Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

All You Need To Know About Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

If you are a woman, you know how many issues arise with regard to women’s health. One of the most common yet underdiagnosed conditions is ovarian cysts. An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops in one or both ovaries and can range in size from small pea-sized growths to much larger masses.


Although they are usually painless, they may still cause some discomfort due to their size and pressure on surrounding organs like the bladder or rectum. 


Here we will dive into deep to understand ovarian cyst symptoms as well as take an overview of what causes them, possible treatments available, and when it is recommended for further medical attention. 


So whether you have been recently diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, suspect that something isn’t quite right internally, or just simply want to educate yourself on the matter more – this blog post has got you covered.


Ovarian Cysts – What They Are?


Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs in and around a woman’s ovary. They can range in size from small and unremarkable to large and painful, with many women remaining unaware of their presence entirely. 


Ovarian cysts usually occur as a result of shifting hormones during the menstrual cycle, such as when one of the two eggs released during ovulation does not fully mature before rupturing. Other causes may include changes that occur during pregnancy or the accumulation of endometriosis.


While most medical professionals agree that ovarian cysts generally do not lead to major complications, they can occasionally cause severe pain or pressure when they have grown too large or become twisted on themselves. 


Understanding the Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts


Women of childbearing age are especially prone to ovarian cysts, but understanding the symptoms can help catch these painful and potentially life-threatening growths early. 



  • Fullness or Heaviness



Common signs of ovarian cysts include fullness or heaviness in the abdomen, pain on one side during intercourse, and pelvic discomfort that may range from mild to severe. 



  • Persistent Bloating



Other less common symptoms could be persistent bloating, difficulty eating and sudden changes in appetite, constipation, abnormal vaginal bleeding, or a frequent need to urinate.


If any of these symptoms sound familiar it is important to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis.


Don’t wait! 


Early detection is the key to successful treatment and preventing future ovarian cyst recurrences.


Diagnosing & Treating Ovarian Cysts 


Diagnosing and treating ovarian cysts can be an emotionally trying experience as it is a potentially serious medical condition. 


It is important to speak with your healthcare provider to determine the necessary tests and treatments needed. Common tests such as ultrasound, laparoscopy, or a blood test are often used to diagnose ovarian cysts. Other more invasive procedures such as exploratory surgery and pep smear tests can be performed depending on the type and size of the cyst being treated. 


Treatment options vary based on diagnosis with some cysts requiring nothing more than observation while others necessitate more aggressive treatments like hormone therapy or surgery. 


Understanding your own unique case can help you make informed decisions regarding your health.


What Lifestyle Changes Can Help with Ovarian Cyst Symptoms


Living with ovarian cysts can be daunting, but making lifestyle changes can help alleviate the everyday symptoms associated with them. 


Those dealing with cysts should focus on maintaining a healthy weight by following a balanced diet and exercising regularly. 



  • Eating Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables



Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables while limiting or avoiding empty calories is key, as well as planning regular physical activities like walking or jogging to keep muscles toned and joints flexible. 


Reducing stress through relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation can help balance hormone levels. 



  • Focus on Getting Enough Sleep


It may be beneficial to focus on getting enough sleep each night to ensure that your body has the energy to naturally heal itself from any irritation caused by ovarian cysts. 


Taking these steps will likely improve the quality of life for those struggling with ovarian cysts.


When to See a Doctor for Your Symptoms


In many cases, trying home remedies such as rest, exercise, and eating right can help our body heal itself. However, there are times when seeking medical help is the best solution. If you have an infection or skin conditions that spread, resume after a few days, or persist for more than two weeks, it’s important to check in with a doctor. 


If any of your symptoms worsen over time- shortness of breath, chest pains, or numbness in limbs- immediately contact your women’s healthcare provider.


Do not hesitate to get evaluated if any concerning signs crop up like disorientation, weakness on one side of the body, or blurring of vision. Seeing a doctor sooner rather than later can help prevent complications from arising and avoid any long-term issues related to neglecting one’s health.


Final Verdict


Women should talk to their nearby women’s health clinic to determine the best course of treatment for any ovarian cyst concerns they may have.


