walk-in abortion clinic in Los Angeles

What Happens To Your Body After An Abortion?

Going through an abortion can stir up many questions and worries, especially about how your body will change afterward. It’s crucial to recognize that your body undergoes a recovery phase following an abortion, and knowing what to anticipate can empower you to look after yourself. Let’s explore the physical and emotional changes that occur after an abortion, along with tips on managing the recovery process. Whether you’ve had an abortion at a walk-in abortion clinic in Los Angeles or are considering one, this information can be valuable.


  1. Immediate After-Effects of Post-Abortion

walk-in abortion clinic Los AngelesAfter an abortion, you might experience some immediate after-effects, such as:


Bleeding: It’s common to have bleeding, similar to a heavy period, immediately after the procedure. This bleeding typically lasts a few days to a week, but it can vary from person to person.


Cramping: You may also experience mild to moderate cramping. This is your uterus contracting and returning to its normal size. You can use over-the-counter pain pills to make yourself feel better when you’re in pain.


Emotional Responses: Emotional reactions vary, but it’s normal to experience a range of feelings, including relief, sadness, or even a sense of guilt. Remember that your emotions are valid, and seeking support from a therapist or support group can be beneficial.


  1. Short-Term Changes


In the days and weeks following an abortion, your body goes through various short-term changes:


Spotting: After the initial bleeding subsides, you may notice light spotting. This can continue for a few weeks and is entirely normal. If you’re wondering how to stop spotting, it’s usually best to let it resolve naturally.


Breast Changes: Your breasts may have become more tender and enlarged during pregnancy. After an abortion, they will gradually return to their pre-pregnancy state.


Hormone Adjustments: Your body’s hormonal balance will slowly return to normal. This can result in mood swings and fluctuations in energy levels.


Return of Menstruation: Your menstrual cycle should return to its usual pattern within 4-6 weeks. If you had an abortion at a walk-in clinic in Los Angeles, your healthcare provider will likely provide guidance on contraception to prevent unintended pregnancies.


  1. Long-Term Effects


Fertility: Having an abortion typically doesn’t impact your future fertility. You should be able to become pregnant when you’re ready, but always discuss family planning with your healthcare provider. 


Emotional Healing: The emotional recovery process can take longer. It is good to be nice to yourself, calm your mind, and seek support when required. Everyone’s journey is unique, and there’s no set timeline for healing.


IV. Caring for Yourself After an Abortion

how to stop spottingTo support your body and emotional well-being during the recovery process, consider these tips:


Rest: Allow yourself plenty of rest in the days following the abortion. Avoid strenuous activities and give your body the time it needs to heal.


Hydrate: Drink enough water to stay hydrated. Aim for at least eight glasses a day to help your body recover.


Nutrition: Consume a balanced diet with foods rich in iron, folic acid, and vitamin D. You can have these nutrients to support the recovery process of your body.


Pain Management: If you experience discomfort, consult your healthcare provider for recommendations on over-the-counter pain relief.


Follow-Up Appointments: Attend any scheduled follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to ensure your recovery is on track.


Emotional Support: Don’t hesitate to seek emotional support if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Talking to a counselor or joining a support group can be incredibly beneficial.



Understanding what happens to your body after an abortion is essential for self-care and emotional well-being. Whether you’ve visited a walk-in abortion clinic in Los Angeles or had the procedure elsewhere, taking the time to recover and heal is crucial. 


Be patient with yourself, and remember that there are resources and support available to help you through this journey. Your body and emotions will gradually return to normal, and you can look forward to a healthier future.

Post-abortion care

What To Eat After Abortion For Fast Recovery?

Recovery after an abortion is an essential part of a woman’s healthcare journey. Just as it’s crucial to make the right decisions regarding your pregnancy, taking care of your body after the procedure is equally important. 

One significant aspect of post-abortion care is nutrition, which is generally told by almost all women’s health clinics. The food you consume can greatly affect your healing process. Let’s explore the importance of post-abortion nutrition and provide you with valuable tips on what to eat after an abortion for a fast and smooth recovery.


Listen to Your Body For Fast Recovery

abortion clinic

Following an abortion, your body requires a period of recovery and healing. You might experience physical and emotional changes during this time, and it’s essential to be in tune with your body’s signals. If you’re hungry, eat, but don’t force yourself if you don’t feel like it. Small, frequent meals can help you maintain your energy levels.


Stay Hydrated

Hydration is vital for your recovery. Water helps flush toxins from your body and aids in the healing process. It is good if you can consume at least eight glasses of water every day. Herbal teas, clear broths, and diluted fruit juices can also contribute to your fluid intake.


Nutrient-Rich Foods

Your body needs nutrients to heal and regain strength. Focus on nutrient-dense foods, such as:


Proteins: Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and plant-based proteins like beans and lentils can aid in tissue repair.

Fruits and Vegetables: Colorful fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, which support overall health.

Whole Grains: Foods like brown rice, quinoa, and whole-grain bread provide energy and fiber.

Dairy or Dairy Alternatives: These are important for calcium and vitamin D, which are crucial for bone health.


Iron-rich foods: Abortion can lead to a temporary drop in iron levels, so it’s important to consume iron-rich foods like lean red meat, beans, tofu, and fortified cereals. Iron helps your body produce red blood cells, which are essential for carrying oxygen to your organs and tissues.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon and trout, walnuts, and flaxseeds, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help with your recovery. They are also important for brain health and emotional well-being.


