What Does STD Mean?

Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents ‘What Does STD Mean?’

What Does STD Mean? – It’s sexually transmitted disease.
If you have sex, oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse and or genital touching, you can get an STD, also called a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
You’re straight or gay, married or single, and vulnerable to STIs symptoms.
Thinking or hoping your partner doesn’t have an STI is no protection; you need to know.


What are the causes of STDs?
The causes of STDs are viral or bacterial infections. STDs that are caused due to bacterial infections are treated using antibiotics.
There is no cure for STDs caused by viral infections, but you can take measures to treat their symptoms.

What factors increase your risk of contracting an STD?
The below-mentioned factors can increase your risk of contracting an STD:
⚹ Having sex with greater than one partner
⚹ Having a sexual partner who themselves has sex with greater than one partner either currently or in the past
⚹ Having sex with a person who has an STD or STI
⚹ Having a personal history of STDs/STIs
⚹ Using intravenous drugs or if your partner uses intravenous drugs

What are the most commonly occurring STDs?
Some of the commonly occurring STDs are:
⚹ Chlamydia
⚹ Genital herpes
⚹ Gonorrhea
⚹ HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection
⚹ Syphilis
⚹ HPV (human papillomavirus) infection
⚹ Hepatitis B
⚹ Trichomoniasis

How can you prevent STDs?
The following are the top five methods to prevent STDs:

Abstaining from having all types of sexual contact, i.e., vaginal, oral, or anal, is the most efficient and reliable method to avoid contracting an STD. However, most individuals don’t find abstinence a practical way of dealing with the situation.

Getting a vaccine is a safe and effective method recommended to prevent HPV and hepatitis B. The HPV vaccine for both females and males may protect against certain common forms of HPV. It is recommended that you get all three shots (doses) before engaging in sexual activity. However, an HPV vaccine is recommended for all teen girls and females after the age of 26 and all teen boys and males after the age of 21 who were not given the three shots or doses of HPV vaccine before (at a younger age). You must also get a hepatitis B vaccine if you have not received the vaccine before (at a younger age).

Reduce the number of your sex partners
Reducing the number of sex partners can also decrease contracting an STD. It is also essential to know about the sexual history of your partner. The more significant number of partners you have, the greater your risk of getting an STD. The same is also true for your sexual partners, i.e., if they have more partners, it still increases your risk. You and your sexual partner should get tested for STDs. Moreover, both of you should share the results of your tests with each other.

Mutual monogamy
The meaning of mutual monogamy is that you have agreed to have sex with only one individual who has also decided to have sex with you. Having a long-term relationship that is mutually monogamous is among the most effective and reliable methods to prevent STDs.

Use condoms
Using male condoms made of latex correctly and consistently is incredibly effective in reducing the transmission of STDs. You must use a latex condom each time you are involved in vaginal, oral, or anal sex. You can also use a female condom while having vaginal intercourse. You should use dental dams or condoms while having oral sex and gloves during manual penetration.

In case of using a lubricant, be sure to use a water-based lubricant. It is essential to use condoms during the entire sexual act. Though condoms aren’t 100% effective in preventing STDs, they are still highly effective.


For additional information, please visit www.HerSmartChoice.com or call

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Category: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, STD, SyphilisPost Date: December 12, 2019

How To Choose A Birth Control Method That’s Right For You

Considering A Birth Control Option?

Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents
‘How To Choose A Birth Control Method For That’s Right For You’


If you hope to start a family soon, you’ll want a method that you can quickly stop when you’re ready, such as birth control pills or condoms. On the other hand, if you’re not thinking about having kids soon, long-lasting and reversible options, like an intrauterine device (IUD) implanted in your uterus or a birth control implant in your arm, may be more convenient.

These methods can last for several years before you have to replace them. If you’re sure you don’t want kids, you may decide on a permanent form of birth control; you can have a tubal ligation. You might hear this called GETTING YOUR TUBES TIED.



Birth control comes in many different forms. Pick a method that you are most likely to use correctly. You’ll have to remember to take them every day simultaneously with birth control pills. The patch you’ll need to change every week. With condoms, you’ve got to have them on hand and use them correctly. You have to place spermicide in your vagina no more than 1 hour before sex, and it has to stay there for as many as 8 hours after. You won’t have to interact with other methods as much. They leave less room for user error. But they are longer-lasting and tend to require a doctor’s office visit. Think about how each method suits your comfort level and lifestyle.

Birth control comes in many different forms. Pick a method that you are most likely to use correctly. You’ll have to remember to take them every day simultaneously with birth control pills. The patch you’ll need to change every week. With condoms, you’ve got to have them on hand and use them correctly. You have to place spermicide in your vagina no more than 1 hour before sex, and it has to stay there for as many as 8 hours after. You won’t have to interact with other methods as much. They leave less room for user error. But they are longer-lasting and tend to require a doctor’s office visit. Think about how each method suits your comfort level and lifestyle.

Protection Against STIs – Sexually Transmitted Infections Condoms are the only type of birth control that can protect against STIs. If this is a concern for you and your partner, you’ll need to use a new one each time you have sex, whether or not you use another form of birth control.

Menstrual Periods & Side Effects and Safety Some types of birth control come with an added perk. They stop or significantly reduce menstrual flow. If this is an essential feature for you, ask your doctor which methods bring this benefit. Some types of birth control have side effects or put you at risk for certain health conditions. Some forms may not be safe for people who have a specific health condition or take a particular medication. Your doctor can explain which methods would be least likely to cause unwanted side effects and which would be safest for you, based on your health and any problems that run in your family.

For additional information, please visit www.HerSmartChoice.com or call 323-250-9360

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Category: Birth Control, IUDS, NexplanonPost Date: December 10, 2019

Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs?

Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents ‘Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs?’ Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs?