A combination of self-care measures and professional medical advice can help women identify what is causing their symptoms and find a treatment plan that works for them.

does abortion affect future pregnancies

Does Abortion Affect Future Pregnancies & Cause Infertility?

There is a lot of debate surrounding abortion. One thing that is often brought up in this debate is whether or not abortion can affect future pregnancies and cause infertility.


While some view it as a solution for individuals in difficult circumstances, studies continue to explore the long-term effects of abortion on subsequent pregnancies. 


There are claims that women who have had abortions may experience higher rates of premature birth, pre-eclampsia, and other issues related to fertility and overall health during later pregnancies. Abortion can also lead to psychological distress that can manifest both physically and mentally in later pregnancies again highlighting its importance regarding future pregnancies. 


However, these claims are still vague.


Dr. Jen Gunter in the New York Times says

“There is no link between abortion and future fertility when done safely. Only abortions that are associated with complications could potentially impact future fertility,” 


A report published by Forbes revealed that if you follow a legal abortion procedure in the US, the probability of complications is less that could lead to infertility is 0.23%.


However, further research must be conducted in order to get a better understanding of the potential impact that abortion has on future conceptions.


Having an abortion doesn’t generally affect your ability to get pregnant in the future


It can be a relief for many women to learn that having an abortion does not usually have an impact on their chance of getting pregnant in the future. Medical research has demonstrated that abortions, even multiple ones, do not typically impact a woman’s fertility and stats above are the testimony of it. 


While abortions can cause complications in some cases, it is generally safe to assume that you won’t have issues when attempting to conceive in the future.


However, these  lifestyle factors can also affect fertility:


Age:  It is certain that with age fertility decreases. This is true in the case of women who are older than 35, as per CDCP ( Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Trusted Source.


Medical History: If you have a history of STIs it can probably affect your future pregnancy. This is also true in case you are suffering from any chronic disease such as autoimmune disease, hormonal disorders, and diabetes.


Lifestyle Habits: Daily lifestyle habits such as smoking, and drugs can also affect your fertility. The same is implemented in the case of your partner.


Partner’s Fertility: A sexual partner’s fertility can also affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant. Even if you were pregnant with the same partner in the past, lifestyle habits and aging may affect your fertility.


Women who have had abortions often have deeply personal stories to tell about their experience before, during, and after their procedure. The stigma surrounding abortion can easily turn these intimate stories of fertility into ones of shame. 


However, surprisingly, many women report feeling liberated after a successful abortion and actually encounter improved fertility afterward. Women tell tales of being able to better tune in to their bodies and rhythms as well as being able to make more confident decisions in terms of when they are ready to grow their family after an abortion.


With an increased understanding of the positive effects that abortion can bring for some women, society can begin to shed unfounded judgments and instead become fully supportive and inclusive of those who chose such a path.


Advice to women considering abortion, particularly regarding fertility issues

woman and doctor talking


Pregnancy and parenting can be a beautiful journey, but there are times when a woman might find it overwhelming and difficult to continue due to unforeseen circumstances. 


For women considering abortion, understanding fertility issues is essential. It is important to learn about methods of contraception available before indulging in any kind of sexual activity with the potential for pregnancy.


Women should also be aware of limitations like age, medical conditions, etc. that may hinder their chances of conceiving again following an abortion. Additionally, a woman should gather information on safe abortion procedures if her decision is to terminate the pregnancy.


Talking with a trusted women’s health clinic can offer further insights into the options available and make sure they are making an informed decision while taking control of their health.


Final Verdict


At last, we would conclude by saying that the only way to ensure that accurate information is spread is by having honest, respectful conversations whenever the topic arises. Breaking down barriers and actively listening to alternative beliefs can propel us into sharing reliable information and diminishing the social pressure surrounding this topic. 


We must come together to do away with preconceived notions and instead construct an environment where open communication is encouraged; only then can we further advance our understanding of the complexities of abortion.



less painful abortion procedure

Which Abortion Procedure Is Less Painful?


Abortion is a difficult and sensitive topic for many women. If you are considering having an abortion, you may be wondering which abortion procedure is less painful.


