does abortion affect future pregnancies

Does Abortion Affect Future Pregnancies & Cause Infertility?

There is a lot of debate surrounding abortion. One thing that is often brought up in this debate is whether or not abortion can affect future pregnancies and cause infertility.


While some view it as a solution for individuals in difficult circumstances, studies continue to explore the long-term effects of abortion on subsequent pregnancies. 


There are claims that women who have had abortions may experience higher rates of premature birth, pre-eclampsia, and other issues related to fertility and overall health during later pregnancies. Abortion can also lead to psychological distress that can manifest both physically and mentally in later pregnancies again highlighting its importance regarding future pregnancies. 


However, these claims are still vague.


Dr. Jen Gunter in the New York Times says

“There is no link between abortion and future fertility when done safely. Only abortions that are associated with complications could potentially impact future fertility,” 


A report published by Forbes revealed that if you follow a legal abortion procedure in the US, the probability of complications is less that could lead to infertility is 0.23%.


However, further research must be conducted in order to get a better understanding of the potential impact that abortion has on future conceptions.


Having an abortion doesn’t generally affect your ability to get pregnant in the future


It can be a relief for many women to learn that having an abortion does not usually have an impact on their chance of getting pregnant in the future. Medical research has demonstrated that abortions, even multiple ones, do not typically impact a woman’s fertility and stats above are the testimony of it. 


While abortions can cause complications in some cases, it is generally safe to assume that you won’t have issues when attempting to conceive in the future.


However, these  lifestyle factors can also affect fertility:


Age:  It is certain that with age fertility decreases. This is true in the case of women who are older than 35, as per CDCP ( Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Trusted Source.


Medical History: If you have a history of STIs it can probably affect your future pregnancy. This is also true in case you are suffering from any chronic disease such as autoimmune disease, hormonal disorders, and diabetes.


Lifestyle Habits: Daily lifestyle habits such as smoking, and drugs can also affect your fertility. The same is implemented in the case of your partner.


Partner’s Fertility: A sexual partner’s fertility can also affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant. Even if you were pregnant with the same partner in the past, lifestyle habits and aging may affect your fertility.


Women who have had abortions often have deeply personal stories to tell about their experience before, during, and after their procedure. The stigma surrounding abortion can easily turn these intimate stories of fertility into ones of shame. 


However, surprisingly, many women report feeling liberated after a successful abortion and actually encounter improved fertility afterward. Women tell tales of being able to better tune in to their bodies and rhythms as well as being able to make more confident decisions in terms of when they are ready to grow their family after an abortion.


With an increased understanding of the positive effects that abortion can bring for some women, society can begin to shed unfounded judgments and instead become fully supportive and inclusive of those who chose such a path.


Advice to women considering abortion, particularly regarding fertility issues

woman and doctor talking


Pregnancy and parenting can be a beautiful journey, but there are times when a woman might find it overwhelming and difficult to continue due to unforeseen circumstances. 


For women considering abortion, understanding fertility issues is essential. It is important to learn about methods of contraception available before indulging in any kind of sexual activity with the potential for pregnancy.


Women should also be aware of limitations like age, medical conditions, etc. that may hinder their chances of conceiving again following an abortion. Additionally, a woman should gather information on safe abortion procedures if her decision is to terminate the pregnancy.


Talking with a trusted women’s health clinic can offer further insights into the options available and make sure they are making an informed decision while taking control of their health.


Final Verdict


At last, we would conclude by saying that the only way to ensure that accurate information is spread is by having honest, respectful conversations whenever the topic arises. Breaking down barriers and actively listening to alternative beliefs can propel us into sharing reliable information and diminishing the social pressure surrounding this topic. 


We must come together to do away with preconceived notions and instead construct an environment where open communication is encouraged; only then can we further advance our understanding of the complexities of abortion.



cost of abortion

The Cost of Abortion in California

When it comes to the cost of an abortion in California, there are often many factors to consider. Depending on the kind of procedure you select and whether or not you have insurance, this can have a significant impact on your out-of-pocket expenses for the process. 


It is also important to note that different clinics may charge different amounts for an abortion procedure, so it is wise to shop around for the best deal available.


However, here is a general overview of abortion costs in California.


  • Abortion Pill Cost: Around $700

Medication abortion, also known as the abortion pill, can be taken up to 7 to 10 weeks pregnant. Most abortion clinics charge $700 to provide abortion pills.


  • Suction Abortion Cost: Around $750

Suction aspiration is also called suction curettage, or vacuum aspiration abortion. This abortion procedure is performed between 5 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. The estimated cost for this type of abortion in California is $750.