Foods to Avoid During Post-abortion Care

 Women’s health clinic

Consumption of food must be correct because certain foods can cause discomfort by interfering with your recovery stage. It is a good idea to avoid the below-given food consumption:


Caffeine: It can increase anxiety and disrupt your sleep.

Spicy Foods: These may irritate your digestive system.

Alcohol: It can interact with medications and hinder your recovery.

Processed Foods: High levels of sodium and unhealthy fats can be dangerous.


Listen to Your Cravings

It’s common to experience cravings after an abortion. If you find yourself craving a particular food, it’s okay to indulge in moderation. Sometimes, your body instinctively knows what it needs for recovery.


Vitamin Supplements

In some cases, your healthcare provider may recommend vitamin supplements to ensure you’re getting all the necessary nutrients. There are some common supplements available, including folic acid, iron, and vitamin D that you can consume. It’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s guidance on supplement usage.


Herbal Teas

Herbal teas like chamomile and ginger can help with relaxation, digestion, and reducing nausea. Just be sure to consult your healthcare provider before consuming any herbal teas, as some may interact with medications.


Gentle Exercise

While it’s important to get plenty of rest, gentle exercises like walking can promote circulation and help prevent blood clots. Make sure to talk to your doctor before you begin exercising, and pay attention to what your body tells you.


Emotional Support

In addition to physical care, don’t underestimate the importance of emotional well-being. Emotional support, whether from friends, family, or a mental health professional, can significantly aid in your recovery. Even stress and anxiety can impact your physical health, so taking care of your emotional health is essential as well.


Follow-Up Care

Ensure you attend any follow-up appointments as advised by your healthcare provider. They will monitor your recovery and address any concerns you may have.



In brief, recovering after an abortion is a unique and personal journey. Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in ensuring a fast and smooth recovery. By focusing on nutrient-rich foods, staying hydrated, and listening to your body’s signals, you can support your physical healing. Equally important is taking care of your emotional well-being and seeking the necessary support. Remember that every woman’s experience is different, so it’s vital to follow the guidance of your healthcare provider and prioritize self-care during this time.

Abortion in California

How Many Abortions Can You Have?

Abortion is a complex and sensitive topic, often surrounded by various laws, regulations, and ethical considerations. It is essential to understand the limits and legal regulations surrounding abortion, particularly in California, where abortion laws are relatively liberal compared to many other places. Let’s delve into the question of how many abortions a person can have, taking into consideration the legal framework and regulations governing abortion in California.


Know the Legal Framework for Abortion Duration in California

Is abortion legal in CaliforniaIn the United States, abortion laws vary from state to state except for some specific ones. ‘Is abortion legal in California and how many times one can have it?’ is commonly asked by people.


 In California, the right to abortion is protected by state law and individuals have relatively unrestricted access to abortion services. This means that women can easily seek abortions for various reasons and at different stages of pregnancy. Besides, it is essential to understand the specifications and limitations of these laws. 


The abortion laws of California allow a woman to seek an abortion at any stage of pregnancy. Also, there are no limitations on the number of abortions in this state. The decision of an abortion is completely considered a personal choice of an individual under the laws. 


However, it is crucial to clarify that while there is no set limit on the number of abortions, this does not mean that abortion is a form of contraception. Abortion should be considered as a healthcare option when other contraceptive methods have failed or are not suitable. It is always advisable to use contraception to prevent unintended pregnancies.


Counseling and Support


While there is no legal limit on the number of abortions a person can have in California, it is essential to consider the emotional and psychological aspects of abortion. Seeking professional counseling and support is highly recommended, especially if an individual is considering multiple abortions.


If an individual repeats the abortion procedure several times, they may face emotional and physical troubles. This is the reason that it is essential to have a support system near them. Besides, most abortion clinics in Los Angeles offer counseling services to help individuals make informed decisions and easily deal with the emotional aspects of the procedure. 


Family Planning and Contraception

abortion in californiaTo reduce the need for multiple abortions, it is crucial to prioritize family planning and the use of effective contraception methods. California offers a wide range of contraceptive options, including birth control pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), condoms, and more. These methods can help individuals prevent unintended pregnancies and the need for abortion. 


It is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most suitable contraceptive method based on an individual’s health and lifestyle. By using contraception effectively, individuals can reduce the risk of unintended pregnancies and the need for abortion.


Access to Safe Abortion Services

One of the essential aspects of ensuring safe and legal abortion is access to reputable healthcare providers and abortion clinics. California, and particularly Los Angeles, has a well-established network of abortion clinics that provide safe and confidential abortion services.


When seeking an abortion, it is crucial to choose a licensed and accredited healthcare facility that complies with all the legal and safety regulations. These facilities offer a range of abortion methods, including medication abortion and in-clinic procedures.


Moreover, healthcare providers in California are required to offer comprehensive information about the abortion process, potential risks, and aftercare. They should also provide counseling and support services to ensure that individuals make well-informed decisions.


Addressing Concerns

It is not uncommon for individuals to have concerns and questions regarding abortion, especially when considering multiple procedures. Some common concerns include:


Health and Safety: Repeated abortions can raise concerns about physical health and safety. It is essential to discuss these concerns with a healthcare provider who can offer guidance and address any potential risks associated with multiple abortions.