More than 65 million Americans have an incurable STD. Each year, 20 million new cases are reported; half of these infections are among people ages 15 to 24 and they can have long-term consequences.


Why You Need To Get Tested For STDs

Why You Need To Get Tested For STDs


The risk of STDs/STIs is particularly high among sexually active adolescents and young adults. As an example, in the United States, the rate of reported cases of chlamydia among women are highest among ages 20 to 24, followed by ages 15 to 19. In 2018, the incidence of chlamydia in these age brackets was 4,064 and 3,306 cases per 100,000 persons, respectively, compared with the total incidence of 540 cases per 100,000 persons.



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For additional information, please visit www.HerSmartChoice.com or call 323-250-9360.

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#hersmartchoice #hscmc #birthcontrol #yourdecision #stds #stis #chlamydia #gonorrhea #syphilis #trichomoniasis Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs? Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents ‘Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs?’ Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs? More than 65 million Americans have an incurable STD. Each year, 20 million new cases are reported; half of these infections are among people ages 15 to 24 and they can have long-term consequences. The risk of STDs/STIs is particularly high among sexually active adolescents and young adults. As an example, in the United States, the rate of reported cases of chlamydia among women are highest among ages 20 to 24, followed by ages 15 to 19. In 2018, the incidence of chlamydia in these age brackets was 4,064 and 3,306 cases per 100,000 persons, respectively, compared with the total incidence of 540 cases per 100,000 persons. Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs? Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents ‘Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs?’ Why Do You Need to Get Tested For STDs? More than 65 million Americans have an incurable STD. Each year, 20 million new cases are reported; half of these infections are among people ages 15 to 24 and they can have long-term consequences. The risk of STDs/STIs is particularly high among sexually active adolescents and young adults. As an example, in the United States, the rate of reported cases of chlamydia among women are highest among ages 20 to 24, followed by ages 15 to 19. In 2018, the incidence of chlamydia in these age brackets was 4,064 and 3,306 cases per 100,000 persons, respectively, compared with the total incidence of 540 cases per 100,000 persons. 

The risk of STDs/STIs is particularly high among sexually active adolescents and young adults. As an example, in the United States, the rate of reported cases of chlamydia among women are highest among ages 20 to 24, followed by ages 15 to 19. In 2018, the incidence of chlamydia in these age brackets was 4,064 and 3,306 cases per 100,000 persons, respectively, compared with the total incidence of 540 cases per 100,000 persons.
The risk of STDs/STIs is particularly high among sexually active adolescents and young adults. As an example, in the United States, the rate of reported cases of chlamydia among women are highest among ages 20 to 24, followed by ages 15 to 19. In 2018, the incidence of chlamydia in these age brackets was 4,064 and 3,306 cases per 100,000 persons, respectively, compared with the total incidence of 540 cases per 100,000 persons.


Category: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, STD, SyphilisPost Date: December 9, 2019

How Do You Know You Have an STD?

Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents ‘How Do You Know You Have an STD?’

Five (5) of the top ten (10) reportable diseases in the United States are STDs. Data from the CDC indicates that in 2017, in the United States, a combined total of more than 2.2 million new cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis were reported.

The global incidence of four curable sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and trichomoniasis) is estimated at over 357 million cases. Many cases go undiagnosed and untreated.

Screening is an important approach to identify and treat infected individuals, who would otherwise go undetected. Risk assessment through routine sexual histories is important to appropriately target at-risk individuals for STI screening. This includes assessment for risk factors that place individuals at increased risk for STI, such as current or past history of STI or a history of multiple sex partners.

In addition to specific behavioral risk factors, demographic factors (“risk groups”) that are associated with high prevalence of STIs also be assessed.

For additional information, please visit www.HerSmartChoice.com or call 323-250-9360.

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Category: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, STD, SyphilisPost Date: December 6, 2019

How the Procedure of Inserting a Contraceptive Implant is Done?

Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents ‘How the Procedure of Inserting a Contraceptive Implant is Done?’

The implant is a small, flexible rod – about the size of a matchstick – that’s inserted under the skin of your upper arm by your healthcare provider. It releases a hormone called progestin, which keeps your ovaries from releasing eggs. The implant helps prevent pregnancy for up to three years but can be removed sooner. Have you decided to proceed with this method of contraception, but want to learn more about the procedure itself?

Please either visit Her Smart Choice at www.HerSmartChoice.com or give us a call 818-697-6955.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel, BLOG or Facebook Page (HerSmartChoice) or follow-us on Twitter (@4hersmartchoice) or Instagram (hersmartchoice) to be notified when our next educational episode is live and to see more videos like this one.


Her Smart Ch♀ice
Your Life. Your Decision. Your Smart Choice.

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The implant is a small, flexible rod – about the size of a matchstick – that’s inserted under the skin of your upper arm by your healthcare provider. It releases a hormone called progestin, which keeps your ovaries from releasing eggs. The implant helps prevent pregnancy for up to three years but can be removed sooner. Have you decided to proceed with this method of contraception, but want to learn more about the procedure itself?

Please either visit Her Smart Choice at www.HerSmartChoice.com or give us a call 818-697-6955.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel, BLOG or Facebook Page (HerSmartChoice) or follow-us on Twitter (@4hersmartchoice) or Instagram (hersmartchoice) to be notified when our next educational episode is live and to see more videos like this one.

The implant is a small, flexible rod – about the size of a matchstick – that’s inserted under the skin of your upper arm by your healthcare provider. It releases a hormone called progestin, which keeps your ovaries from releasing eggs. The implant helps prevent pregnancy for up to three years but can be removed sooner. Have you decided to proceed with this method of contraception, but want to learn more about the procedure itself?



Category: Contraceptive Implant, NexplanonPost Date: December 4, 2019
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