Here is a look at the two most common types of abortions: surgical and medical.


The different types of abortion procedures available


Abortion procedures are an important resource for women seeking to end unwanted pregnancies. From surgical abortions to as-needed medications, there is a wide range of options available that allow people in need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.


Surgical abortion typically involves the removal of the pregnancy through suction or dilation and curettage. If it is an early-stage pregnancy, one can opt for the medical abortion (also known as the “abortion pill”), which uses two medications administered separately over two days to terminate the pregnancy.


For late-stage abortions, some doctors or centers for women’s health may recommend dilation and evacuation, where a combination of dilators and forceps are used to remove fetal material before vacuuming out any remaining tissue from the uterus.


No matter what procedure you choose, it’s important to consult with a doctor who can provide you with unbiased information about which abortion procedure is less painful, so you can make an informed decision about your own reproductive health.


The pain levels associated with each type of procedure


Depending on the type of procedure being done, one can expect a different level of pain, ranging from mild to severe. For example, minor surgeries such as injections or the removal of moles generally have minimal to no pain, while major surgeries like an open bypass may be very painful during and after.


While general anesthesia is usually given during major operations to reduce the amount of discomfort experienced by the patient, it is impossible to avoid all pain associated with medical procedures completely.


Pain tolerance varies drastically between individuals, so it is important to remember that someone else’s experience with a particular operation may not match what you will encounter. Even if the pain associated with a procedure is expectedly low, it is always best to speak with your doctor about any potential concerns before undergoing the procedure.


How to choose the best option for you based on your personal preferences



When faced with a variety of options, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. To make the decision-making process easier, take some time to consider what your personal preferences are.


Think about what type of product or service would satisfy your needs and goals. While there may be many appealing choices, focus on the ones that fit your budget and lifestyle.


Once you have narrowed down the list based on these criteria, use research and reviews to further evaluate each option.


Always trust your instincts and choose the option that feels right for you in order to achieve the best possible outcome that meets your expectations.


The pros and cons of each type of abortion procedure


Every medical procedure has its pros and cons, and it’s important to weigh these carefully when making a decision about a course of treatment.


It is possible to research the different types of procedures available to evaluate the risks and expected outcomes so that individuals can make informed decisions that are best suited to their unique circumstances. Some procedures may be far less invasive but less likely to produce desired results, while others may be more aggressive but typically guarantee better outcomes.


With enough research and information, individuals can decide which type of procedure will give them the best quality of care and offer the most effective treatment. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, however; every individual must consider all available options before making an informed choice.


What to expect after the abortion procedure is complete



After the procedure is complete, there are a few key things to expect. First and foremost, healing must be monitored. For recovery to be successful, all instructions from medical personnel regarding rest, self-care, and follow-up appointments must be strictly followed.


Secondly, possible side effects should be taken into account and monitored closely. These can vary based on the different kinds of procedures but tend to include discomfort, soreness, and sometimes drains or stitches. Last but not least, experiencing results may take anywhere from several days to a few weeks depending on the type of procedure, so patience is key in order to get positive outcomes!


While there are many different types of abortion procedures available, it is important to consider your personal preferences and the pain levels associated with each type before making a decision. Each type of procedure has its own set of pros and cons, so be sure to weigh all of your options carefully before coming to a final decision. After the procedure, you can expect to experience some side effects, such as bleeding and cramping. However, these side effects should abate within a few days. If you have any concerns or questions about what to expect after your abortion, be sure to speak with your doctor.


To get more information about abortion or to find out which abortion procedure is less painful, you can contact Her Smart Choice, a reputed women’s health clinic in California.



partial birth abortion blog banner image

Are Partial Birth Abortions Legal

The debate over partial-birth abortions is one that has been raging for years. Proponents of the procedure say that it is a safe and necessary option for women who are faced with difficult pregnancies. 


Opponents argue that the procedure is barbaric and should be banned outright. 


So, where does the law stand on partial-birth abortions? Are they legal in the United States?