Emotional Well-Being: Multiple abortions can have emotional and psychological effects. Seeking counseling and support is crucial to help individuals cope with their feelings and make informed choices.


Contraception: It is essential to discuss contraceptive options with a healthcare provider to prevent the need for future abortions. Exploring the most suitable contraceptive method is a proactive step in family planning.


Final Thoughts

In California, there is no legal limit on the number of abortions a person can have. The decision to seek an abortion is a personal one and is protected by state privacy laws. Besides, access to safe and reputable abortion services, along with counseling and support, is essential for individuals considering abortion.


Ultimately, the choice to have an abortion is a deeply personal one, and individuals should make informed decisions that are in line with their values and circumstances. Seeking guidance from healthcare providers, counselors, and support networks can help individuals navigate the complexities of abortion and make the choices that are right for them.

Can I get pregnant if I forget one Birth Control pill?

Birth control pills are a widely used form of contraception globally, with high efficacy rates when taken correctly. However, missing a pill or taking it at the wrong time can decrease its effectiveness and increase the risk of pregnancy.


Further, it also depends on several factors, such as the type of pill, the number of missed active tablets, and the duration since your last pill intake. For instance, missing an active combination contraceptive pill may slightly increase the risk of pregnancy, but even if you take it at the wrong time, some of the drugs will still be present in your body which is elaborated in the following paragraphs of this blog.


Let’s explore the risks associated with forgetting one birth control pill, how it affects different types of pills, and what you can do to minimize such risks. 


How do Birth Control Pills Work?


birth control pills


Before we delve into the risks of missing a pill, it’s crucial to understand how contraception pills work. These pills contain synthetic hormones, such as estrogen and progestin, which work together to prevent ovulation, or the release of an egg from the ovaries; thicken the cervical mucus, making it challenging for sperm to reach the egg; and thin the lining of the uterus, making it difficult for a fertilized egg to implant and grow.


When taken correctly, birth control pills are highly effective, with a failure rate of less than 1% per year. But missing a pill can reduce its effectiveness and increase the chances of pregnancy.


The Risks of Forgetting One Birth Control Pill


women's health clinic


If you forget to take one pill, the risk of pregnancy is relatively low, but it still exists. The possibility of pregnancy depends on the type of pill you are taking, the number of pills missed, and the timing of the missed pill. 


Missing a combination pill, which contains estrogen and progestin, increases the risk of pregnancy slightly but not significantly. If you miss taking an active combination contraceptive pill (a type of birth control pill that contains both estrogen and progestin), the risk of getting pregnant will slightly increase. The active pills in combination with contraceptive pills are the ones that contain hormones and are responsible for preventing pregnancy.       


However, even if you take the pill at the wrong time (for example, taking it a few hours late), some of the drugs (hormones) from the pill will still be present in your body. This means that there is still some level of contraceptive protection, although it may be slightly reduced as compared to taking the pill consistently and at the correct time.


It’s important to note that missing pills or taking them at the wrong time can decrease the effectiveness of the contraceptive and increase the risk of pregnancy. If you are using combination contraceptive pills, it’s advised to follow the prescribed schedule and take the pills consistently to maximize their effectiveness. 


On the other hand, missing a mini-pill, which only contains progestin, increases your chances of getting pregnant, although the chances are still low. It means that when you miss taking a mini-pill, the absence of progestin in your system can increase the possibility of pregnancy. 


Progestin plays a crucial role in preventing pregnancy by thickening the cervical mucus, thinning the uterine lining, and inhibiting ovulation. Therefore, missing a mini-pill can disrupt these mechanisms and potentially allow for ovulation and fertilization to occur.


However, it’s important to note that even if you miss a mini-pill, the chances of getting pregnant are still relatively low compared to not using any form of contraception. The progestin from previously taken pills may still provide some contraceptive effect, and the overall effectiveness of the mini-pill in preventing pregnancy is relatively high when taken correctly.


Extended-cycle contraceptive pills are also a popular choice among women who want to avoid monthly periods. These pills contain 84 active tablets and seven low-dose estrogen or inactive tablets, which equates to four packs per year.


By taking low-dose estrogens in the last seven tablets, it’s possible to minimize the negative side effects of a hormone-free interval, such as bloating and bleeding. 


The risk of pregnancy also depends on when you forget to take the pill during your cycle. Missing a pill in the first week of the pack increases your chances of pregnancy more than forgetting pills in the middle of the pack. This is because your system is already depleted of hormones after a seven-day absence.


If you miss several pills in a row, your chances of getting pregnant increase significantly, especially in the last half of your pack or at the start of a new pack. In such cases, it’s advisable to use emergency contraception or contact nearby women’s health clinic.


Reducing the Risks of Forgetting One Birth Control Pill


birth control clinic


To reduce the risk of forgetting one pill, you can take several measures, such as:

  1. Setting reminders: You can use an application on your phone, an alarm, or a calendar to remind you to take your pill at the same time every day. You can also keep your pill pack in a visible and accessible place, such as your nightstand or your purse.


  1. Using a backup method: You can use a backup method of contraception, such as condoms or a diaphragm, for the first seven days of taking a new pill pack or if you miss a pill by more than 24 hours.


  1. Taking advantage of the placebo pills: If you are taking a combination pill, you can use the placebo pills, which are inactive pills, as a reminder to take your pill every day. The placebo pills are usually colored differently from the active pills and are taken during the fourth week of the pack.