  • D&E Abortion Cost: Around $1,070-$3,050

This type of abortion is performed between 9-20 weeks of pregnancy. The typical cost for this type of abortion procedure in California is between $1,000-$3,000 or more.


If you are considering undergoing an abortion in California, taking the time to research which women’s health clinic offers the most affordable fees can be beneficial in helping you manage these potential costs.


How to Find an Affordable Abortion Clinic?


  • Do Your Research

Before committing to an abortion procedure, it is important to understand all of your options and the different costs associated with each.


California residents should research the fees associated with their chosen method in order to properly plan ahead and be aware of any financial burden they may incur as a result of an abortion. 


  • Know The Expenses

While costs vary depending on factors like location, type of clinic, and timing of the procedure, knowing the expenses before you begin can save you stress down the line. 


It is also important to familiarize yourself with the different payment plans your clinic may offer for those who may require monetary assistance or want more flexibility with how they pay for the process.


Researching your options gives you the power to make an informed decision that fits your individual needs and circumstances, making sure that you’re equipped with all the knowledge needed for a successful decision.


Find the Resources


There are many resources available to help you make an informed decision about whether or not to have an abortion.


Fortunately for those living in California, there are numerous resources available to help them better understand their options and the potential outcomes.


From counseling services to educational materials and support groups, individuals are better able to determine if they are making the right decisions regarding their lives and health.


No matter what someone chooses, having access to high-quality resources can make all the difference when it comes time to make a personal choice regarding not only abortion but many other important healthcare topics.

The cost should not be the only factor you consider when making this decision

abortion cost california


When making the personal decision to end a pregnancy, it is important to consider more than just the cost of an abortion in California. Although money likely plays a role when navigating this delicate decision, financial strain should not be the only factor you consider. 


  • Educating yourself on the potential risks, available support systems, and local ordinances should all be taken into account depending on your individual situation.


  • It is vital that any person considering an abortion make sure they are completely comfortable and informed about their choice, as it can have lasting effects both personally and medically in some cases.


  • If you decide to terminate, you should establish a plan for yourself that fits your specific needs and values.


You deserve to make the choice that is best for you.


It can be difficult to make decisions about our bodies, especially when it comes to abortion. Unfortunately, the decision doesn’t come free of judgment from others, but that doesn’t mean you have to face this alone.


In California, the cost of an abortion will vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of procedure and your health insurance provider, so it’s important for you to research your options and know what is available to you.


Whatever decision you make regarding abortion should be respected and honored as something that is best for you. It is critical to create a safe environment for yourself so that you can make the best decision for your body without feeling judged by society or those around you.

Ultimately, you deserve to make the choice that is best for you.




less painful abortion procedure

Which Abortion Procedure Is Less Painful?


Abortion is a difficult and sensitive topic for many women. If you are considering having an abortion, you may be wondering which abortion procedure is less painful.


Here is a look at the two most common types of abortions: surgical and medical.


The different types of abortion procedures available


Abortion procedures are an important resource for women seeking to end unwanted pregnancies. From surgical abortions to as-needed medications, there is a wide range of options available that allow people in need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.


Surgical abortion typically involves the removal of the pregnancy through suction or dilation and curettage. If it is an early-stage pregnancy, one can opt for the medical abortion (also known as the “abortion pill”), which uses two medications administered separately over two days to terminate the pregnancy.


For late-stage abortions, some doctors or centers for women’s health may recommend dilation and evacuation, where a combination of dilators and forceps are used to remove fetal material before vacuuming out any remaining tissue from the uterus.


No matter what procedure you choose, it’s important to consult with a doctor who can provide you with unbiased information about which abortion procedure is less painful, so you can make an informed decision about your own reproductive health.


The pain levels associated with each type of procedure


Depending on the type of procedure being done, one can expect a different level of pain, ranging from mild to severe. For example, minor surgeries such as injections or the removal of moles generally have minimal to no pain, while major surgeries like an open bypass may be very painful during and after.


While general anesthesia is usually given during major operations to reduce the amount of discomfort experienced by the patient, it is impossible to avoid all pain associated with medical procedures completely.


Pain tolerance varies drastically between individuals, so it is important to remember that someone else’s experience with a particular operation may not match what you will encounter. Even if the pain associated with a procedure is expectedly low, it is always best to speak with your doctor about any potential concerns before undergoing the procedure.


How to choose the best option for you based on your personal preferences



When faced with a variety of options, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. To make the decision-making process easier, take some time to consider what your personal preferences are.