Let’s take a look…

What is a partial birth abortion and how is it performed?

partial birth abortion

A partial birth abortion is an extremely controversial procedure performed in the late stages of a pregnancy. Generally considered a form of “induced miscarriage,” this procedure requires the uterus to be dilated so that a doctor can remove the fetus, while keeping their head inside the birth canal. This allows most of the body to be delivered intact, with just scalpel cuts made at the base of the skull to allow for evacuation. 


👉  However, due to moral and ethical issues surrounding this procedure it has been illegal in some countries since 1995 and in the United States since 2003. 


It remains an area of debate however, with both sides weighing up medical risks versus legal rights when it comes to pregnancy termination.

Why do some people believe that partial birth abortions should be legal?

Some people believe that partial birth abortions should be legal because they see it as an important form of reproductive freedom for women, particularly those in difficult situations.


For instance, the procedure could save the life of the mother, if her health and well-being is threatened due to present or complex medical conditions. Additionally, allowing for such a procedure allows for a woman to make choices about her body and her health that she may have been denied in more restrictive countries where all abortions are illegal. 


Giving women autonomy over their health and reproductive choices by allowing partial birth abortions is at the crux of supporting this controversial decision.

What are the arguments against partial birth abortions being legal?

arguments against partial abortions

Partial birth abortions are a highly contentious issue, with passionate opinions on both sides. Some argue against their legality due to the opinion that they are inhumane and cruel, as they involve the partially extracted fetus being terminated during or just prior to delivery. 


In addition, there is disagreement over how late into a pregnancy partial birth abortions should be allowed; opponents argue that any abortion beyond 20 weeks gestation puts a human life at risk, and should thus be illegal. 


Some have pointed out that medical studies have found the risks of an abortion procedure increase the further along a pregnancy is, particularly for women’s health. 


Consequently, those opposed to these types of abortions believe restricting them ensures greater safety for mothers and unborn children alike.

How does the law currently stand on partial birth abortions in the United States ?

Partial birth abortions are a hot button issue in the United States legal system. Currently, the nationwide law concerning partial birth abortions is that they are only permitted if necessary to save a pregnant woman’s life. 


This was determined by the Supreme Court in the 2007 case Gonzales v Carhart. However, President Trump did sign legislation expanding and strengthening existing regulations on this procedure in 2019. So, it is important for those wanting to understand how partial birth abortion law currently stands in the U.S to be aware of this new federal bill. 


Not only does it ban most types of late term abortions but also promotes a strict punishment for anyone who attempts to perform or facilitate these procedures – with few exceptions granted such as to preserve a woman’s health or save her life. 


This debate over abortion rights continues to have an impact on patients and healthcare providers alike, making understanding the current laws essential knowledge.

What are some possible implications if partial birth abortions were to become illegal ?

The implications of partial birth abortions becoming illegal are immense and far-reaching. There would be a sharp decline in the number of safe, legal abortions available to pregnant women, as this procedure is particularly safe for those in their third trimester. 


Women could not turn to the procedure for their own health or to protect the child from severe health defects – rendering them with limited choices and an enormous moral burden. Without access to safe procedures, there is also likely to be an increase in unsafe abortion practices. 


This would put many vulnerable people at risk of potentially fatal injury or illness due to inadequate medical oversight and lack of knowledge about how best to perform the procedure safely.

Contact us to know more about the facts associated with partial abortion.



Covid-19 vaccines impact women's periods

COVID Vaccines – Can It Impact Women’s Periods?

Since the release of the COVID-19 vaccine, there have been many reports of people experiencing changes in their body. One unusual side effect that has been widely reported is changes to women’s periods. 


Two new studies have found that the vaccines do indeed change women’s periods, although the exact extent of these changes is still unknown. 


Whether or not this is a cause for concern remains to be seen, but it is definitely something worth keeping an eye on.


The studies found that the vaccines did not change women’s menstrual cycles


The results of recent studies suggest that vaccines for human papillomavirus (HPV) were unable to alter women’s menstrual cycles in any significant way. This is important news, because it has long been a concern among those who questioned the safety of these vaccines due to potential side effects. 


