things while you are in the treatment. If you are under 16, an adult (18+) must accompany you. 
  • Essentials to Bring: Make sure to bring your medications, an extra pair of underwear, and sanitary pads (for heavy flow). 

If you have any questions about the same, don’t hesitate to call us at Her Smart Choice where we want to help each woman make an informed choice about her body and life. 

We are based in Los Angeles at six locations with the sole aim of providing the right abortion treatment options to every woman who walks in through our doors.  

Abortion is not an easy choice and we completely understand the gravity of the situation. Without wasting much time, we will put you in touch with one of our experts for your assessment. 

Apart from the points mentioned above, depending on whether you are undergoing surgical abortion or using abortion tablets as a route, we will ensure that you have been notified of all the dietary and drinking restrictions. 

You can visit us by booking an appointment via call or email. 

But if you are in a hurry to get rid of the unwanted pregnancy, we always welcome walk-in patients at all our locations. 

Our clinic not only provides abortion services, but you can also contact us for discussing family planning options such as birth control methods, get a pap test or STD test. 

We also help couples who are experiencing fertility issues. 

We cater to all patients irrespective of their financial background. We are known as one of the low income abortion clinics in Los Angeles. 

At Her Smart Choice, your reproductive and sexual health is our top priority![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Pregnant woman

Types of Birth Control and Their Efficacy in Preventing Pregnancy

With the advancements in medical science, the number of methods available for birth control is on the rise. Some studies suggest that birth control can be used effectively, while others only believe that it can prevent pregnancy and not affect present pregnancies.

Before we clear the air around birth control and its use for abortion, let us first discuss some common forms of birth control and their efficiency in preventing pregnancy.

  1. Continuous abstinence: 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STD/STIs.
  2. Surgical Sterilization: Permanent surgical methods can effectively prevent either a woman’s eggs from reaching the uterus (in tubal litigation) or a man’s sperm from entering a woman (in vasectomy) during intercourse. The failure rate is a mere 1%.
  3. Male condoms: Prevent sperm from reaching the egg. The estimated rate of failure is 11% to 16%.
  4. Female condoms: Prevents the sperm from reaching the egg. Failure in the case of female condoms is around 20%.
  5. Diaphragm: A shallow latex cup that can be fitted by using a visit to the medical care provider. It has a failure rate of 15%.
  6. Cervical cup: A thimble-shaped cup, with a failure rate that can vary from 14% to 29%.
  7. Fertility awareness method: Maintaining abstinence or using other methods depending on the hormone cycle to prevent pregnancy. The method is hard to perfect and thus has a 25% failure rate.

What kind of birth control method you use are a matter of personal choice and your health conditions.

At Her Smart Choice, we can help you select the most appropriate method of birth control depending on your choices and situation.

Birth control methods like the emergency “morning after” pill, hormonal vaginal contraceptive ring, patch, oral contraceptive, Depo-Provera, and intra-uterine devices can also be options worth considering.

Now, it is important that you understand that all forms of birth control cannot act as an option for abortion.

pregnancy termination pill called abortion pill is the safest and sure-shot method of terminating an existing pregnancy.

Before you make use of any method of birth control, contraception, or abortion, it is important to get advice from experts.

Using unsuitable methods can be a risky proposition, and have negative effects on your overall health.

At Her Smart Choice, your sexual and reproductive health and wellness if our primary concerns.

We will make sure you are offered the right solution depending on your condition, health, and need. At Her Smart Choice, you will not just get many choices, but also the proper guidance and information to make a smart choice.

Other than being a preferred choice among low-cost abortion clinics, Her Smart Choice is also a reliable center for gathering information, getting checked for STD/STI, and for discussing fertility and reproductive health issues.

No matter what your concerns are, we, with our experts are always ready to help you find the most viable options and make a smart choice.






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Safe Convenient Affordable Abortion Pills from Her Smart Choice, women's health center abortionabortion provider abortion pillsbirth controlfamily planning servicesGynecological ServicesUrogynecologyInfertilitypap teststd testingIUDSsurgical abortionMedication abortionwomen's health clinicabortion provider Her Smart Choice - Abortion Clinic and Gynecologist in Greater Los Angeles $50 - 1200 Price Range: $$$ 213-344-0267 2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles Her Smart Choice - Abortion Clinic and Gynecologist in Greater Los Angeles
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2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033 213-344-0267 213-372-0307