Think about what type of product or service would satisfy your needs and goals. While there may be many appealing choices, focus on the ones that fit your budget and lifestyle.


Once you have narrowed down the list based on these criteria, use research and reviews to further evaluate each option.


Always trust your instincts and choose the option that feels right for you in order to achieve the best possible outcome that meets your expectations.


The pros and cons of each type of abortion procedure


Every medical procedure has its pros and cons, and it’s important to weigh these carefully when making a decision about a course of treatment.


It is possible to research the different types of procedures available to evaluate the risks and expected outcomes so that individuals can make informed decisions that are best suited to their unique circumstances. Some procedures may be far less invasive but less likely to produce desired results, while others may be more aggressive but typically guarantee better outcomes.


With enough research and information, individuals can decide which type of procedure will give them the best quality of care and offer the most effective treatment. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, however; every individual must consider all available options before making an informed choice.


What to expect after the abortion procedure is complete



After the procedure is complete, there are a few key things to expect. First and foremost, healing must be monitored. For recovery to be successful, all instructions from medical personnel regarding rest, self-care, and follow-up appointments must be strictly followed.


Secondly, possible side effects should be taken into account and monitored closely. These can vary based on the different kinds of procedures but tend to include discomfort, soreness, and sometimes drains or stitches. Last but not least, experiencing results may take anywhere from several days to a few weeks depending on the type of procedure, so patience is key in order to get positive outcomes!


While there are many different types of abortion procedures available, it is important to consider your personal preferences and the pain levels associated with each type before making a decision. Each type of procedure has its own set of pros and cons, so be sure to weigh all of your options carefully before coming to a final decision. After the procedure, you can expect to experience some side effects, such as bleeding and cramping. However, these side effects should abate within a few days. If you have any concerns or questions about what to expect after your abortion, be sure to speak with your doctor.


To get more information about abortion or to find out which abortion procedure is less painful, you can contact Her Smart Choice, a reputed women’s health clinic in California.



Abortion vs Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Can Abortion Cause Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

There is a lot of misinformation about abortion and its possible side effects. One common question is whether or not abortion can cause blocked fallopian tubes. 


The answer, according to medical experts, is yes, abortion in many instances may cause tubal blockage while in others it may not.


There are some medical conditions that can lead to blocked fallopian tubes, and these should be discussed with a women’s health clinic if you’re considering abortion.


What are fallopian tubes and how do they work?


What are fallopian tubes?


Fallopian tubes, also known as oviducts or uterine tubes, are a pair of slender tubes located on either side of the uterus. They are responsible for carrying an egg from the ovaries to the uterus and making it part of a woman’s reproductive system. 


During ovulation, one of the eggs is released from an ovary and enters the fallopian tube, where small finger-like projections on the interior walls help carry it down to the uterus. 


If fertilization occurs between sperm and egg inside one of the tubes, then its movement stops and it embeds into the wall of the uterus instead. 


If no fertilization takes place, then after a couple of days or weeks, it eventually gets expelled from the body during menstruation. Fallopian tubes are therefore integral in facilitating successful pregnancies; otherwise, none of us would be here!


How can abortion cause blocked fallopian tubes?


Blocked fallopian tubes are a serious medical condition that can occur as a result of an abortion. This occurs when tissue forms around the inside of the tube, causing it to become partially or completely blocked and rendering it unable to receive an egg from the ovary or transport a fertilized egg toward the uterus. 


The process in which this tissue form is known as fibrosis, and it can be caused by physical trauma, such as that which is experienced during a surgical abortion. Additionally, uterine infections may cause inflammation after an abortion and lead to the formation of scar tissue in the fallopian tubes. 


It is essential for women who have had abortions to monitor any changes in their bodies afterward and promptly visit an abortion clinic if they experience any signs of fertility issues or other health complications.


What are the symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes, and how is it diagnosed?


Blocked fallopian tubes are one of the most common causes of infertility. Symptoms associated with this condition vary but typically include lower back pain, heavy menstrual periods, painful intercourse, and irregular cycles. 


In some cases, the blockage can lead to an ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate medical attention. 


To accurately diagnose a blockage of fallopian tubes, a physician will likely order a hysterosalpingogram (HSG), an X-ray procedure that involves putting dye into the uterus to assess whether the tubes are open or blocked. 


Other imaging tests such as laparoscopic exams may also be used. 


By understanding the symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes and how it is diagnosed, women can take steps toward improving their fertility outcomes in a safe and timely manner.