This new information proves that women can receive the necessary treatments without experiencing major shifts in their usual cycle and hormones. 


Scientists involved with the study have now become advocates for widespread HPV vaccination, believing it will not only help guard against development of certain cancers, but also provide peace of mind to potential recipients.


However, some women did report changes in their periods after getting vaccinated


Despite the fact that most women do not experience any changes to their periods after getting vaccinated, a small number of women have reported having longer or shorter periods than normal, experiencing more cramps, or even heavy bleeding. 


It is important for women to be aware of the potential for subtle shifts in the timing and intensity of their menstrual cycles when they get vaccinated. While it might sound scary, there is no evidence that these changes are anything more than temporary and should pass within a few months. 


Women should still talk to their nearby women’s health clinic if they are concerned about the changes they notice in order to ensure they have all the information they need.


These changes were mostly temporary & resolved within a few days or weeks


We all know that change is inevitable, especially with the current Covid wave constantly in flux. 


Recently, the world was rocked by some drastic changes that had wide-ranging impacts on multiple aspects of our lives especially to women, but thankfully side effects in women body due to Covid vaccine were mostly temporary and were resolved within a few days or weeks. 


It is unclear why the vaccines might cause changes in some women’s periods


Despite the advancements in medical research, it remains an unanswered mystery as to why vaccines might be responsible for changes to a woman’s period. Some reports suggest that vaccines may be triggering irregularities, including missed or early periods, although there is as yet no solid proof to back this up. 


A deeper understanding of how vaccines interact with female hormones may shed some light on this phenomenon, although until then many women will just have to rely on their own observations and experiences. 


All the same, these reports should remind us to stay keenly aware of any potential side effects that we might experience after receiving a vaccine – no matter how difficult they may be to explain.


More research is needed to understand this possible side effect of the vaccine


It is important to understand the risks associated with any vaccine, and this brings up an interesting question. Is the new COVID-19 vaccine more likely than other vaccines to cause a serious side effect? Recent studies suggest that this may be possible and more research is needed to understand better how the vaccine affects women menstrual cycle.


In order to make sure the benefits of vaccinating outweigh the potential risks, it is essential for health experts and policymakers to have a complete picture of what could possibly happen when individuals become vaccinated.


Acknowledging any potential common side effects or rare complications will help ensure that individuals are informed about all their options before making decisions about whether or not to get vaccinated against COVID-19.


Final Verdict


Every woman needs to take into account their own risk factors and health history. Although the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were studied in large clinical trials, not much is known about how they may impact the menstrual cycle for women who receive them.  


While some women did report changes in their periods after getting vaccinated, these shifts were mostly temporary and resolved within a few days or weeks. At this point, we are unsure why the vaccines might cause changes in some women’s periods. 


In any case, it is best to listen to what your body is telling you after receiving the vaccination—your doctor can help assess whether any symptoms might be linked to the vaccine or something else entirely. 


No one should have to choose between their health and protecting themselves from COVID-19—so it’s important that further research is conducted on how receiving a vaccine might affect menstruation cycles now and in the long run.


For more information new can reach us at hersmartchoice@elitehour.com or call 213-344-0267.


can birth control cause mood swings

Birth Control & Mood Swings – All You Need To Know

If you’re on birth control, you may have noticed some changes in your mood. You may feel more anxious or irritable and wonder if birth control is to blame.

However, don’t worry!

It’s normal to experience mood swings on birth control, and there are a few things you can do to help manage them. Read on to learn more about how birth control can affect your mood and what you can do about it.

Birth control is one of the most popular methods of contraception, used by millions of women around the world. While it’s generally an effective and safe method, not all women are aware that taking it can bring about strong mood swings. 

Indeed, many female users report feeling irritable, having increased anxiety and depression, and even heightened aggression when using hormonal birth control like the pill. The good news is that mood swings brought on by taking birth control usually lessen after 3-6 months or when switching to a different method. However, if your mood is adversely affected by taking birth control, you should speak with a doctor as soon as possible.


Reason For Mood Swings After Taking Birth Control

Mood swings can be an unwelcome side effect of birth control. Many people experience these sudden changes in mood after taking birth control, although the causes remain largely a mystery. But there can be some common reasons for birth control.