  1. Consider alternative methods: If you find it challenging to remember to take a daily pill, discuss alternative contraceptive methods with your healthcare provider. There are various options available, such as long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), which provide effective contraception for an extended period without requiring the consumption of daily pills.


Summing Up

To be precise, missing one birth control pill can increase the risk of pregnancy, but the possibility depends on the type of pill, the number of pills missed, and the timing of the missed pill. To reduce the risks of forgetting one pill, you can use reminders, backup methods, placebo pills, and consult your healthcare provider. If you do forget a pill, take it as soon as possible and follow the steps outlined above for each type of pill to minimize the risk of pregnancy. You may also contact an expert at Her Smart Choice to avoid any consequences. 

Category: Birth Control
birth control pills

From Painful Periods to Endometriosis: How Birth Control Pills Can Help

Women experience menstrual pain during their monthly cycle, but for some, the pain is not that simple. It can be more than just a symptom of their period; it may be a sign of endometriosis. Millions of women around the globe are affected by endometriosis. But, however, birth control pills can be proven effective for both painful periods and endometriosis. In this blog, you can explore how birth control pills work and how they can help manage these conditions.


What is Endometriosis?




When a woman has endometriosis, the body tissues that lie inside the uterus (also known as the endometrium) grow outside. It includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other organs in the pelvic region. Also, the growth of tissue in your organs can cause pain, inflammation, and sometimes scarring. Not only this, but endometriosis can also lead to fertility problems.


Symptoms of Endometriosis


The most common symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain, which can occur during periods or throughout the menstrual cycle. Other symptoms may include:


  • Pain during intercourse
  • Pain during bowel movements or urination
  • Heavy or irregular periods
  • Fatigue
  • Infertility
  • Diagnosing Endometriosis


Diagnosing endometriosis can be challenging, as it often requires a surgical procedure called a laparoscopy to confirm the presence of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus. However, a doctor may suspect endometriosis based on symptoms and medical history.


How Birth Control Pills Can Help


Birth control pills contain hormones that prevent ovulation, which can help reduce the growth and spread of endometrial tissue. Additionally, birth control pills can help regulate the menstrual cycle, which can reduce pain and other symptoms associated with endometriosis.


Types of Birth Control Pills


types of birth control pills


Birth control pills are divided into two parts: combination pills and progestin-only pills. These pills can be given as per the patient’s condition.


Combination Pills


Combination pills contain both estrogen and progesterone and are the most common type of birth control pill. They work by preventing ovulation, thickening cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the egg, and thinning the lining of the uterus to make it less hospitable to a fertilized egg. Combination pills come in different formulations with varying levels of hormones. Some women may need to try different formulations before finding one that works best for them.


Progestin-Only Pills


Progestin-only pills contain only progestin and are also known as mini-pills. They work primarily by thickening cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the egg, although they may also reduce the thickness of the uterine lining. Progestin-only pills are a good option for women who cannot take estrogen, such as those with a history of blood clots or certain types of cancer.


How Birth Control Pills Are Taken


Both combination pills and progestin-only pills are taken daily, at roughly the same time each day. Combination pills are usually taken for 21 days, followed by a 7-day break during which a woman will have her period. Progestin-only pills are taken continuously, with no break for a period.


Benefits of Birth Control Pills for Endometriosis


Birth Control Pills for Endometriosis


There are several benefits to using birth control pills to manage endometriosis:


Reduced pain: Birth control pills can help reduce the pain associated with endometriosis by regulating the menstrual cycle and reducing the growth and spread of endometrial tissue.

Reduced inflammation: Endometriosis can cause inflammation in the pelvic region, which can lead to pain and other symptoms. However, birth control pills can reduce inflammation.


Regulated periods: Birth control pills can help regulate the menstrual cycle, which can reduce pain and other symptoms associated with endometriosis.


Reduced risk of ovarian cancer: Women with endometriosis are at an increased risk of ovarian cancer. However, using birth control pills can reduce this risk.


Choosing a Birth Control Pill


birth control clinic Los Angeles


Choosing the right birth control pill can be a personal and sometimes difficult decision. It’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences, as well as any health conditions you may have. Some factors to consider when choosing a birth control pill include:


Hormone sensitivity: If you’re sensitive to estrogen or progestin, you may want to choose a low-dose pill or a progestin-only pill.

Menstrual symptoms: If you have heavy bleeding or painful cramps, you may want to choose a pill with a higher dose of hormones or a continuous-dosing regimen.

Convenience: If you have trouble remembering to take a pill every day, you may want to choose a long-acting method, such as an IUD or implant.

Health conditions: If you have certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure or a history of blood clots, you may need to choose a non-hormonal method or a low-dose pill.


Getting Birth Control Pills in Los Angeles


birth control pills Los Angeles


If you’re interested in getting birth control pills in Los Angeles, there are many resources available to you. You can visit a women’s healthcare provider, such as a gynecologist or family planning clinic, to discuss your options and get a prescription. You can also visit a pharmacy to fill your prescription or order birth control pills online and have them delivered to your home.


At Her Smart Choice, we offer personalized care and support to help you find the best birth control option for you. Our team of healthcare professionals has years of experience in family planning and reproductive health, and we’re dedicated to providing compassionate and high-quality care to our patients. We offer a range of birth control options, including birth control pills, and we’ll work with you to find the best fit for your needs and lifestyle.