What treatment options are available for women with blocked fallopian tubes caused by abortion?


treatment for blocked fallopian tubes caused by abortion


Women who have a blocked fallopian tube due to abortion still have many options available to them for fertility treatments. One of the most effective treatments is in vitro fertilization or IVF. 


In this procedure, eggs are collected from the woman and fertilized with sperm outside the body, then immediately implanted in the uterus. Another quick solution is a surgery known as tubal cannulation where a physician inserts a small scope into the reproductive tract and opens up any obstruction that may be blocking it. 


There are also less invasive treatments like medicines used to thin out scar tissue that may be blocking the tubes, restore normal function, and promote ovulation. Women facing infertility due to blocked fallopian tubes caused by abortion need not lose hope, as there are numerous successful treatments at their disposal.


Are there any ways to prevent this from happening in the first place?


Preventative measures are paramount when attempting to combat any situation or prevent a similar event from repeating itself. We must take a holistic view of the issue at hand, considering all angles and possible resolutions. 


Ponder what can be done to both prevent whatever has occurred before as well as mitigate its effects if it should happen again in the future. As we seek creative solutions that have yet to be implemented, we must view them through a lens of fairness and justice while also weighing the consequences they may bring along with them. The hope is that efforts now will result in fewer issues down the line.


Final Verdict:


Fallopian tubes are a very important part of a woman’s reproductive system and it is unfortunate when any injury or damage occurs that can lead to the blockage of the fallopian tubes. 


Abortion has been linked to an increased risk of blocked fallopian tubes due to scarring within the tube or damage done during the procedure. It is important for women who have had abortions to be aware of the symptoms and risks associated so that they can detect them early on, allowing for proper diagnosis and treatment. 


While there are treatments available, as well as ways to prevent it from happening in the first place through safer methods such as medication, awareness is key when it comes to reducing the chance of issues such as blocked fallopian tubes occurring. 


It is our hope that this post has provided readers with valuable information about fallopian tubes, and the potential risks associated with abortions that could cause blocked fallopian tubes.


If you need further assistance regarding this concern you can visit our abortion clinic in California.


is abortion murder?

Ethical Debate Surrounding the Question: Is Abortion Considered Murder?

When it comes to whether abortion is considered murder, there is a great deal of debate and controversy. The topic has long divided the people of this world.

While some people believe that abortion is indeed murder, others argue that it is not.


In this blog post, we will explore both sides of the ethical debate surrounding this question in more depth. 

So, sit back, relax, and get ready to engage in some critical thinking about one of the most controversial topics – Is abortion murder?


An overview of the background of the ethical debate surrounding abortion

is abortion murder


The ethical debate surrounding abortion has raged for decades, with each passing year bringing new opinions and considerations from both sides of the argument. 


Those who support abortion typically cite a ‘woman’s right to choose’, while opponents say there is an ethical obligation to protect the life of the unborn child in their arguments. So they think abortion is not murder.


The reality of this issue can be further complicated by religious beliefs and personal convictions. In many cases, this leaves public health professionals tasked with determining the right course of action regarding policies and procedures related to women’s abortion rights over their bodies. 


Implications of considering abortion as murder


Abortion has long been a controversial and emotionally-charged topic in the U.S.


Here are a few ways how this thinking – Is abortion murdering – can affect the world.


  • Criminal Charges

If abortion were to be labeled a form of murder, the implications could be severe. Women would potentially face criminal charges for making this healthcare decision, and access to safe and legal abortions would become increasingly limited. 


  • Health Risks

This would further leave many women facing serious health risks as they may turn to more dangerous, but less regulated options for terminating pregnancies.


  • Psychological Impacts

Classifying abortion as murder could have negative psychological impacts on those who have chosen this procedure in the past. It may lead to feelings of guilt, isolation, and even depression if they feel stigmatized by society and judged for their personal decision.



Possible solutions to the debate


Finding a solution to the debate can seem like a daunting task, but with some thought and creativity, it is possible! 

  • One potential solution is increasing public access to relevant data, such as statistics on both sides of the issue that have been independently verified. 
  • Transparency in this regard can help provide citizens with unbiased information so they can make educated decisions. 
  • Engaging both sides of the debate by hosting workshops or forums for further discussion also holds great potential. This creates an environment in which participants can learn more about the opposing view on the issue, allowing them to reach a better resolution. 
  • Discovering a resolution to debates such as these comes down to having all women welfare parties involved and learning how to reach common ground. By doing this, all parties are ensured that their opinion is heard and respected while working towards something greater.