  • Changing Levels of Hormones 

One potential explanation might lie in the changing levels of hormones that birth control can cause in the body. When these hormone levels fluctuate, they can affect cognition and emotions. 


  • Brain Chemistry

Another possible cause could be related to brain chemistry, with birth control disrupting some of the delicate processes that control how we feel and interpret our environment. 

Although the exact mechanism is unknown, it’s important to be aware of its impact and take measures to cope if you experience any mood swings as a result of using birth control.


How You Can Deal With Mood Swings?

Dealing with unwelcome mood swings can be draining and make daily life more difficult. The good news is that there are several steps you can take to make things a bit easier. 

  • Keep a journal to track your mood swings and see if there’s a pattern

Keeping a journal to track your mood swings can be a great way to gain insight into how your emotional state is responding to the experiences of your day-to-day life. Noting what you’re feeling and when, as well as any possible reasons for those feelings, can give you clarity as to why mood changes are happening and when. 

From there, you can start taking proactive steps toward understanding and managing your emotions more effectively. Additionally, by looking back at past entries in comparison with similar situations, it may become easier to recognize potential triggers that impact your mood, which will ultimately give you more control over your feelings.

  • Exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet to help balance your hormones

Leading a healthy lifestyle involves more than just leggings and yoga mats; by eating a nutrient-rich diet and regularly exercising, you can help balance your hormones. Many illnesses normally thought of as unconnected to dietary choices, such as depression, anxiety, stress, headaches, and irritability, can be improved with the right diet. 

Maintaining an exercise regimen helps to keep hormones in check while picking up some new recipes involving fresh veggies, legumes, and lean proteins could kickstart a positive change in your life. 

These simple lifestyle changes can help ensure that your body is running optimally, producing just the right mix of hormones your mind needs to stay healthy and happy.

  • Get plenty of sleep and relaxation to reduce stress levels

Life can be hectic and full of stress, so it’s very important for us to get plenty of rest and relaxation. Unfortunately, we often sacrifice sleep to catch up on our workload or because we feel like there is never enough time in the day to fit everything in.

However, taking the time to recharge can help dramatically reduce stress levels and ensure that we stay healthy both mentally and physically. Exercise, meditation, getting a massage, or simply taking a break from daily activities are great ways to relax and get the sleep you need. 

Even if it feels like your life is too cramped to take the time out to slow down, making this effort will most certainly pay off in the long run.


Final Verdict

Birth control can have a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being – in both positive and negative ways. That’s why it’s so important that we openly discuss how different types of birth control make us feel. 

Experiences will vary from person to person, which is why I encourage everyone to share their own stories about birth control and mood swings in the comments section. We may be able to learn more about ourselves and gain insights into alternate methods of contraception. 

Feel free to leave your detailed thoughts, reflections, or experiences; it could help someone else out there struggling with a similar situation.




Gynecologists: Right Time To Visit & What To Expect?

Women’s health should be the highest priority, especially when she is of reproductive age. This is due to the fact that women of this age range have unique needs and challenges that have to be met in order for them to remain healthy and safe.

For instance, issues such as contraception, fertility, sexual health, and mental health all need to be acknowledged at an early stage.

If you’re a woman of reproductive age, you should be visiting a gynecologist at least once a year. 

But what exactly is a gynecologist? 

And what can you expect during your visit? 

Here’s everything you need to know about this vital healthcare provider.  


What Is a Gynecologist?


A gynecologist is a health practitioner who specializes in women’s health. Many women see their primary care physician for their annual wellness exam and Pap smear but there are some occasions when it is necessary to see a gynecologist. 

Life lesson: Your annual gynecologist appointment is one of the most important things you can do for your health—yet many women still don’t understand what a gynecologist does or when to see one. Here we dispel the myths and give you the facts about this essential doctor.


Reasons To See A Gynecologist


Here are some reasons why you may need to schedule an appointment with gynecologists.


A gynecologist can provide insight into a woman’s family background, allowing her to recognize her risk for certain diseases and understand the implications of passing them on to future generations.