In conclusion, birth control pills are a safe and effective method of contraception and menstrual management for many women. If you’re considering birth control pills in Los Angeles, it’s important to talk to a healthcare provider and choose the method that’s right for you. At Her Smart Choice Consultancy, we’re here to support you in your reproductive health journey.

Category: Birth Control
Tubal Ligation birth control

Tubal Ligation: What You Need to Know Before Making a Decision


Do you find yourself struggling to choose the right birth control method? In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at Tubal Ligation, a permanent solution. May it be a good fit for you?


There are some temporary and permanent birth control methods available in the healthcare center for women. 


Do not stress your brain, today in this blog, you’re going to read about Tubal Ligation, a permanent solution, and who needs to get their tubes tied. Generally, Tubal Ligation is another type of birth control method that is effective for female sterilization and there are some factors that one needs to consider before getting tubes tied


What is Tubal Ligation?


what is tubal ligation


Tubal Ligation is a surgical procedure, also known as ‘tubes tied’, which involves blocking or sealing off the fallopian tubes. Further, it helps in preventing sperm and eggs, this way it succeeds in achieving permanent female sterilization. 


This procedure considers a highly rated and effective form of contraception. Even it has a highly effective success rate as per the research study of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). In the following passage, you’ll get to know about the various factors that women should consider before undergoing this process, such as age, family planning goals, and medical history. 


Factors to Consider Before Tubal Ligation


type of birth control


Complete Family – If you or women near you, have completed their families and do not want to expand may consider their tubes tied. Tubal Ligation is a permanent form of contraception for women who don’t want any children. There are very few chances for women to get pregnant after undergoing the entire process. So, if you’re prepared for not having more children, then getting tubes tied is the right solution for you.


Medical Conditions that Make Pregnancy Unsafe: If women have some medical conditions, including severe heart disease, kidney disease, or certain cancer types, they may consider the tube-tied form of contraception. Otherwise, in such situations, the family endangers the mother’s life. 


Family History of Hereditary Diseases: In such conditions, women who are dealing with a family history of genetic disorders, may get their tubes tied. They consider this to prevent the transmission of diseases to offspring. This way they ensure that no problem related to their genes will be passed on further to their children. 


Age Factor  – Age is also considered a vital factor for getting a test tube tied. Mostly, women of 35 plus age group may be advised to get their tubes tied.  They have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy. 


Partner’s Decision: The ultimate decision, whether getting the tubes tied or not, is of women. It is good if you give importance to considering the partner’s opinions. If the partner does not want more children, getting birth-control tubes is the right option. 


Future Family Planning Goals: If you are unsure about your family planning goals or who may want to have children in the future should consider other forms of contraception. Tubes Tied are the permanent method of birth control with a highly successful rate. But, if you want temporary control over pregnancy, then you should go for other methods, such as IUDs, birth control pills, or condoms. 


Personal Beliefs & Values: Some women also follow this birth control method only for personal beliefs and values. They want to reduce the impact of the excess birth rate by not having more children. So, they get the tubes tied to stop further pregnancies. 


Recovery After Tubal Ligation


recovery after tubal ligation


The procedure of tubal ligation is surgical and it requires the followings instruction for recovery:


  • After tubal ligation, recovery is straightforward and most women can return to their normal routine within a few days. 
  • It is essential to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully for a better and smooth recovery. 
  • Must remember to follow common post-operative instructions, including avoiding heavy lifting or exercise for a few days. 
  • It is also essential to avoid sexual activities for a few days until the doctor allows you again. 
  • Pain medication also is there but may be prescribed to manage any discomfort. 
  • Some patients may also experience spotting or mild cramping after the procedure, which is normal, no need to be scared in such a situation. 
  • It is essential to keep the particular area clean and dry to prevent infection. 
  • Contact your doctor or your nearby Women’s Health Clinic if you experience severe pain, fever, or heavy bleeding after the procedure. 




From the above passages, you may get a clear view of tubal ligation and its effective nature as a contraception method. There are numerous factors that women need to consider before getting tubes tied. It includes personal beliefs, medical conditions, family planning, age factor, partner decision, and others that impact women’s decision for choosing this permanent birth control method. The procedure of tubal ligation is safe and effective and most successful in results. But, still, it is advised to discuss with the doctor to make an informed decision as per your health history and present report. Contact Her Smart Choice for expert advice on tubal ligation and other birth control options.

Nexplanon and birth control

Nexplanon Birth Control: How Effective Is It at Preventing Pregnancy?


Birth-control methods are becoming popular day by day as technology grows. The decision-making of birth control reflects the women’s right to make decisions on their own. Despite all these, let’s talk about a variety of options available for birth control, including vaginal rings, IUDs, oral contraceptives, and patches.

However, there is one of the new forms of birth control introduced – Nexplanon implant. It is basically a small and flexible rod that is inserted beneath the skin of the upper arm. But the question raised is how effective is Nexplanon at preventing pregnancy? In this blog post, you’ll learn about Nexplanon, its effectiveness, and how it prevents pregnancy.


What is Nexplanon?


nexplanon birth control method

Nexplanon is a tiny and flexible implant that is inserted in the woman’s body from beneath the skin of the upper arm. This form of hormonal birth control comes under progestin-only, which represents the release of synthetic versions of the hormone progesterone. The device is the size of a matchstick.