👉 “Repercussions could be far-reaching if abortion was declared illegal”


If abortion was declared illegal, there could be far-reaching repercussions.


This would not only affect the women who choose to have abortions, but also those who work in the medical profession and provide abortions. 


Abortion is not murder so you can seek abortion with confidence regardless of your age

is abortion murder


Abortion is a safe and legal way to end a pregnancy, and it is not considered murder by the US law. You can seek abortion care at any age, without fear of being charged with a crime. 


When it comes to making decisions about their reproductive health, women need accurate information about the abortion laws and quality care they can trust. 




That’s why Her Smart Choice always adheres to current guidelines to provide abortion services


We believe that every woman has the right to make her own decisions about her body and her health, and we’re committed to providing the resources and support she needs.


Final Verdict


Experts at Her Smart Choice believe each woman should have access to accurate information about her reproductive health options so she can make an informed decision – without fear of being judged or criminalized – that best suits her own needs and values. 


No matter what your opinion on this issue may be, you must remember to respect the choices made by other individuals as well as the laws set forth by our society.


Seeking more information about this issue? Look no further than Her Smart Choice – a renowned women’s health clinic in California.



Medical Abortion

What Is The Right Time To Seek Medical Abortion?


Are you considering seeking a medical abortion, but not sure if it’s the right time? This can be a difficult decision to make, and there are many factors to consider. 


Here, we’ll provide some information that may help you make your decision.


When You Have An Unwanted Pregnancy, You Have Several Options To Consider


When faced with an unwanted pregnancy, it can be a very overwhelming and stressful experience for many. It is important to take time for yourself to address your thoughts and feelings before making any decisions. 


Depending on individual circumstances and preferences, you have several options to consider such as parenting the child, adoption, or abortion. Researching each option thoroughly will help ensure that you make an informed decision that is best suited for your needs and situation. 


It is also recommended to seek guidance from professionals to understand all available options and discuss the outcomes associated with them. 


Taking this a step further, speaking with someone who has gone through the same experience can prove invaluable in terms of gaining insight into what it would mean to go through each decision and move forward.


One of the recommended options is a medical abortion, which is a safe and effective way to end a pregnancy. If you are under 10 weeks pregnant, this method is a great choice i.e. a pill taken at home. In most states, abortion is an option up to 24 weeks of pregnancy.


Medical abortion is a safe and reliable way to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. This medical procedure is now available in many countries and utilizes a combination of medications to safely end a pregnancy. 


The process is supervised by medical professionals and the client is given complete information before the procedure. Before the procedure, the healthcare providers assess the client’s condition to ensure that the individual meets the requirements for medical abortion, such as ruling out any pre-existing health issues. 


During the procedure, clients are still able to receive a range of services such as counseling or support from friends or family members as needed. Medical abortions have been proven to be safe and effective for most individuals looking for a non-invasive solution to ending their pregnancies. 


Individuals must consider all of their options when making this important decision, but medical abortion should be placed at the top of their list due to its safety and effectiveness.


Factors To Consider When Deciding If The Medical Abortion Is Right For You


Deciding if a medical abortion is a right choice for you can be a complex and emotional process. Many factors must be taken into account before making a decision, as every individual’s situation is different .


Physical health, mental well-being, personal values, lifestyle, and access to medical providers are all important considerations that may help inform your choice. 


Ultimately, only you have the right to make the final call on what will best suit your specific circumstances. Seeking guidance from compassionate medical professionals and loved ones can provide insight and support during this difficult time.


These include your situation, your health, and your financial situation


Making sure that your personal, physical, and financial situations are taken care of should always be a priority. As life can be unpredictable, making sure to stay ahead of these three areas is key to maintaining a good quality of life.


You Should Also Consider The Laws In Your Country Regarding Abortion


When considering the question of abortion, it is important to remember that laws in your country may have a strong impact on the decision you ultimately make. It is vital to be aware of these laws, particularly the timeline and accepted circumstances for a woman to perform an abortion.


Knowledge of your country’s restrictions or allowances can impact the way you choose to navigate this difficult experience. Furthermore, it is essential to have reliable sources for up-to-date information about any changes that may be enacted in your jurisdiction surrounding abortion. 


Every woman should get all the necessary facts before making her choice.


If you decide that medical abortion is right for you, there are several steps you need to take to ensure it is done safely.


When deciding between medical abortion, it is important to make sure that you are taking the necessary steps to ensure it is done safely. You must consult a doctor before deciding if the medical abortion is right for you. 