Furthermore, by exploring a woman’s family background, she may also be able to determine whether she has an increased risk of inheriting specific hereditary conditions.

A gynecologist can help to fill in gaps in family history which may help aid with individualized assessments of women’s health and any associated preventive measures that need to be taken.

Having access to the knowledge and unique insights offered by a genealogist ensures that all women have greater awareness of their own potential health risks, equipping them with the information and support needed for protection of their long-term health.


When To See A Gynecologist


  • Women should see a gynecologist for the first time when they turn 18 or become sexually active. 
  • Women should see a gynecologist once a year for a routine checkup, even if they are not sexually active. 
  • If you are experiencing any changes in your body, such as discharge, pain, or irregular periods, you should make an appointment with a gynecologist. 
  • You should also see a gynecologist if you are thinking about becoming pregnant or have any questions about contraception. 
  • Gynecologists can also provide information and support if you have been diagnosed with an STD.


What To Expect During A Gynecologist Visit


Visiting the gynecologist can be a daunting experience, especially if you’ve never been before. But there’s no need to worry! 

If you’re like most women, you probably have some questions and concerns about visiting a gynecologist. Here’s what you can expect during your first visit. 

  • During your first visit, your doctor will likely take a medical history and perform a physical exam. 
  • They may also order tests, such as a Pap smear or urine test, to screen for certain conditions.
  • Be sure to ask any questions you have so that you can feel comfortable and prepared for your next visit.


Qualifications Of A Genealogist


  1. A gynecologist should have a medical degree from an accredited institution
  2. They should be licensed to practice medicine in the United States
  3. They should have completed a residency in obstetrics and gynecology
  4. They should be board certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  5. They should have experience working with patients of all ages
  6. They should be able to provide comprehensive care for their patients, including preventative care, pregnancy care, and menopausal care.


What Is A Board-certified Gynecologist?


A board-certified gynecologist is a health professional who specializes in the reproductive and sexual health of people with female anatomy. 


They seek to promote healthy reproduction, prevent diseases, diagnose and treat disorders of the reproductive system and identify any risks associated with pregnancy or motherhood. 

Board-certified gynecologists are specialized experts in illnesses related to female sexuality, as well as empaths and confidants throughout significant life transitions involving reproduction. 


From adolescence to menopause, gynecologists provide comprehensive annual exams and screenings, personal health advice tailored to each individual’s body and lifestyle choices, emergency care for gynecological needs, contraception counseling and access, surgical consultation for issues such as fibroids or cancer treatment.


Final Verdict


A visit to the gynecologist or women’s health clinic should be a regular part of your healthcare regimen for maintaining a healthy reproductive system. While it’s wise to schedule an appointment here and there for any worries or concerns, regularly scheduling visits into your routine can help catch issues before they become serious. 

During your appointment, you can generally expect medical history questions, a discussion about current health and lifestyle changes, advice on birth control, if necessary, and sometimes lab tests. Depending on the concern and/or doctor’s orders, they may also perform an exam to get detailed information about potential issues. 

Rest assured that gynecologists are highly trained professionals and will make sure to answer any questions you may have or offer additional advice on staying healthy.


How Do Women Feel After A Pregnancy Termination?

Did you know most women DO NOT regret their decision to terminate a pregnancy and are no more likely to experience mental health problems than women who carry an unplanned pregnancy to term?


What if you’ve already made your decision, but you are still not sure about your emotional health after the procedure? And you wonder, what will you possibly feel after pregnancy termination?

  1. The most common emotional reactions after pregnancy termination are minimal or none as it’s a personal choice. 
  2. A small group of women may feel relief, transient guilt, sadness, and a sense of loss.
  3. There is no good evidence from large surveys that choosing to terminate an unwanted pregnancy places a woman at higher risk of subsequent depression than choosing to deliver an unwanted baby.
  4. The percentage of women who regret carrying and delivering an unwanted pregnancy is very high.

The type of abortion procedure you have depends on a few factors, including how far along you are in your pregnancy, your medical suitability, which procedures are available in your area, and your preferences. A health care provider can also discuss the options with you to help you make an informed decision.