Further, it is inserted by a healthcare provider during a quick, outpatient procedure. The duration of the implant lasts for up to three years once it is inserted. It provides a long-lasting experience and reduces the stress of taking daily pills, injections, or other forms of contraception.


How Does Nexplanon Prevent Pregnancy?


Nexplanon implant birth control

To prevent pregnancy, Nexplanon releases a synthetic hormone called progesterone version. This hormone impacts differently in preventing pregnancy and its working ways are also distinct. First, it thickens cervical mucus, which as a result, makes it difficult for sperm to reach and fertilize an egg.

Second, it makes the lining of the uterus thin that in a result becomes less hospitable to fertilize an egg. Ultimately, it can also suppress ovulation in some women in preventing the release of an egg altogether.


How effective is Nexplanon Birth Control at preventing pregnancy?


If Nexplanon birth control is used appropriately and consistently, it is beneficial over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. That is why this is known to be the most effective birth control form. Well, sometimes the effectiveness of the Nexplanon gets affected due to numerous factors. These factors consist of the age and weight of users, their smoking habits, and whether they take proper medication or not. Some medications, like certain antibiotics and antifungal drugs, may reduce the effectiveness of Nexplanon.


Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how Nexplanon insertion process works:


  • First of all, your healthcare provider will review your medical history to discuss the potential benefits and risks of implementation with you. The examination includes a physical exam and blood pressure checkup.
  • Once you’re ready for the process, the provider will numb the area where the implant will be inserted with a local anesthetic. This will minimize the feeling of pain during the procedure.
  • In the next step, the provider will make a small incision in the upper arm. They will use a specific service to insert the implant beneath the skin.
  • After the implant is inserted, the insertion area will cover with a small bandage or strips. The provider may also pressurize the particular area to minimize the bleeding.
  • At last, you will be given a prescription or specific instructions on how to care for the insertion area, including, to keep it clean and dry, or when you can resume routine activities.


Note: Nexplanon does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), it is better to use condoms or other protection methods.


How is Nexplanon Inserted?


Nexplanon birth control

Nexplanon takes a few minutes to insert. Read the following points to learn about the insertion procedure.

  • A healthcare provider inserted the Nexplanon during a quick and outpatient procedure.
  • The implant process usually takes less than five minutes and to minimize the discomfort, it is done under local anesthesia.
  • In the next step, a small incision in the upper arm will be made by the provider inserting the implant beneath the skin.
  • Once inserted, the implant shall remain for up to three years.
  • Make sure to keep the insertion area clean and dry after insertion to prevent infection.
  • You should also need to avoid heavy lifting or hectic activities for the first few days after the insertion.
  • You will also receive detailed instructions and caring tips from your healthcare provider. They will also let you know what to expect in the weeks and months following insertion.


It is important to seek the assistance of an experienced healthcare provider to insert Nexplanon. Do not attempt it by yourself; otherwise, it can cause danger or increase the risk of complications.


Can You Get Pregnant On Nexplanon?


can you get pregnant on Nexplanon


However, there are some factors that can reduce the effectiveness of Nexplanon. It includes certain medications that can interfere with the absorption and metabolism of the hormone in the implant. Additionally, if the implant is not inserted correctly or becomes damaged, it may be less effective at preventing pregnancy.




Undoubtedly, Nexplanon birth control is one of the most effective hormonal birth-control methods, with over 99% assurance. But the entire procedure of insertion should be done under the guidance of an experienced healthcare provider to avoid later consequences. You may reach out to Her Smart Choice, a reputed birth control clinic in Los Angeles with an extensive range of women’s health service providers.

Category: Blog, Nexplanon
post abortion care

Understanding Post Abortion Care: What to Expect

It is always difficult for an individual to make a decision about abortion. As this decision requires strong physical and emotional well-being. There are many ways to have an abortion but all methods require proper care. Especially, when it comes to post-abortion care, it plays an essential role in safe recovery and providing support throughout the entire process. In this blog post, you will explore and learn about what post-abortion care entails and what individuals can expect during this period. 


What To Expect After An Abortion


what to expect after abortion


Immediate Recovery – Whether it’s a medical or surgical procedure, the body requires time to heal after an abortion. If you follow an immediate procedure, you may experience cramping and some bleeding, which is considered normal. The healthcare provider will offer the best guidance to obtain appropriate medication that give you relief from pain and manage any discomfort. 


Emotional Support – The abortion procedure involves distinct emotions at the same time. It is vital to address them with compassion and understanding. Many healthcare providers offer counseling as a part of post-abortion care to help individuals navigate their emotions and feelings. Further, it helps them to cope with any emotional challenges they may face. The sessions provide a secure space to express emotions and discuss concerns, and receive guidance on emotional well-being. 


Physical Recovery – After an abortion, the physical recovery period varies, and it all depend on the type of procedure and individual circumstances. It’s important to follow the instructions of your healthcare provider or doctor regarding post-abortion care. It includes the following:


  • Rest and Recovery – Undoubtedly, rest is vital so that your body heals quite faster. You can avoid strenuous activities, intense exercise, or heavy lifting for a few days. Even your healthcare provider also suggests you take maximum rest.


  • Hygiene and Self-care – You have to maintain good hygiene so that you can avoid infections. Take all the prevention, such as using sanitary pads instead of tampons for some time. It will help in avoiding the introduction of bacteria into the vagina. Also, taking a shower instead of a bath also minimizes the risk of infection. 