It is also important to research all possible risks and side effects before going forward with the procedure. Once you have made an informed decision, your doctor should review the process with you in detail and provide you with comprehensive aftercare instructions. 


With proper research and preparation, “Following WHO guidelines” medical abortion can be done safely and effectively as long as you prepare yourself for what lies ahead.

Final Verdict


It’s important to remember that when making the difficult decision about an unwanted pregnancy, there are many factors to consider and resources available. Medical abortion is a safe and effective way to end an unwanted pregnancy if it is the best option for your personal and financial situation. 


You must also be aware of any laws in your country or state that might affect your decision. Once you have carefully considered all of these factors, take the necessary steps to ensure that your medical abortion is done safely and securely. Taking care of yourself is essential, as well as seeking out support from friends and family when facing such a challenging time. 


Whatever your decision may be on this difficult journey, know that you have options, resources, and those who care about you no matter what

how early can take abortion pill

All You Need To Know About Taking Abortion Pill

If you’re considering abortion, you may have many questions. Some of the common questions are “How early can I take the abortion pill while the other can is it safe to take the abortion pill… and many more?” 

The answer depends on different factors, but in this guide, we will try to cover all the possible questions that you may have about taking the abortion pill.

Abortion pill procedures are usually safe and effective. However, as with any medical procedure, there are certain risks involved. Be sure to talk to your doctor about all of your options and make the best decision for yourself.

Here’s an in-depth guide about abortion pills.

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

  • The abortion pill is a medication that is taken to end a pregnancy.
  • It works by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for a pregnancy to continue.
  • The abortion pill is typically taken within the first nine weeks of pregnancy.
  • It is effective in about 95% of cases.
  • Side effects of the abortion pill include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramping.
  • You should consult with your doctor before taking the abortion pill to make sure it is right for you.

Can Taking an Abortion Pill to be Painful?

How painful the abortion pill can vary from person to person, depending on individual pain tolerance and other factors. Some women find the experience harrowing, while others report only mild or no discomfort. 

Physical symptoms may include cramping and bleeding; emotional distress may also occur in some cases. It is essential to speak with a doctor beforehand to discuss any potential risks and decide which form of abortion is best for you.

What is the Timeline for Taking the Abortion Pill?

For those considering taking the abortion pill, it is important to understand the timeline involved. 

  • It can take 1-2 days or up to several weeks, depending on your unique circumstances. The process starts with a consultation with a healthcare provider. 


  • During this appointment, you will receive information about the abortion pill and have an ultrasound to check how many weeks pregnant you are. 


  • After taking the first pill mifepristone, you will likely experience cramping and bleeding, followed 48 -72 hours later by taking the second pill misoprostol. 


  • While the medical abortion process usually occurs within days after all pills are taken, some women may experience light bleeding, spotting, and other symptoms for up to four weeks.
  • Following completion, it is important to return for a follow-up appointment to be sure that your uterus has returned entirely to its pre-pregnancy size and shape.

 Where & How can the Abortion Pill be Obtained?

  • The abortion pill is available at most Planned Parenthood clinics.
  • It can also be obtained from some family planning clinics and private doctors.
  • The cost of the abortion pill varies but is usually around $350.
  • The abortion pill is a safe and effective way to terminate a pregnancy.
  • It is important to consult with a medical professional before taking the abortion pill to ensure that it is the right decision for you.

Can the Abortion Pill be Mailed Across State Lines?

In recent years, debates have risen over the question of whether or not the abortion pill should be able to be mailed across state lines in the United States. Proponents of this issue argue that it is a woman’s right to have access to safe and affordable abortion services, including abortion pills, regardless of their state of residence or finances. 

Opponents are concerned that mail-order abortions are dangerous and non-regulated, and could allow for more complications with unwanted pregnancy terminations. However, both sides of this debate agree that women who choose to seek abortion services should have access to quality care with as few barriers as possible.

  1. Abortion pill by mail is still under attack by conservative lawmakers, despite the FDA ruling that allows abortion pills to be prescribed and sent by mail.
  2. Abortion pills by mail provide a much-needed service for pregnant people who find it difficult or impossible to access care in person. However, since the FDA ruling, conservative lawmakers have introduced 104 proposals attempting to restrict medication abortions.

Why Consult With An Expert Abortion Services Provider?

Making the decision to end a pregnancy is never easy. There are many factors to consider, and it can be a very emotional time. 

If you’re thinking about abortion, it’s important to consult with an expert provider who can answer all of your questions and help you make the best decision for your situation. 

abortion clinic

Choosing an Abortion Clinic: How to Find a Safe Provider

The decision to end a pregnancy is not one that is made easily. For many women, it is the most difficult decision they will ever make.