To schedule an appointment, please Click Here


How Do Women Feel After A Pregnancy Termination?


For additional information, please visit hersmartchoice.com

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Category: Abortion, Abortion pillsPost Date: January 18, 2020

What Should You Look For In An Abortion?

We understand it is difficult to know that you are pregnant and not ready! If you have made your decision to terminate or thinking about terminating your pregnancy, here are a few major factors you want to consider:

  • Is it safe?
  • What methods are available?
  • Will I be able to have kids in the future?
  • How much pain or bleeding will I have?
  • Where can I get the procedure done?
  • What are my benefit and expected outcomes?
  • What does it cost?.
  • What is the difference between Medical and Surgical Abortion?

Many women have questions about what is true or not based on what they have heard about abortion:

  • MYTH 1: Abortion is dangerous

♀ FACT: Legal abortion is one of the safest medical procedures available today. While abortion does have some risks, on the whole, carrying a pregnancy and giving birth have been found to be riskier than having an abortion. It is important to know that abortion performed by someone who is not trained (for example, by a woman herself or someone who is not a health care provider) may not be safe and can lead to serious complications, including bleeding, infection, infertility, and even death.


  • MYTH 2: Abortion will make me infertile

♀ FACT: When an abortion is performed safely by someone who has the training, it does not lead to difficulty getting pregnant in the future.


  • MYTH 3: Abortion increases the risk of breast cancer.

♀ FACT: Several studies have conclusively shown that having an abortion does not increase the risk of developing breast cancer.


  • PROBABLE MYTH 4: Abortion increases my chance of miscarriage in the future

♀ FACT: A number of well-designed studies have found that early abortions do not increase the risk of miscarriage, preterm delivery, or other complications with future pregnancies.

Your health care provider is the best source of information for questions and concerns related to your medical problem. 

What Should I Look For In An Abortion?

What Should I Look For In An Abortion?


To schedule an appointment, please Click Here


For additional information, please visit hersmartchoice.com. 


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Your Life. Your Decision. Your Smart Ch♀ice.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Category: Abortion, Abortion pillsPost Date: January 8, 2020

Which Type of Abortion is Right for You?

Did you know 1 in 4 women in the US will have an abortion by the age of 45?

There are two different ways an abortion can be performed in an OB/GYN’s office.

  1. The first is a medical abortion – meaning the abortion or pregnancy termination is completed by taking pills orally.
  2. The second is a surgical abortion. It’s performed as a standard surgical procedure called a D&C (Dilatation and Curettage) at a clinic or hospital.




The type of procedure you choose depends on several factors, including:

  • How far along you are in your pregnancy?
  • Which procedures are available in your area? 
  • What are your personal preferences?


Options available may be different at different stages of pregnancy. 

You might choose a medication abortion if you are less than ten weeks and wish to avoid an invasive procedure and anesthesia and prefer the privacy of being at home when you pass the pregnancy.


Which Type Of Abortion Is Right For You? Abortion Pills or Surgical Abortion

Which Type Of Abortion Is Right For You?


The benefits of medical abortion are (abortion pills):

  • No instruments or suction will be used, so you will not be exposed to the chance of cervical injury and uterine perforation that rarely occur with surgical abortion.
  • There is a very small likelihood of infection after medical abortion.
  • You will be at home during the actual abortion process. 

If you are more than ten weeks pregnant, you might consider a surgical or aspirational abortion. This process takes place at a clinic or hospital under anesthesia. The abortion will be completed in one to two days. The time spent in the clinic is generally three to six hours.

The benefits of surgical abortion are:

  • It can be performed later in the pregnancy than a medical abortion.
  • It usually involves only one visit to the clinic.
  • There’s usually less bleeding and cramping than with a medical abortion.


To schedule an appointment, please Click Here


For additional information, please visit hersmartchoice.com. 

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Her Smart Choice
Your Life. Your Decision. Your Smart Ch♀ice.


Category: Abortion, Abortion pills, Surgical AbortionPost Date: December 28, 2019
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