  • Medication and Follow-up Appointments – You can obtain antibiotic or pain relief medication from your healthcare provider. It is essential to follow all the instructions related to medication and fulfill them. In addition, you may also get the entire knowledge of follow-up appointments to ensure your recovery progress is monitored. 


Contraception and Family Planning – Post-abortion care includes a detailed discussion about contraception and family planning. It is important to explore contraceptive options and select a method that matches your preferences and needs. Even you can get the assistance of healthcare providers to obtain information and guidance on various methods, including IUDs, oral contraceptives, implants, condoms, and more. 


Post-Abortion Complications – There are very less chances of complications related to post-abortion, yet it is essential to be aware of potential signs of infection or other related issues. In such a situation, you can contact your healthcare provider if you experiencing heavy bleeding, severe pain, foul-smelling discharge, or fever. To avoid serious complications, seeking medical attention on time is more effective. 


What is the role of healthcare clinics in post-abortion?


abortion clinic Los Angeles


Choosing a reputed healthcare clinic near you is always a great idea. The trained professionals in the clinic assist better, they conduct medical evaluations to assess the physical health of an individual after the abortion procedure. The abortion clinic in California, like Her Smart Choice, offers a same-day appointment, a safe and non-judgmental environment for patients to express their feelings, address concerns or conflicts, and receive guidance in coping with post-abortion emotions. 


Not only this, but healthcare clinics provide accurate and reliable information about post-abortion care that is very helpful for individuals. They educate patients about the recovery process and the potential complications that they may face. Further, the experts of the clinic help you by providing you with proper knowledge and tips for a healthy recovery. Clinics may also provide reliable information on contraception methods, reproductive health, and family planning to help patients to make informed decisions about the future and their reproductive choices. 


Even you will get adequate contraceptive counseling and provision on family planning. Doctors or healthcare providers in clinics help you to understand the different methods of post-abortion, their effectiveness, benefits, and potential side effects, and offer adequate follow-up care.  




The above-given passages include all the comprehensive information about post-abortion care. This approach focuses on the emotional and physical well-being of individuals following abortion care services. This information helps you to understand how to face the situation wisely and navigate the recovery process without any stress. By seeking appropriate support, care, and follow-ups, individuals can ensure a safe and healthy recovery after an abortion. 


Remember, experienced healthcare providers of Her Smart Choice guide you throughout the procedure anytime over a call or walk-in appointment.  

Category: Abortion

Exploring the Convenience of Depo-Provera: How it Simplifies Birth Control


Is Depo-Provera considered the right contraceptive method? There are so many questions revolving in women’s minds related to the adequate method that can avoid pregnancy safely. Devo-Provera, commonly known as the birth control shot, is an injectable method for women to prevent pregnancy. 


This hormonal contraceptive option comes under the birth control shot. It is given on a regular schedule every three months. The best part is that it doesn’t require any daily action. Even so, it is effective if the injection is taken as per the schedule and the healthcare provider’s prescription. You can also visit the nearby abortion clinic in Los Angeles or other areas to get more information on Depo-Provera. 


Why choose Depo Provera?

Depo Provera

Depo Provera is the birth control shot also called Depo shot. Basically, this medication is injected into the arm or buttocks of the patient. This shot contains a progesterone hormone which provides protection against pregnancy for up to 14 weeks. Besides, you need to receive one shot every 12 weeks. 


How does this method work?


This method consists of the synthetic hormone progestin. Here’s how Depo-Provera works: 


Inhibition of ovulation –  The Depo shots work primarily by inhibiting ovulation which indicates the release of an egg from the ovaries. The progestin in it suppresses the secretion of hormones which are important for the development and release of eggs. Prevent ovulation from occurring without which pregnancy cannot take place. 


Changes in cervical mucus – This Depo shot method affects the quality and consistency of cervical mucus. The thickness of cervical mucus makes it difficult for the sperm to reach the cervix. 


Changes in uterine lining – Another effect of this method is that the line of the uterus becomes thin. It lessens the chance of fertilized egg and pregnancy. 


Further, the combination of the above-mentioned mechanisms makes Depo-Provera an effective contraception form. It provides safe birth control after alteration in these methods. 


How it is different from other Birth Control types?

birth control options


There is a minor difference between this injectable type of birth control and other forms. You have no need to follow the birth control shot routine regularly, just obtain a shot every three months from the healthcare provider of a women’s health clinic. Don’t forget to follow the schedule of receiving shots on time. 


From where can I receive Depo-Provera?


Not all medication is easily available, some like Depo-Provera require a proper prescription by your healthcare provider or gynecologist. Mostly the injection is given in women’s healthcare centers by the provider or a nurse, also they can visit your home for the same. Further, your provider will guide you during the whole procedure, whether you do it on your own at your place or visit the nearest clinic of medical abortion in California. 


How can you use this method?

use depo provera


The steps to use Depo-Provera consists of the following terms:

  • The first injection should be given within the first 7 days of a menstrual period. 
  • It can be given later only if you and your healthcare provider are confident that you aren’t pregnant. 
  • The provider may have to take a pregnancy test before getting the shot. 
  • Once the provider gives you the shot, nothing will be changed. 
  • Make sure to receive another shot once every three months to remain fully protected.
  • You can ask your healthcare professionals about the best timings of shots and the risks of missing a shot. 