Making sure you have all the information you need before making your choice is critical. You need to know your options, and you need to be confident that the clinic you choose will provide safe quality care.

There are many chargeable as well as free abortion clinics out there, and not all of them are created equal.

So how do you find a safe & free abortion clinic in Los Angeles

Here are some tips:

Make Sure The Clinic You’re Considering Is Legitimate

One of the most important things to look for when choosing an abortion clinic near you is legitimacy. Make sure the clinic you’re considering is licensed and accredited by a reputable organization.

You should also look for clinics that have been in business for a long time. Clinic staff should be experienced and qualified. The clinic should also have a good reputation in the community.

You should also ask about the clinic’s safety record.

Ask Them For Information About The Procedure

When you call or go to a clinic, be prepared to ask questions about the procedure. What kind of abortion is available to me? What are the risks and side effects associated with this type of abortion? 


How will I feel after the procedure? What kind of follow-up care is offered? You should also be prepared to receive honest, accurate answers to your questions. 


If you don’t feel like the clinic staff is listening to you or answering your questions fully, it may be best to look for another provider.

Do a Little More Research Into a Clinic’s Reputation

The internet is a great place to start when researching a clinic’s reputation. Look for reviews from past patients, and see if the clinic has a website or social media page even if the clinic provides a free guide or free pills to have an abortion. 


Read through as many reviews as you can, and try to get a sense of the clinic’s overall reputation. If you have any friends or family members who have had an abortion, ask them for their recommendations. 


They may have gone to a clinic that they were happy with, or they may have had a negative experience that you should avoid.

Contact Your Local Chapter Of The National Abortion Federation (NAF). 

If you are unsure of where to find an abortion clinic, or which clinic is right for you, contact your local chapter of the National Abortion Federation (NAF). The NAF can help connect you with a clinic that is right for your needs and provide you with information about the procedure.

NAF is a nonprofit organization that supports safe and legal abortion. They can provide you with a list of accredited abortion clinics in your area, as well as information about what to look for when choosing a clinic.

Look For a Clinic That Prioritizes Your Privacy

When looking for an abortion clinic, it is important to find one that prioritizes your privacy. Make sure the clinic you choose does not share your personal information with anyone without your consent. 


You should also feel comfortable discussing your decision with the staff at the clinic. They should be respectful and understanding, and they should never pressure you into making a decision.

How Does The Right Abortion Clinic Help You?

  • They understand your needs and provide you with the care you need.
  • The right abortion clinic has knowledgeable and experienced staff who can answer all your questions and help you through the process.
  • The right abortion clinic respects your privacy and keeps your information confidential.
  • The right abortion clinic offers a variety of services, including early abortions, late abortions, and medication abortions.
  • The right abortion clinic is affordable and accepts insurance plans.
  • The right abortion clinic is conveniently located near you and in many instances, they provide a free consultation.

Final Verdict

When it comes to making a difficult decision about abortion, you need all the help you can get. This is why choosing the right clinic is so important. 


Not only do they provide quality services and support, but they also offer a wide range of resources that can help you make the best decision for yourself and your family. It is important to do your research before choosing a free abortion clinic. Contact us for more information about abortion, you can call us at 213-372-0538 or email at


We hope this article has helped you better understand what to look for when choosing an abortion clinic and how they can help you through this tough time.


Good luck

prepare for abortion appointment

How to Prepare for Your Abortion Appointment? – A Simple Guide

So, you are pregnant but instead of being happy, you feel stressed. Trust us you are not alone! Moreover, you don’t have to feel guilty for not wanting the pregnancy. 

Always remember it is your body, your choice. 

Once you have decided to abort the pregnancy, it is time to visit a women’s abortion clinic. We will tell you about your options for aborting the unintended pregnancy and how to prepare for your abortion appointment.

Based on the duration of your pregnancy and your health condition, we will suggest a treatment plan. 

You will undergo either a medical abortion or surgical abortion. Now, of course, when you are with one of our experts at the clinic, you will be equipped with all the necessary information about your treatment. 

In addition to that, we also want you to know how you should prepare for your abortion appointment if you choose to go through the procedure. 

Here are a few important points to note. 