How soon does it work? 

Depo-Provera works instantly after receiving the shot during your menstrual period. If it has been taken at another time during your cycle, then you have to wait for a week or maybe 10 days to have intercourse to prevent pregnancy.


Advantages of using Depo-Provera


There are some benefits of using this birth control method, including:

  • No need to consume it every day or remember it before sexual intercourse.
  • Provides long-term protection as long as you get the shot on time.
  • It doesn’t interfere with sexual activity.
  • Do not interfere with sexual activities.
  • It is highly effective.


May you become pregnant after stopping the use of Depo-Provera?

Well, after taking the Depo-Provera, you can become pregnant after 12 or 14 weeks of your last shot. It could take some time to conceive the child again after the use of Depo-Provera. If any of you want to become pregnant if you miss a dose of the birth control shot. 


A note from Her Smart Choice


From the above information in the passages, it can be analyzed that it is important to find the adequate birth control method that fits your lifestyle and aims. You can take the help of a healthcare provider on the factors, such as birth control, or your late plans for pregnancies. Overall, this birth-control shot is good for women who don’t want to take a routine contraceptive. Yet, meet with the talented healthcare professionals at a medical abortion clinic in California. 


Everything You Need to Know About IUDs: The Most Effective Form of Contraception

There are a few birth control methods to prevent pregnancy, and the intrauterine device is one of them. Generally, it is popular as IUDs contraception in medical terms. Do you know that its popularity increasing day by day among women?

One reason can be its long-term duration and hassle-free methodology for birth control. Another can be that it is considered the most effective form of contraception. 

IUD is a T-shaped device that is used to prevent pregnancy. The device is made of plastic or copper that is inserted into the uterus by doctors or women’s health specialists.


How does it exactly work?

how IUDs work

The IUDs contraception further divide into two categories: hormonal and non-hormonal. Hormonal IUDs work by releasing a small amount of progestin hormone. This hormone is exactly similar to the one present in birth control pills. Its work is to thicken the cervical mucus which doesn’t let sperm reach the egg.

On the other hand, non-hormonal IUDs are covered with copper wire. It creates an inflammatory reaction in the uterus which prevent fertilization with its toxic behavior toward sperm.

The procedure of these IUD types is done under professional care. The healthcare providers insert IUD into the uterus and leave it in the same place for up to 3-12 years, based on the type of IUD.


Need To Know: IUD devices are reversible. Any woman who wants to become pregnant can get it removed anytime.


Benefits of IUDs

Extremely Effective Device– IUDs have a very lower failure rate of less than 1%. Even it is considered as the most effective form of contraception.

Long-Lasting Results – Well, it is based on the type of IUD you are using, but it can provide up to 3-12 years without any maintenance.

No Daily Routine – IUDs don’t need any on-demand or daily usage as birth control pills or condoms are. So, it isn’t required to follow a daily routine. 

Secure – IUDs contraception are known to be the safest device with very few side effects. Even it is the best option for those women who don’t prefer hormone birth control methods because of their health issues.

Easily reversible – IUD can be removed if a woman wants to become pregnant again or no longer wants to use this device.


Who shouldn’t allow using an IUD?


The use of IUDs contraception is common and effective, but there are certain situations in which women are suggested to not use an IUD. Some of the reasons are as follows:

  • If you’re pregnant, you may avoid the use of an IUD.
  • If you already have an active sexually transmitted infection (STI).
  • If you’re at potential risk for contracting an STI.
  • If you have unexplained and over-vaginal bleeding.

Besides, you are suggested to not use copper IUDs if you have an allergy or any genetic disease related to copper.


What happens before an IUD is inserted?

IUD insertion

First of all, your healthcare provider will enquire about your health and lifestyle to ensure you’re ready for IUD  insertion. There will be two tests happens, including pregnancy tests or STIs beforehand to ensure your health updates.

You can talk to your health provider about the volume of the pain and its management before the procedure. Some women tolerate the pain while IUD insertion without any problem. Others avoid it only because they feared from the thought of its experience.

In such a situation, it is good if you take the advice of your healthcare provider. They can recommend you the best pain medication beforehand to lower the pain. Also, you may not feel discomfort after insertion. Well, the providers may numb the area of insertion before the procedure to keep you comfortable. However, it is essential to communicate openly with your provider to avoid anxiety and lessen the fear of getting an IUD treatment.


How to get an IUD insertion?

IUDs insertion

It is a good decision if you’re interested in an IUD insertion. For that, you may talk to the healthcare providers by visiting the nearest birth control clinic. They can detect and help you to decide which IUD can be suited best to you as per your medical history, lifestyle, and preferences.

In addition, the IUD insertion process usually takes 10 minutes or less. The process can be done in the healthcare provider’s office. The provider inserts the IUD through the cervix or into your uterus. It may discomfort you for a few minutes during the procedure but then all will be okay. After insertion, you can follow your normal activities and routine.



To conclude the above information related to IUDs contraception, including its procedure and benefits, may guide you well with the procedure. This device is safe, effective, and long-lasting to prevent pregnancy in the long term or for birth control. Its benefits always outweigh its demerits if you go through proper healthcare consultancy. If you’re interested in IUD insertion, make sure to talk to your nearest women’s health clinic. Her Smart Choice is always here to listen to your queries and provide the right guidance.

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