  • Plan Your Travel: Yes, this is important. After the medical or surgical abortion, you will not be able to drive yourself back from the clinic. Hence, please make sure to arrange your travel in advance. If you are visiting us from another city, we suggest you stay overnight and travel the next day.
  • Bring a Companion: It is strongly recommended to bring a companion with you. Whether it is a friend or family member, a companion can help take care of your things while you are in the treatment. If you are under 16, an adult (18+) must accompany you. 
  • Essentials to Bring: Make sure to bring your medications, an extra pair of underwear, and sanitary pads (for heavy flow). 

If you have any questions about the same, don’t hesitate to call us at Her Smart Choice where we want to help each woman make an informed choice about her body and life. 

We are based in Los Angeles at six locations with the sole aim of providing the right abortion treatment options to every woman who walks in through our doors.  

Abortion is not an easy choice and we completely understand the gravity of the situation. Without wasting much time, we will put you in touch with one of our experts for your assessment. 

Apart from the points mentioned above, depending on whether you are undergoing surgical abortion or using abortion tablets as a route, we will ensure that you have been notified of all the dietary and drinking restrictions. 

You can visit us by booking an appointment via call or email. 

But if you are in a hurry to get rid of the unwanted pregnancy, we always welcome walk-in patients at all our locations. 

Our clinic not only provides abortion services, but you can also contact us for discussing family planning options such as birth control methods, get a pap test or STD test. 

We also help couples who are experiencing fertility issues. 

We cater to all patients irrespective of their financial background. We are known as one of the low income abortion clinics in Los Angeles. 

At Her Smart Choice, your reproductive and sexual health is our top priority![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Pregnant woman

Types of Birth Control and Their Efficacy in Preventing Pregnancy

With the advancements in medical science, the number of methods available for birth control is on the rise. Some studies suggest that birth control can be used effectively, while others only believe that it can prevent pregnancy and not affect present pregnancies.

Before we clear the air around birth control and its use for abortion, let us first discuss some common forms of birth control and their efficiency in preventing pregnancy.

  1. Continuous abstinence: 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STD/STIs.
  2. Surgical Sterilization: Permanent surgical methods can effectively prevent either a woman’s eggs from reaching the uterus (in tubal litigation) or a man’s sperm from entering a woman (in vasectomy) during intercourse. The failure rate is a mere 1%.
  3. Male condoms: Prevent sperm from reaching the egg. The estimated rate of failure is 11% to 16%.
  4. Female condoms: Prevents the sperm from reaching the egg. Failure in the case of female condoms is around 20%.
  5. Diaphragm: A shallow latex cup that can be fitted by using a visit to the medical care provider. It has a failure rate of 15%.
  6. Cervical cup: A thimble-shaped cup, with a failure rate that can vary from 14% to 29%.
  7. Fertility awareness method: Maintaining abstinence or using other methods depending on the hormone cycle to prevent pregnancy. The method is hard to perfect and thus has a 25% failure rate.

What kind of birth control method you use are a matter of personal choice and your health conditions.

At Her Smart Choice, we can help you select the most appropriate method of birth control depending on your choices and situation.

Birth control methods like the emergency “morning after” pill, hormonal vaginal contraceptive ring, patch, oral contraceptive, Depo-Provera, and intra-uterine devices can also be options worth considering.

Now, it is important that you understand that all forms of birth control cannot act as an option for abortion.

pregnancy termination pill called abortion pill is the safest and sure-shot method of terminating an existing pregnancy.

Before you make use of any method of birth control, contraception, or abortion, it is important to get advice from experts.

Using unsuitable methods can be a risky proposition, and have negative effects on your overall health.

At Her Smart Choice, your sexual and reproductive health and wellness if our primary concerns.

We will make sure you are offered the right solution depending on your condition, health, and need. At Her Smart Choice, you will not just get many choices, but also the proper guidance and information to make a smart choice.

Other than being a preferred choice among low-cost abortion clinics, Her Smart Choice is also a reliable center for gathering information, getting checked for STD/STI, and for discussing fertility and reproductive health issues.

No matter what your concerns are, we, with our experts are always ready to help you find the most viable options and make a smart choice.






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Safe Convenient Affordable Abortion Pills from Her Smart Choice, women's health center abortionabortion provider abortion pillsbirth controlfamily planning servicesGynecological ServicesUrogynecologyInfertilitypap teststd testingIUDSsurgical abortionMedication abortionwomen's health clinicabortion provider Her Smart Choice - Abortion Clinic and Gynecologist in Greater Los Angeles $50 - 1200 Price Range: $$$ 213-344-0267 2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles Her Smart Choice - Abortion Clinic and Gynecologist in Greater Los Angeles
2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033 213-344-0267 213-372-0307
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2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033 213-344-0267 213-372-0307